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Photo of  Erik Bey, PHD

Erik Bey, PHD

Sr Research Associate

Internal Medicine | College of Medicine

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Peer Reviewed Publications

Madajewski, Brian; Boatman, Michael A; Martinez, Ivan; Carter, Julia H; Bey, Erik A 2023. NAD(P)H Quinone Oxidoreductase-1 Expression Promotes Self-Renewal and Therapeutic Resistance in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Genes, 14 3,

Raddatz, Andrew D; Furdui, Cristina M; Bey, Erik A; Kemp, Melissa L 2023. Single-Cell Kinetic Modeling of β-Lapachone Metabolism in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 12 3,

Brownmiller, Tayvia; Juric, Jamie A; Ivey, Abby D; Harvey, Brandon M; Westemeier, Emily S; Winters, Michael T; Stevens, Alyson M; Stanley, Alana N; Hayes, Karen E; Sprowls, Samuel A; Ammer, Amanda S Gatesman; Walker, Mackenzee; Bey, Erik A; Wu, Xiaoliang; Lim, Zuan-Fu; Zhu, Lin; Wen, Sijin; Hu, Gangqing; Ma, Patrick C; Martinez, Ivan 2020. Y Chromosome LncRNA Are Involved in Radiation Response of Male Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. Cancer research, 80 19, 4046-4057

Starcher, Colton L; Pay, S Louise; Singh, Naveen; Yeh, I-Ju; Bhandare, Snehal B; Su, Xiaolin; Huang, Xiumei; Bey, Erik A; Motea, Edward A; Boothman, David A 2020. Targeting Base Excision Repair in Cancer: NQO1-Bioactivatable Drugs Improve Tumor Selectivity and Reduce Treatment Toxicity Through Radiosensitization of Human Cancer. Frontiers in oncology, 10 , 1575

Motea, Edward A; Huang, Xiumei; Singh, Naveen; Kilgore, Jessica A; Williams, Noelle S; Xie, Xian-Jin; Gerber, David E; Beg, Muhammad S; Bey, Erik A; Boothman, David A 2019. NQO1-dependent, Tumor-selective Radiosensitization of Non-small Cell Lung Cancers. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 25 8, 2601-2609

Huang, Xiumei; Motea, Edward A; Moore, Zachary R; Yao, Jun; Dong, Ying; Chakrabarti, Gaurab; Kilgore, Jessica A; Silvers, Molly A; Patidar, Praveen L; Cholka, Agnieszka; Fattah, Farjana; Cha, Yoonjeong; Anderson, Glenda G; Kusko, Rebecca; Peyton, Michael; Yan, Jingsheng; Xie, Xian-Jin; Sarode, Venetia; Williams, Noelle S; Minna, John D; Beg, Muhammad; Gerber, David E; Bey, Erik A; Boothman, David A 2016. Leveraging an NQO1 Bioactivatable Drug for Tumor-Selective Use of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors. Cancer cell, 30 6, 940-952

Madajewski, Brian; Boatman, Michael A; Chakrabarti, Gaurab; Boothman, David A; Bey, Erik A 2016. Depleting Tumor-NQO1 Potentiates Anoikis and Inhibits Growth of NSCLC. Molecular cancer research : MCR, 14 1, 14-25

Cao, Lifen; Li, Long Shan; Spruell, Christopher; Xiao, Ling; Chakrabarti, Gaurab; Bey, Erik A; Reinicke, Kathryn E; Srougi, Melissa C; Moore, Zachary; Dong, Ying; Vo, Peggy; Kabbani, Wareef; Yang, Chin-Rang; Wang, Xiaoyu; Fattah, Farjana; Morales, Julio C; Motea, Edward A; Bornmann, William G; Yordy, John S; Boothman, David A 2014. Tumor-selective, futile redox cycle-induced bystander effects elicited by NQO1 bioactivatable radiosensitizing drugs in triple-negative breast cancers. Antioxidants & redox signaling, 21 2, 237-50

Morales, Julio; Li, Longshan; Fattah, Farjana J; Dong, Ying; Bey, Erik A; Patel, Malina; Gao, Jinming; Boothman, David A 2014. Review of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) mechanisms of action and rationale for targeting in cancer and other diseases. Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression, 24 1, 15-28

