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Sarah C. Couch


  • Doctoral Degree: University of Connecticut (Nutritional Sciences)
  • Master's Degree: University of Connecticut (Nutritional Sciences)
  • Bachelor's Degree: Bowdoin College (Biology)
Contact Information
Research Interests

Development of dietary interventions and assessments targeting CVD risk factors in adolescents

Peer Reviewed Publications

Szovati, Stephanie; Morrison, Caroline F; Couch, Sarah C 2023. Nutritional Status of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients and Post-transplant Outcomes. Nutrition and cancer, 75 4, 1200-1210

Conrey, Shannon C; Burrell, Allison R; Brokamp, Cole; Burke, Rachel M; Couch, Sarah C; Niu, Liang; Mattison, Claire P; Piasecki, Alexandra; Payne, Daniel C; Staat, Mary A; Morrow, Ardythe L 2022. Neighbourhood socio-economic environment predicts adiposity and obesity risk in children under two. Pediatric obesity, 17 12, e12964

Couch, Sarah C; Helsley, Robert N; Siegel, Francesca U; Saelens, Brian E; Magazine, Michael; Eckman, Mark H; Summer, Suzanne; Fenchel, Matthew; King, Eileen C; Bhatt, Deepak L; Steen, Dylan L 2022. Design and rationale for the supermarket and web-based intervention targeting nutrition (SuperWIN) for cardiovascular risk reduction trial. American heart journal, 248 , 21-34

Steen, Dylan L; Helsley, Robert N; Bhatt, Deepak L; King, Eileen C; Summer, Suzanne S; Fenchel, Matthew; Saelens, Brian E; Eckman, Mark H; Couch, Sarah C 2022. Efficacy of supermarket and web-based interventions for improving dietary quality: a randomized, controlled trial. Nature medicine, 28 12, 2530-2536

Bejarano, Carolina M; Carlson, Jordan A; Conway, Terry L; Saelens, Brian E; Glanz, Karen; Couch, Sarah C; Cain, Kelli L; Sallis, James F 2021. Physical Activity, Sedentary Time, and Diet as Mediators of the Association Between TV Time and BMI in Youth. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 35 5, 613-623

Couch, Sarah C; Saelens, Brian E; Khoury, Philip R; Dart, Katherine B; Hinn, Kelli; Mitsnefes, Mark M; Daniels, Stephen R; Urbina, Elaine M 2021. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Dietary Intervention Improves Blood Pressure and Vascular Health in Youth With Elevated Blood Pressure. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 77 1, 241-251

Chen, Angela C; Ramirez, Faustine D; Rosenthal, David N; Couch, Sarah C; Berry, Samuel; Stauffer, Katie J; Brabender, Jerrid; McDonald, Nancy; Lee, Donna; Barkoff, Lynsey; Nourse, Susan E; Kazmucha, Jeffrey; Wang, C Jason; Olson, Inger; Selamet Tierney, Elif Seda 2020. Healthy Hearts via Live Videoconferencing: An Exercise and Diet Intervention in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients. Journal of the American Heart Association, 9 3, e013816

Liese, Angela D; Couch, Sarah C; The, Natalie S; Crandell, Jamie L; Lawrence, Jean M; Crume, Tessa L; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J; Zhong, Victor W; Urbina, Elaine M 2020. Association between diet quality indices and arterial stiffness in youth with type 1 diabetes: SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Nutrition Ancillary Study. Journal of diabetes and its complications, 34 12, 107709

Ortega, Adrian; Bejarano, Carolina M; Cushing, Christopher C; Staggs, Vincent S; Papa, Amy E; Steel, Chelsea; Shook, Robin P; Sullivan, Debra K; Couch, Sarah C; Conway, Terry L; Saelens, Brian E; Glanz, Karen; Frank, Lawrence D; Cain, Kelli L; Kerr, Jacqueline; Schipperijn, Jasper; Sallis, James F; Carlson, Jordan A 2020. Differences in adolescent activity and dietary behaviors across home, school, and other locations warrant location-specific intervention approaches. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 17 1, 123

Robson, Shannon M; Vadiveloo, Maya; Green, Sarah; Couch, Sarah C; Sallis, James F; Glanz, Karen; Saelens, Brian E 2020. Examining the consumer restaurant environment and dietary intake in children. Preventive medicine reports, 20 , 101274

