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About / Body Donation Program / Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a list of our most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us at 513-558-5612 or

Body Donation Frequently Asked Questions

How do I donate my body to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine?
Is there an age restriction?
Must I notify an attorney to donate my body to medical science?
Who may serve as a witness to my donation?
Will there be any expenses to my family or estate for donating my body to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine?
Is donation possible after an autopsy?
Can my body be donated if I have a serious disease at the time of my death or if any of my organs have been removed?
How will my body be used?
Can I donate someone else’s body, e.g. my wife or husband?
Is there a reason my body would not be accepted?
What does the family do if the donor dies during non-business hours of the College of Medicine?
What type of funeral service is permitted?
Can I receive a report about what my body was used for and what was found?
What happens to my body after the medical studies are complete?
Will my name be recorded at the gravesite?
If I move from Cincinnati, what happens to my donation?

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Contact Us

Body Donation Program
Medical Sciences Building
Room G451
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO BOX 670667
Cincinnati, OH 45267

Mail Location: 0667
Phone: 513-558-5612
FAX: 513-558-2727