Bey, Erik A; Reinicke, Kathryn E; Srougi, Melissa C; Varnes, Marie; Anderson, Vernon E; Pink, John J; Li, Long Shan; Patel, Malina; Cao, Lifen; Moore, Zachary; Rommel, Amy; Boatman, Michael; Lewis, Cheryl; Euhus, David M; Bornmann, William G; Buchsbaum, Donald J; Spitz, Douglas R; Gao, Jinming; Boothman, David A 2013. Catalase abrogates β-lapachone-induced PARP1 hyperactivation-directed programmed necrosis in NQO1-positive breast cancers. Molecular cancer therapeutics, 12 10, 2110-20

Huang, Gang; Chen, Huabing; Dong, Ying; Luo, Xiuquan; Yu, Haijun; Moore, Zachary; Bey, Erik A; Boothman, David A; Gao, Jinming 2013. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: amplifying ROS stress to improve anticancer drug efficacy. Theranostics, 3 2, 116-26

Lo, Karen K; Bey, Erik A; Patra, Biswantha; Benson, Douglas D; Boothman, David A; Silliman, Christopher C; Barnett, Carlton C 2013. Hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier mitigates transfusion-mediated pancreas cancer progression. Annals of surgical oncology, 20 6, 2073-7

Huang, Xiumei; Dong, Ying; Bey, Erik A; Kilgore, Jessica A; Bair, Joseph S; Li, Long-Shan; Patel, Malina; Parkinson, Elizabeth I; Wang, Yiguang; Williams, Noelle S; Gao, Jinming; Hergenrother, Paul J; Boothman, David A 2012. An NQO1 substrate with potent antitumor activity that selectively kills by PARP1-induced programmed necrosis. Cancer research, 72 12, 3038-47

Li, Long Shan; Bey, Erik A; Dong, Ying; Meng, Jieru; Patra, Biswanath; Yan, Jingsheng; Xie, Xian-Jin; Brekken, Rolf A; Barnett, Carlton C; Bornmann, William G; Gao, Jinming; Boothman, David A 2011. Modulating endogenous NQO1 levels identifies key regulatory mechanisms of action of β-lapachone for pancreatic cancer therapy. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 17 2, 275-85

Blanco, Elvin; Bey, Erik A; Khemtong, Chalermchai; Yang, Su-Geun; Setti-Guthi, Jagadeesh; Chen, Huabing; Kessinger, Chase W; Carnevale, Kevin A; Bornmann, William G; Boothman, David A; Gao, Jinming 2010. Beta-lapachone micellar nanotherapeutics for non-small cell lung cancer therapy. Cancer research, 70 10, 3896-904

Dong, Ying; Bey, Erik A; Li, Long-Shan; Kabbani, Wareef; Yan, Jingsheng; Xie, Xian-Jin; Hsieh, Jer-Tsong; Gao, Jinming; Boothman, David A 2010. Prostate cancer radiosensitization through poly(ADP-Ribose) polymerase-1 hyperactivation. Cancer research, 70 20, 8088-96

Dong, Ying; Chin, Shook-Fong; Blanco, Elvin; Bey, Erik A; Kabbani, Wareef; Xie, Xian-Jin; Bornmann, William G; Boothman, David A; Gao, Jinming 2009. Intratumoral delivery of beta-lapachone via polymer implants for prostate cancer therapy. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 15 1, 131-9

Khemtong, Chalermchai; Kessinger, Chase W; Ren, Jimin; Bey, Erik A; Yang, Su-Geun; Guthi, Jagadeesh Setti; Boothman, David A; Sherry, A Dean; Gao, Jinming 2009. In vivo off-resonance saturation magnetic resonance imaging of alphavbeta3-targeted superparamagnetic nanoparticles. Cancer research, 69 4, 1651-8

Konstantinidou, Georgia; Bey, Erik A; Rabellino, Andrea; Schuster, Katja; Maira, Michael S; Gazdar, Adi F; Amici, Augusto; Boothman, David A; Scaglioni, Pier Paolo 2009. Dual phosphoinositide 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin blockade is an effective radiosensitizing strategy for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer harboring K-RAS mutations. Cancer research, 69 19, 7644-52

Bentle, Melissa S; Reinicke, Kathryn E; Dong, Ying; Bey, Erik A; Boothman, David A 2007. Nonhomologous end joining is essential for cellular resistance to the novel antitumor agent, beta-lapachone. Cancer research, 67 14, 6936-45

