Our Med-Peds Clinic
We strive to ensure that all our residents are top notch clinicians at the end of residency and are prepared for any career path (whether primary care, hospital medicine, or fellowship training). Our carefully constructed clinic experience ensures that
our residents are exceptional primary care physicians regardless of their chosen field. Our residents’ success is our success!
Our Med Peds Clinic

- Combined Med-Peds and combined faculty-resident practice in the Hoxworth Center at UCMC. Residents work alongside faculty members as partners in the practice managing their own patient panel from day #1 of residency!
- Outstanding preceptor support!
- All preceptors are Med-Peds trained and committed to medical education.
- 20 preceptors including Hoxworth-based faculty, community-based faculty, and 5th-year chief residents
- Low preceptor to resident ratios ensuring the optimal learning experience.
- Multidisciplinary clinic team provides coordinated, compassionate care for all our patients. Our team includes physicians, a nurse practitioner, clinical support staff, medical assistants, registered nurses, community health workers, RN care coordinator, social worker, lactation support, pharmacists, and a diabetes education team.
- Even balance of pediatric to adult patients, which we intentionally sustain by always remaining open to newborns. Our residents easily meet and exceed the pediatric and internal medicine ACGME clinic requirements!
- Diverse patient population and clinical experiences!
- Payors mix of 65% Medicaid/Medicare, 30% private insurers, and 5% indigent care.
- Patient population demographics: 61% black or African-American, 27% white or Caucasian, 4% Hispanic, 3% Multiracial, 3% Asian, 2% Other
- Approximately 10% of clinic visits require an interpreter and our clinic serves a growing Latino population thanks to a few Spanish speaking providers.
- Transition care site for populations including adults with childhood and congenital diseases such as congenital heart disease, autism, trisomy 21, Williams Syndrome, childhood cancer, type 1 diabetes, IBD, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and many others.
- Embedded monthly subspecialty clinic in collaboration with pediatric genetics to provide care to adults with neurofibromatosis.
- Medical home for adults with sickle cell disease.
- Experiences in telemedicine including:
- Video clinic visits
- After-hours clinic call with faculty back-up beginning in the PGY-2 year. Since we know sleep is important, calls stop at 10pm and faculty take over.
- Group Medical Visits led by clinic faculty with support from the integrative medicine department provide patient-centered care focused on healthy lifestyles, diabetes, chronic pain, and mother/infant recovery. Residents can become certified facilitators for these groups!
- Innovative! We strive to provide patient-centered care and create a medical home for patients. Our clinic is part of the National Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) program since 2017 and we are certified by the Centering Health Institue to provide group visits.
From day #1 our residents are partners in our office, providing comprehensive preventive care and chronic disease management of complex adults and children alongside our experienced, top-notch faculty. Residents are truly the primary care physician for their panel of patients and are responsible for all aspects of care including clinic visits, results follow-up, and patient phone calls.
We value a strong and caring learning environment where we support one another in caring for our patients. Our preceptors are excellent clinicians and have expertise in transition medicine, care of the underserved, primary care innovation and redesign, clinical decision making, billing, and much more! They are always available to advise our residents and help them acquire all the skills they need to be excellent primary care physicians by the time they complete residency.
Starting in 2022-2023, our resident Schedules follow a modified X+Y schedule. This change was made to provide parity with our categorial internal medicine residents who participate in the Ambulatory Long Block and to reduce the tension between inpatient and outpatient patient care duties. Features of this schedule include:
- No continuity clinic while on inpatient internal medicine rotations
- 1 continuity clinic per week while on inpatient pediatric rotations (similar to our categorical pediatric residents), with the exception of PICU
- 1-2 continuity clinics per week while on ED and elective rotations
- Individualized "Clinic Block" rotations with 2-4 continuity clinic sessions per week and a variety of other educational experiences including subspecialty clinics, administrative half-day, wellness half-day, and population health and quality improvement experiences.
Our clinic staff prioritize scheduling patients with their primary care physician to facilitate continuity, but other residents and faculty are available to see your patients in emergencies when you are not available.
Throughout residency training, residents have the opportunity to participate in the diverse clinical experiences mentioned above. Residents who are particularly interested in primary care may elect to join the Primary Care Track for additional experiences.
Our Ambulatory Medical Education (AME) series includes weekly case-based discussions at the beginning of each clinic session to expose residents to a variety of adult and pediatric outpatient topics. Our clinic templates are constructed in a way to prioritize this education time for residents. We also have multiple noon conferences throughout the year led by our ambulatory faculty focused on a variety of "bread and butter" primary care topics such as well child care, asthma, ADHD, billing, and many more! Primary Care Track educational events are open to all residents who are interested in additional ambulatory educational experiences.
Our program strives to provide robust, experiential quality improvement training during residency and many of our faculty members have advanced training in QI. During clinic blocks and elective rotations, our residents attend weekly quality improvement meetings to learn the foundation and principles of quality improvement initiatives and to participate in clinic-based quality improvement initiatives. Our residents have completed projects focused on improving childhood lead screening, sexual history screening, diabetes control, hypertension control, and childhood vaccination rates. For the 2024-2025 academic year they will be starting a new project focused on improving lung cancer screening rates. See our quality improvement curriculum page for more information!
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Benjamin Kinnear, MD, MEd
Program Director
Phone: 513-558-4074
Email: kinneabn@ucmail.uc.edu
Contact Us
University of Cincinnati
Med-Peds Residency Program
231 Albert Sabin Way
Medical Sciences Building
MLC 0557
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0557
Email: medpedsemail@ucmail.uc.edu