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Teaching Opportunities

Students in the Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine graduate program are not required to serve as graduate teaching assistants; however, gaining such experience is highly recommended and is critical to future success as a scientist - educator. In addition to formalized educational training through the Preparing Future Faculty program, the instructors for several PMM graduate courses are holding lecture dates for interested graduate student lecturers.

UC PMM Graduate Courses:

Immunology of Disease
Advanced students may provide a lecture on their organism or disease of interest. Contact: Rhea Castrucci 

Medical Histology
Students may elect to teach the histology of a particular organ system, including attendance at the lab and the design and grading of exam questions.
Contact David Askew

Methods in Biomedical Research
Advanced students may assist new students during the class and/or provide a lecture on a particular method in which they have considerable experience.
Contact: Rhea Castrucci

Other Opportunities

Preparing Future Faculty program at UC Graduate Student Workshop Series

More Information

Dr. Satish Madala, Ph.D.
Graduate Program Director
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine
University of Cincinnati
Mail Location: 0564
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0560
Phone: (513) 558-1955

Rhea Castrucci, BA 
Graduate Program Manager 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine
University of Cincinnati
MSB 6168
Cincinnati, OH 45267
Phone: (513) 558-7113


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Contact Us

Pathobiology & Molecular Medicine
Graduate Program

Medical Science Building
MSB 6168
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0529

Phone: (513) 558-7113