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Our Services

Student learningShared facility for biomedical data, technology, and healthcare analytics services.  

Since 2006, the Center for Health Informatics (CHI) has been offering research data and services to the enterprise.

In 2016, the Department of Biomedical Informatics (BMI) was established and subsequently, the CHI became a part of it.

As of July 1, 2024, the CHI has transitioned to fall under the Department of Biostatistics, Health Informatics, and Data Sciences (BHIDS).

See Service Core Pricing

See Research Data

The goal of the CHI is to facilitate data-driven clinical and translational research. The primary functions of the CHI are to advise upon and provide:

  • Data collection and management (including REDCap)
  • Biomedical data informatics 
    • Query and use of electronic health record data
    • Data acquisition and integration
    • Honest broker service 
    • Big/complex data analysis
    • Molecular data analysis
    • Healthcare analytics
  • Application and technology development
    • Custom software development
    • Mobile application development
    • EHR-based tools for research
    • Clinical decision support systems
    • Custom web development 
    • Specialty database, datamart, and research registry development
    • Electronic (e-consent) on the iPad for non-FDA studies
  • Grant/protocol/manuscript development and review
  • Informatics education and training
    • Formal informatics education programs
    • Participatory learning and training programs
  • Informatics consulting and collaboration

To ensure sustainability and controlled growth, the university converted the CHI to a shared facility. This means that the sustained use of services by the CHI will be charged back to Departments. Ideally, BHIDS seeks to collaborate with investigators on grant development, submission, and execution, where budgets include data services.

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Contact Us

UC Center for Health Informatics

Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670769
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0769

Mail Location: 0840