Rule, David W; Kelchner, Lisa; Mulkern, Ashley; Couch, Sarah; Silbert, Noah; Welden, Kathy 2020. Implementation Strategies for the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI), Part I: Quantitative Analysis of IDDSI Performance Among Varied Participants. American journal of speech-language pathology, , 1-15

Strong, Heather; Harry, Onengiya; Westcott, Emilie; Kidwell, Katherine M; Couch, Sarah C; Peairs, Abigail; Britto, Maria T; Crosby, Lori E 2020. Weight status and health behaviors of adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease: The emerging risk for obesity. Pediatric hematology and oncology, , 1-7

Tooze, Janet A; The, Natalie S; Crandell, Jamie L; Couch, Sarah C; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J; Koebnick, Corinna; Liese, Angela D 2020. An Approach for Examining the Impact of Food Group-Based Sources of Nutrients on Outcomes with Application to PUFAs and LDL in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes. Nutrients, 12 4,

Chen, Angela C; Rosenthal, David N; Couch, Sarah C; Berry, Samuel; Stauffer, Katie J; Brabender, Jerrid; McDonald, Nancy; Lee, Donna; Barkoff, Lynsey; Nourse, Susan E; Kazmucha, Jeffrey; Wang, C Jason; Olson, Inger; Selamet Tierney, Elif Seda 2019. Healthy hearts in pediatric heart transplant patients with an exercise and diet intervention via live video conferencing-Design and rationale. Pediatric transplantation, 23 1, e13316

Summer S., Peairs AD, Shah AS, Hess M, Couch SC 2019. Dietary changes in response to a DASH diet for diabetes management Diabetes Management, 9 1, 28

Summer, Suzanne S; Couch, Sarah C; Shah, Amy S; McNeill, Meghan P; Peairs, Abigail D 2019. Evaluating a dietary pattern in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: The dash-d approach. Diabetes management (London, England), 9 1, 28-38

The, Natalie S; Couch, Sarah C; Urbina, Elaine M; Crandell, Jamie L; Liese, Angela D; Dabelea, Dana; Kim, Grace J; Tooze, Janet A; Lawrence, Jean M; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J 2019. Body Mass Index Z-Score Modifies the Association between Added Sugar Intake and Arterial Stiffness in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes: The Search Nutrition Ancillary Study. Nutrients, 11 8,

Dandamudi, Akhila; Tommie, Jessie; Nommsen-Rivers, Laurie; Couch, Sarah 2018. Dietary Patterns and Breast Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review. Anticancer research, 38 6, 3209-3222

Dandamundi A., Nommsen-Rivers LA, Tommie J, Couch SC 2018. Dietary patterns and breast cancer: A systematic review. Anticancer Research, 38 , 3209

Kahkoska, Anna R; Shay, Christina M; Couch, Sarah C; Crandell, Jamie; Dabelea, Dana; Gourgari, Evgenia; Lawrence, Jean M; Liese, Angela D; Pihoker, Catherine; Reboussin, Beth A; The, Natalie; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J 2018. Sociodemographic associations of longitudinal adiposity in youth with type 1 diabetes. Pediatric diabetes, 19 8, 1429-1440

Saelens, Brian E; Glanz, Karen; Frank, Lawrence D; Couch, Sarah C; Zhou, Chuan; Colburn, Trina; Sallis, James F 2018. Two-Year Changes in Child Weight Status, Diet, and Activity by Neighborhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 26 8, 1338-1346

Couch, Sarah C; Crandell, Jamie; King, Irena; Peairs, Abigail; Shah, Amy S; Dolan, Lawrence M; Tooze, Janet; Crume, Tessa; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth 2017. Associations between long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiovascular lipid risk factors in youth with type 1 diabetes: SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study. Journal of diabetes and its complications, 31 1, 67-73

Peairs, Abigail D; Shah, Amy S; Summer, Suzanne; Hess, Melody; Couch, Sarah C 2017. Effects of the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet on glucose variability in youth with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetes management (London, England), 7 5, 383-391

The, N S; King, I B; Couch, S C; Crandell, J L; Dabelea, D; Liese, A D; Mayer-Davis, E J 2017. Plasma trans-palmitoleic acid is associated with cardio-metabolic risk factors in youth with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes & metabolism, ,

Robson, Shannon M; Couch, Sarah C; Peugh, James L; Glanz, Karen; Zhou, Chuan; Sallis, James F; Saelens, Brian E 2016. Parent Diet Quality and Energy Intake Are Related to Child Diet Quality and Energy Intake. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116 6, 984-90

