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Training and Development

Physician Training

UC’s Basic/Translational Research Fellowship prepares subspecialty fellows for careers as physician-scientists with expertise in managing complex medical conditions.

Subspecialty Fellowship Years

Basic/Translational research fellows join traditional subspecialty fellows in the Department of Internal Medicine to complete the ACGME required subspecialty training requirements.  Subspecialty training is one to three years depending upon the program that is selected.  ACGME accredited subspecialty fellowship programs are available in the divisions of Cardiology, Digestive Diseases, Endocrinology, Hematology/Oncology, Immunology/Allergy/Rheumatology, Infectious Diseases, Nephrology, and Pulmonary/Critical Care.

For additional information please visit the Department of Internal Medicine Fellowship website.

Research Year

Basis/Translational research fellows will continue to develop their clinical skills during their research year by maintaining their continuity clinic (usually one half-day per week) and covering in-patient services amounting in total to approximately 20% of the time for the year (leaving 80% protected research time).

Scientist Training

UC’s Basic/Translational Research Fellowship teaches physicians the essential skills to build a solid foundation for a successful academic research career.  Qualified, dedicated mentors that are invested in the success of our scholars are available in all subspecialties within the DOIM.

To nurture research success, fellows spend an additional year of fellowship focused on developing their research skills. This will include not only access to a qualified mentor and their laboratory, but also protected research time, access to several funding mechanisms, and opportunities for formal study within UC and the Center for Clinical & Translational Science & Training (CCTST).  Scholars will receive a Certificate in Clinical and Translational Research upon completion of the required courses.  For additional information, please visit the Clinical & Translational Research Training website.

Jack Rubinstein, MD, FACC
Program Director, IMSTAR

Liz Bauke
Program Manager
Phone: 513-558-2590

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Department of Internal Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Medical Sciences Building Room 6065
PO Box 670557
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0557

Phone: 513-558-4231
Fax: 513-558-0852