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Photo of Matthew R. Tubb, MD,PhD

Matthew R. Tubb, MD,PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor

Family & Community Medicine | College of Medicine

  • Physician Build Basic Course: EPIC course
  • Physician Build Advanced: EPIC course
  • Fellowship: Virginia Commonwealth University (Grant Generating Project and grant writing )
  • Chief Residency: University Of Cincinnati- - Christ Hospital (Family Medicine )
  • Medical Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine;
  • Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Dept of Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine (Dissertation Research: "Apolipoprotein A-IV structural models and functional implications". Advisor: W. Sean Davidson, PhD (resulted in 10 publications to date including 3 first-author papers).)
  • Bachelor's Degree: University of Dayton; (Major Biology; Minor Chemistry.)

Family Medicine

Contact Information

Clinical Interests

Adolescent Medicine

Family Medicine




Preventive Health

Primary Care


Well child care

Peer Reviewed Publications

Chona, Deepika L; Tubb, Matthew R; Gilinsky, Norman H 2021. Dyspepsia: A stepwise approach to evaluation and management. The Journal of family practice, 70 7, 320-325

Doarn, Charles R; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Pallerla, Harini; Acquavita, Shauna P; Regan, Saundra; Elder, Nancy; Tubb, Matthew R 2019. Challenges in the Development of e-Quit worRx: An iPad App for Smoking Cessation Counseling and Shared Decision Making in Primary Care. JMIR formative research, 3 1, e11300

Tubb, Matthew R; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Pallerla, Harini; Regan, Saundra; Doarn, Charles R 2019. Clinical evaluation of e-Quit worRx: a mobile app to enhance smoking cessation shared decision making in primary care. mHealth, 5 , 22

Elder NC; Tubb, MR 2014. Diabetes in homeless persons: barriers and enablers to health as perceived by patients, medical, and social service providers. Social work in public health, 29 3, 220-31

Wigle P, Hein B, Bloomfield HE, Tubb M, Doherty M 2013. Updated guidelines on outpatient anticoagulation American Family Physician, 87 8, 556-66

Deng X, Morris J, Dressmen J, Tubb MR, Tso P, Jerome WG, Davidson WS, Thompson TB 2012. The structure of dimeric apolipoprotein A-IV and its mechanism of self-association Structure, 20 5, 767-79

White C, Wigle PR, Tubb MR, Deckter LA, Rosser SM, Denka ZD 2010. Atypical Antipsychotics from a Primary Care Perspective Primary Care Reports, 16 8, 81-92

Lo C, Xu M, Yang Q, Zheng S, Carey KM, Tubb MR, Davidson WS, Liu M, Woods SC, Tso P 2009. Effect of intraperitoneal and intravenous administration of cholecystokinin-8 and apolipoprotein AIV on intestinal lymphatic CCK-8 and apo AIV concentration American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 296 1, R43-50

Massey JB, Pownall HJ, Macha S, Morris J, Tubb MR, Silva RAGD 2009. Mass spectrometric determination of apolipoprotein molecular stoichiometry in reconstituted high density lipoprotein particles Journal of Lipid Research, 50 6, 1229-36

Tubb MR, Smith LE, Davidson WS 2009. Purification of recombinant apolipoproteins A-I and A-IV and efficient affinity tag cleavage by tobacco etch virus protease Journal of Lipid Research, 50 7, 1497-504

Tubb MR, White CC, Wigle PR 2009. Case report of valproate-induced hypothermia in a patient with schizoaffective disorder Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 11 6, 363-4

Jenkins KT, Merkens LS, Tubb MR, Myatt L, Davidson WS, Steiner RD, Woollett LA 2008. Enhanced placental cholesterol efflux by fetal HDL in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 94 2, 240-7

Silva RA, Tubb MR, Davidson WS 2008. Apolipoprotein A-1 structure in high-density lipoproteins Annals of Medicine Review, 40(1,S1): 5-13 ,

Tubb MR, Silva RAGD, Fang J, Tso P, Davidson WS 2008. A three-dimensional homology model of lipid-free apolipoprotein A-IV using cross-linking and mass spectrometry The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 25, 17314-23

Tubb MR, Silva RA Gangani D, Pearson KJ, Tso P, Liu M, Davidson WS 2007. Modulation of apolipoprotein A-IV lipid binding by an interaction between the N and C termini The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 39, 28385-94

Davidson WS, Ghering AB, Beish L, Tubb MR, Hui DY, Pearson K 2006. The biotin-capture lipid affinity assay: a rapid method for determining lipid binding parameters for apolipoproteins Journal of Lipid Research, 47 2, 440-9

Pearson K, Tubb MR, Tanaka M, Zhang XQ, Tso P, Weinberg RB, Davidson WS 2005. Specific sequences in the N and C termini of apolipoprotein A-IV modulate its conformation and lipid association The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 46, 38576-82

Tubb M.;White C.;Wigle P. 12-2009. Case report of valproate-induced hypothermia in a patient with schizoaffective disorder Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 11 6, 363-364

Silva G.;Tubb M.;Davidson S. 02-2008. Apolipoprotein A-I structure in high-density lipoproteins Annals of Medicine, 40 SUPPL. 1, 5-13