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“This pathway has empowered me to seek direct feedback on the scope that I'm working on, and not be afraid to highlight weaknesses that may exist in my skillset, in order to build upon those weaknesses, and kind of grow as a person, and as a student.”
The entrustment committee is made up of 13 faculty from pediatrics, emergency medicine, anesthesia, surgery, internal medicine, urology, PMR, and family medicine. The entrustment committee was designed like a competency committee and uses best practices for group decision making - all members of the committee are asked to review data before the meeting, make individual ratings, and then discuss as a group when we meet. You can see this below in the flowchart showing our process for making a readiness assessment.
Given the importance of growth, the students all meet on a regular basis in person and virtually to discuss their growth, feedback, and how to get the most out of their clerkship year experience.
In addition to meeting as a community of practice, every student is also paired with a coach. The students can meet with their coach throughout the year to discuss their growth, competency development, goal-setting, and other aspects of clerkship year. The coaches are trained to ask questions and see their role as different than a mentor or advisor.
Episodic, issue-focusedrelationship depending on what the learner needs to know or asks. Based on advisor expertise.
Longitudinal, personalrelationship focusing on the learner's longer-term development. Based on mentor experience.
“…it is really helpful to have a coach throughout this whole process of trying to develop competency…just the fact that this coach has been someone who isn't involved in my grading at all, I can be very open and honest with them and they can do the same with me. And I feel that has really accelerated my growth and made this a really good experience.”
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Internal Medicine Associate Program Director Co-director of the M1 and M2 Clinical Skills Course and Assessment of Core EPAs (ACEPA) Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center/University of Cincinnati Medical Center Phone: 513-584-7474CCHMC Email: Matthew.kelleher@cchmc.orgUC Email: kellehmw@ucmail.uc.eduTwitter: @kelzj3
Medical Sciences Building 231 Albert Sabin WayCincinnati, OH 45267-0667