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Photo of Umberto Tachinardi, MD

Umberto Tachinardi, MD

Department Chair

Associate Dean of Health Informatics and Chair

Biostats, Health Inform & Data Sci | College of Medicine

  • MSc: São Paulo State University (Physiology)
  • MD: Itajubá School of Medicine


Contact Information

Peer Reviewed Publications

Tachinardi U.; Gutierrez M.A.; Moura L.; Leao B.; Meneghetti C.; Melo C.P. 12-01-1993. Integrating PACS and HIS in a nuclear cardiology department Computers in Cardiology, , 819-822

Dixon B.E.; Grannis S.J.; Tachinardi U.; Williams J.L.; McAndrews C.; Embi P.J. 11-01-2020. Daily Visualization of Statewide COVID-19 Healthcare Data Proceedings - 2020 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare, VAHC 2020, , 1-3

Sanchez-Pinto L.N.; Mosa A.S.M.; Fultz-Hollis K.; Tachinardi U.; Barnett W.K.; Embi P.J. 08-16-2017. The emerging role of the chief research informatics officer in academic health centers Applied Clinical Informatics, 8 3, 845-853

Dixon B.E.; Grannis S.J.; Mcandrews C.; Broyles A.A.; Mikels-Carrasco W.; Wiensch A.; Williams J.L.; Tachinardi U.; Embi P.J. 07-01-2021. Leveraging data visualization and a statewide health information exchange to support COVID-19 survei Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28 7, 1363-1373

Valenta A.L.; Meagher E.A.; Tachinardi U.; Starren J. 07-01-2016. Core informatics competencies for clinical and translational scientists: What do our customers and c Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23 4, 835-839

Furmanchuk A.; Liu M.; Song X.; Waitman L.R.; Meurer J.R.; Osinski K.; Stoddard A.; Chrischilles E.; Mcclay J.C.; Cowell L.G.; Tachinardi U.; Embi P.J.; Mosa A.S.M.; Mandhadi V.; Shah R.C.; Garcia D.; Angulo F.; Patino A.; Trick W.E.; Markossian T.W.; Rasmussen-Torvik L.J.; Kho A.N.; Black B.S. 06-29-2021. Effect of the Affordable Care Act on diabetes care at major health centers: newly detected diabetes BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 9 1,

Gern J.E.; Jackson D.J.; Lemanske R.F.; Seroogy C.M.; Tachinardi U.; Craven M.; Hwang S.Y.; Hamilton C.M.; Huggins W.; O'Connor G.T.; Gold D.R.; Miller R.; Kattan M.; Johnson C.C.; Ownby D.; Zoratti E.M.; Wood R.A.; Visness C.M.; Martinez F.; Wright A.; Lynch S.; Ober C.; Khurana Hershey G.K.; Ryan P.; Hartert T.; Bacharier L.B. 06-10-2019. The Children's Respiratory and Environmental Workgroup (CREW) birth cohort consortium: Design, metho Respiratory Research, 20 1,

Ober C.; McKennan C.G.; Magnaye K.M.; Altman M.C.; Washington C.; Stanhope C.; Naughton K.A.; Rosasco M.G.; Bacharier L.B.; Billheimer D.; Gold D.R.; Gress L.; Hartert T.; Havstad S.; Khurana Hershey G.K.; Hallmark B.; Hogarth D.K.; Jackson D.J.; Johnson C.C.; Kattan M.; Lemanske R.F.; Lynch S.V.; Mendonca E.A.; Miller R.L.; Naureckas E.T.; O'Connor G.T.; Seroogy C.M.; Wegienka G.; White S.R.; Wood R.A.; Wright A.L.; Zoratti E.M.; Martinez F.D.; Ownby D.; Nicolae D.L.; Levin A.M.; Gern J.E.; Achten N.; Ainsworth J.; Akkerman N.; Anderson E.; Anderson L.J.; Andrews H.; Armagost E.; Aubuchon M.A.; Bach J.; Barnes K.L.; Barone C.; Bauer I.; Beamer P.; Becker P.; Bednarek A.; Bellemore S.; Bendixsen C.G.; Biagini Myers J.M.; Billstrand C.; Birg G.; Blocki S.; Bloomberg G.; Bobbitt K.; Bochkov Y.; Bourgeois K.; Boushey H.; Brockman-Schneider R.; Brunwasser S.M.; Budrevich R.; Burkle J.W.; Busse W.; Calatroni A.; Campbell J.; Carlson-Dakes K.; Cassidy-Bushrow A.; Chappell J.D.; Chasman D.; Chipps T.M.; Chirkova T.; Cole D.; Connolly A.; Cootauco M.; Cootauco M.; Costello K.; Couch P.; Coull B.; Craven M.; Crisafi G.; Cruikshank W.; Curtsinger K.; Custovic A.; Das S.R.; DaSilva D.; Datta S.; Davidson B.; De La Ossa L.; DeVries M.; Di Q.; Dixon S.; Donnerbauer E.; Dorst M.; Doyle S.; Dresen A. 05-01-2020. Expression quantitative trait locus fine mapping of the 17q12–21 asthma locus in African American ch The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 8 5, 482-492

Furuie S.S.; Tachinardi U. 05-01-1989. Method to localise myocardial infarction using magnetocardiography: simulation studies Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 27 3, 307-313

