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Live Microscopy Core

The Live Microscopy Core facility is designed to help investigators perform high resolution fluorescence imaging with both living and fixed specimens. The facility provides training and access to multiple laser scanning confocal microscopes, as well as widefield, stereo and dissection microscopes. Additional equipment available for use are a Laser Capture Microdissection instrument, multimode plate reader, Real-Time-PCR systems, infrared imager, and cryostat.

For more detailed information on equipment, fees, and access, please visit the main Live Microscopy Core site on the College of Medicine

Live Microscopy Core

Manager: Chet Closson 
Tel: (513) 558-4607
Director: Christian I. Hong, PhD
Location:MSB 3155

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Department of
Pharmacology, Physiology, & Neurobiology
College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0575