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Photo of iCDCU Lab members

Welcome to the innovative Clinical Data Capture and Use (iCDCU) Laboratory

The Innovative Clinical Data Capture and Use (iCDCU) Lab was established in Nov 2016 by Dr. Danny T. Y. Wu. It is a community of people with passions – talented informatics researchers, data analysts, software developers, statisticians, trainees, and students – all together to maximize the value of clinical data stored in electronic health record systems.

The current research of the iCDCU lab includes: structured data capture, clinical system integration and evaluation, visual analytics, medical information retrieval, and natural language processing. Please contact Dr. Wu for any research collaboration opportunities.

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Contact Us

Department of
Biostatistics, Health Informatics & Data Sciences

Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670769
Cincinnati, OH 45267

Mail Location: 0840
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