Practice and Community Based Health Research
MEDS 4042 | 3–6 credit hours
Currently Inactive | Past Syllabus (PDF)
This course introduces students to practice and community based research that addresses issues related to health and the delivery of healthcare by primary care. Students will work primarily with a research mentor; the exact tasks for each student will vary. Recent research projects include the studying integrative medicine, improving chronic pain care, assessing social anxiety and alcohol use and studying outcomes of patients with diabetes. Students will also participate in weekly research meetings, 2–3 clinical shadowing sessions observing family physicians, and bi-weekly meetings with the course director.
Students interested in participating in the elective must contact the course director Chris White, MD at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the semester and commit to the course one month prior to its start by completing an online human subjects training program. Depending on mentor availability and student choice for credit hours, up to 3 students may enroll each semester. Assignment of students to specific mentors and clinical shadowing experiences will depend on the student's availability of a car, previous clinical and research experiences and credit hours desired.
Permission of Course Director
Contact Us
Medical SciencesBaccalaureate Program
Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670552
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0552
Mail Location: 0552
Phone: 513-558-7650