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Welcome to the Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neurobiology. This department incorporates two long-standing College of Medicine departments with strong histories of excellence at the University of Cincinnati. Our department is pursuing research initiatives exploring how organ systems interact to promote health and impact disease processes. Key areas of emphasis include cardiovascular biology, neurobiology, metabolic biology, chronobiology, computational biology, and membrane transport. We use systems biology and informatics to develop innovative new approaches for our research endeavors.
The department is committed to the training of the next generation of scientists, with PhD programs in the areas of pharmacology and physiology, and rigorous master’s programs geared toward preparing students for entry into the biomedical sciences workforce and enhancing competitiveness for medical school admissions. We look forward to a strong period of growth in both our research and education missions, and welcome you to consider joining us in this exciting time.
James P Herman, PhDFlor van Maanen Professor and Chair
Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neurobiology
College of Medicine231 Albert Sabin WayCincinnati, OH 45267-0575