Tachinardi U.; Furuie S.S.; Pontes C.R.; Terra Filho M.; Cukier A.; Fiss E.; Romeiro-Neto M.; Vargas F.S.; Melo C.P. 05-01-1987. Automation of pulmonary function tests. Acquisition and analysis of spirometry in microcomputers Revista do Hospital das Clinicas de Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 42 3, 82-85

Moura L.; Furuie S.S.; Gutierrez M.A.; Tachinardi U.; Rebelo M.S.; Alcocer P.; Melo C.P. 03-01-1996. Lossy compression techniques, medical images, and the clinician M.D. Computing, 13 2,

Ryan P.H.; Brokamp C.; Blossom J.; Lothrop N.; Miller R.L.; Beamer P.I.; Visness C.M.; Zanobetti A.; Andrews H.; Bacharier L.B.; Hartert T.V.; Johnson C.C.; Ownby D.; Lemanske R.F.; Gibson H.; Requia W.; Coull B.; Zoratti E.M.; Wright A.L.; Martinez F.D.; Seroogy C.M.; Gern J.E.; Gern J.E.; Gold D.R.; Herbstman J.; Hoepner L.; Perera F.; Perzanowski M.; Liu X.; Ramirez J.; Rivera J.; Tang D.; Riley K.; Jezioro J.; Sitarik A.; Havstad S.; Woodcroft K.; Levin A.; Wegienka G.; Davidson B.; Finazzo S.; Bobbitt K.; Mann E.; Bellemore S.; Zhang S.; Wahlman A.; Jones K.; Lukacs N.; Lynch S.; Boushey H.; Morgan W.; Stern D.A.; Billheimer D.; Hallmark B.; De La Ossa L.; Lopez S.; Halonen M.; Spangenberg A.; Spies D.; Taussig L.; Erickson H.; Bendixsen C.; Barnes K.; Johnson T.; Foss T.; Armagost E.; Moon V.; Koepel T.; Donnerbauer E.; Frome W.; Olson B.; Fye S.; Ong I.; Chasman D.; Vrtis R.; Floerke H.; Dresen A.; Bochkov Y.; Pappas T.; Grindle K.; Evans M.D.; Gangnon R.E.; Jackson D.J.; Ober C.; Singh A.M.; Rajamanickam V.; Tisler C.; Salazar L.; Doyle S.; Brockman-Schneider R.; Anderson E.; Roberg K.; Carlson-Dakes K.; DeVries M.; DaSilva D.; Sorkness R.; Mikus L.; Bach J.; Wood R.; Matsui E. 01-01-2021. A distributed geospatial approach to describe community characteristics for multisite studies Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 5 1,

Kho A.N.; Yu J.; Bryan M.S.; Gladfelter C.; Gordon H.S.; Grannis S.; Madden M.; Mendonca E.; Mitrovic V.; Shah R.; Tachinardi U.; Taylor B. 01-01-2020. Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage to Identify Fragmented Electronic Medical Records in the All of Us Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1168 CCIS , 79-87

Ray W.; Finamore J.; Rastegar-Mojarad M.; Kadolph C.; Ye Z.; Bohne J.; Xu Y.; Burish D.; Sondelski J.; Easker M.; Finnegan B.; Bartkowiak B.; Smith C.A.; Tachinardi U.; Mendonca E.A.; Weichelt B.; Lin S.M. 01-01-2016. MD-CTS: An integrated terminology reference of clinical and translational medicine Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 14 , 131-134

Shoenbill K.; Fost N.; Tachinardi U.; Mendonca E. 01-01-2014. Genetic data and electronic health records: A discussion of ethical, logistical and technological co Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 21 1, 171-180

Oliveira P.P.M.; Rebelo M.S.; Pilon P.E.; Gutierrez M.A.; Tachinardi U. 01-01-2002. "vMon-mobile©" provides wireless connection to the electronic patient record Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4685 , 438-445

Tachinardi U.; de Sà Rebelo M.; de Magalhães Oliveira P.P.; Pilon P.E. 01-01-2001. Real time information from bedside monitors as part of a web-based patient record. Proceedings / AMIA ... Annual Symposium. AMIA Symposium, , 691-695

Moura L.; do Amaral M.B.; Lira A.; Tachinardi U.; Teixeira A.C.; Yamamoto J. 01-01-1998. Renewing information infrastructure at Hospital das Clínicas. Proceedings / AMIA ... Annual Symposium. AMIA Symposium, , 200-204

Tachinardi U. 01-01-1998. Internet and healthcare in Brazil: The role of the working group for healthcare (GT Saude) Computers in Biology and Medicine, 28 5, 519-529

Tachinardi U.; Furuie S.S.; Bertozzo N.; Moura L.; Gutierrez M.A.; Melo C.P. 01-01-1995. Hypermedia patient data retrieval and presentation through WWW. Proceedings / the ... Annual Symposium on Computer Application [sic] in Medical Care. Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, , 551-555

Tachinardi U.; Gutierrez M.A.; Moura L.; Melo C.P. 01-01-1993. Integrating Hospital Information Systems. The challenges and advantages of (re-)starting now. Proceedings / the ... Annual Symposium on Computer Application [sic] in Medical Care. Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, , 84-87