Bey, Erik A; Bentle, Melissa S; Reinicke, Kathryn E; Dong, Ying; Yang, Chin-Rang; Girard, Luc; Minna, John D; Bornmann, William G; Gao, Jinming; Boothman, David A 2007. An NQO1- and PARP-1-mediated cell death pathway induced in non-small-cell lung cancer cells by beta-lapachone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 28, 11832-7

Blanco, Elvin; Bey, Erik A; Dong, Ying; Weinberg, Brent D; Sutton, Damon M; Boothman, David A; Gao, Jinming 2007. Beta-lapachone-containing PEG-PLA polymer micelles as novel nanotherapeutics against NQO1-overexpressing tumor cells. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, 122 3, 365-74

Bentle, Melissa S; Bey, Erik A; Dong, Ying; Reinicke, Kathryn E; Boothman, David A 2006. New tricks for old drugs: the anticarcinogenic potential of DNA repair inhibitors. Journal of molecular histology, 37 5-7, 203-18

Bentle, Melissa S; Reinicke, Kathryn E; Bey, Erik A; Spitz, Douglas R; Boothman, David A 2006. Calcium-dependent modulation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 alters cellular metabolism and DNA repair. The Journal of biological chemistry, 281 44, 33684-96

Bey, Erik A; Wuerzberger-Davis, Shelly M; Pink, John J; Yang, Chin-Rang; Araki, Shinako; Reinicke, Kathryn E; Bentle, Melissa S; Dong, Ying; Cataldo, Eva; Criswell, Tracy L; Wagner, Mark W; Li, Longshan; Gao, Jinming; Boothman, David A 2006. Mornings with Art, lessons learned: feedback regulation, restriction threshold biology, and redundancy govern molecular stress responses. Journal of cellular physiology, 209 3, 604-10

Ough, Matthew; Lewis, Anne; Bey, Erik A; Gao, Jinming; Ritchie, Justine M; Bornmann, William; Boothman, David A; Oberley, Larry W; Cullen, Joseph J 2005. Efficacy of beta-lapachone in pancreatic cancer treatment: exploiting the novel, therapeutic target NQO1. Cancer biology & therapy, 4 1, 95-102

Park, Heon Joo; Ahn, Ki-Jung; Ahn, Seung-Do; Choi, Eunkyung; Lee, Sang Wook; Williams, Brent; Kim, Eun Jung; Griffin, Robert; Bey, Erik A; Bornmann, William G; Gao, Jinming; Park, Heon Jin; Boothman, David A; Song, Chang W 2005. Susceptibility of cancer cells to beta-lapachone is enhanced by ionizing radiation. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 61 1, 212-9

Reinicke, Kathryn E; Bey, Erik A; Bentle, Melissa S; Pink, John J; Ingalls, Stephen T; Hoppel, Charles L; Misico, Rosana I; Arzac, Gisela M; Burton, Gerardo; Bornmann, William G; Sutton, Damon; Gao, Jinming; Boothman, David A 2005. Development of beta-lapachone prodrugs for therapy against human cancer cells with elevated NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 levels. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 11 8, 3055-64

Bey, Erik A; Xu, Bo; Bhattacharjee, Ashish; Oldfield, Claudine M; Zhao, Xiaoxian; Li, Qing; Subbulakshmi, Venkita; Feldman, Gerald M; Wientjes, Frans B; Cathcart, Martha K 2004. Protein kinase C delta is required for p47phox phosphorylation and translocation in activated human monocytes. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 173 9, 5730-8

Bey, Erik A; Cathcart, Martha K 2002. Antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides: a better way to inhibit monocyte superoxide anion production? Methods in enzymology, 353 , 421-34

Zhao, Xiaoxian; Bey, Erik A; Wientjes, Frans B; Cathcart, Martha K 2002. Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) regulation of human monocyte NADPH oxidase activity. cPLA2 affects translocation but not phosphorylation of p67(phox) and p47(phox). The Journal of biological chemistry, 277 28, 25385-92

Bey, E A; Cathcart, M K 2000. In vitro knockout of human p47phox blocks superoxide anion production and LDL oxidation by activated human monocytes. Journal of lipid research, 41 3, 489-95

Koros, A M; Bey, E A; Conley, S L; Rogers, B W 1994. Phenotypic differences among morphologically similar small-cell carcinomas detected with a panel of monoclonal antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. International journal of cancer. Supplement = Journal international du cancer. Supplement, 8 , 127-31