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Patient Centered Rounds

Over the past 70 years, teaching rounds in training hospitals have moved from the bedside to rounding rooms.

Traditional rounding often leaves patients and learners feeling rushed and unfulfilled. In fact, data suggests the average PGY-1 resident only spends about 8 minutes per day in a room with each patient.

In 2010 we launched an initiative called Project RENEW (Revitalizing the patieNT Experience on the Wards).

The most important result of Project RENEW was the creation of our inter-professional bedside rounding teams. These teams are dynamic, fluid, and patient-centered.

In 2022, one of our Associate Program Directors, Danielle Clark, was awarded the Barondess Fellowship in the Clinical Transaction. Her 2-year project found evidence-based ways to round with a team at the bedside. 

Flexibility around a core set of principles remains key:

  1. Rounds should meet the needs of the patient AND be efficient for the medical team -- process should be driven by outcomes
  2. Rounds should include an interprofessional group
  3. Patients should be able to articulate what is happening to them
  4. Teams should ensure the patient can safely care for him/herself at home (or if not, arrange proper caregivers)
  5. Teams should ensure high quality care (maximizing the positive) and highly safe care (minimizing the negative)

Click on the links below to view a series of brief videos showing examples of our bedside rounds in action (or search UCINTMED in YouTube).

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231 Albert Sabin Way
Medical Sciences Building Room 6058
PO Box 670557
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0557

Fax: 513-558-3878