Zhong, V W; Lamichhane, A P; Crandell, J L; Couch, S C; Liese, A D; The, N S; Tzeel, B A; Dabelea, D; Lawrence, J M; Marcovina, S M; Kim, G; Mayer-Davis, E J 2016. Association of adherence to a Mediterranean diet with glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in youth with type I diabetes: the SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study. European journal of clinical nutrition, 70 7, 802-7

Lamichhane, Archana P; Crandell, Jamie L; Jaacks, Lindsay M; Couch, Sarah C; Lawrence, Jean M; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J 2015. Longitudinal associations of nutritional factors with glycated hemoglobin in youth with type 1 diabetes: the SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 101 6, 1278-85

Liese, Angela D; Crandell, Jamie L; Tooze, Janet A; Kipnis, Victor; Bell, Ronny; Couch, Sarah C; Dabelea, Dana; Crume, Tessa L; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J 2015. Sugar-sweetened beverage intake and cardiovascular risk factor profile in youth with type 1 diabetes: application of measurement error methodology in the SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study. The British journal of nutrition, , 1-9

Nourse, Susan E; Olson, Inger; Popat, Rita A; Stauffer, Katie J; Vu, Chau N; Berry, Samuel; Kazmucha, Jeffrey; Ogareva, Olga; Couch, Sarah C; Urbina, Elaine M; Selamet Tierney, Elif Seda 2015. Live Video Diet and Exercise Intervention in Overweight and Obese Youth: Adherence and Cardiovascular Health. The Journal of pediatrics, 167 3, 533-539.e1

Wang, Shanshan; Crandell, Jamie L; Couch, Sarah C; King, Irena B; Lawrence, Jean M; Dabelea, Dana; Lamichhane, Archana P; Kim, Grace; Bell, Ronny A; Zhu, Shankuan; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J 2015. Plasma nutrient biomarkers are associated with waist-to-height ratio in youth with type 1 diabetes. The Journal of nutrition, 145 3, 579-86

Couch, Sarah C; Glanz, Karen; Zhou, Chuan; Sallis, James F; Saelens, Brian E 2014. Home Food Environment in Relation to Children's Diet Quality and Weight Status. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, ,

Liese, Angela D; Crandell, Jamie L; Tooze, Janet A; Fangman, Mary T; Couch, Sarah C; Merchant, Anwar T; Bell, Ronny A; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J 2014. Relative validity and reliability of an FFQ in youth with type 1 diabetes. Public health nutrition, , 1-10

Ollberding, Nicholas J; Couch, Sarah C; Woo, Jessica G; Kalkwarf, Heidi J 2014. Within- and Between-Individual Variation in Nutrient Intake in Children and Adolescents. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, ,

Tandon, Pooja; Grow, H Mollie; Couch, Sarah; Glanz, Karen; Sallis, James F; Frank, Lawrence D; Saelens, Brian E 2014. Physical and social home environment in relation to children's overall and home-based physical activity and sedentary time. Preventive medicine, 66 , 39-44

Couch, Sarah C; Crandell, Jamie L; Shah, Amy S; Dolan, Lawrence M; Merchant, Anwar T; Liese, Angela D; Lawrence, Jean M; Pihoker, Catherine; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J 2013. Fructose intake and cardiovascular risk factors in youth with type 1 diabetes: SEARCH for diabetes in youth study. Diabetes research and clinical practice, 100 2, 265-71

Sahay, Rashmi D; Couch, Sarah C; Missoni, Sasa; Sujoldzi?, Anita; Novokmet, Natalija; Durakovi?, Zijad; Rao, Marepalli B; Milanovi?, Sanja Musi?; Vuleti?, Silvije; Deka, Ranjan; Rudan, Pavao 2013. Dietary patterns in adults from an Adriatic Island of Croatia and their associations with metabolic syndrome and its components. Collegium antropologicum, 37 2, 335-42

The, Natalie S; Crandell, Jamie L; Thomas, Joan; Couch, Sarah C; Shah, Amy S; Maahs, David M; Dabelea, Dana; Marcovina, Santica M; D 2013. Correlates of medical nutrition therapy and cardiovascular outcomes in youth with type 1 diabetes. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 45 6, 661-8

Couch, Sarah 2012. The poor quality of hospital food affects patients' recovery. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 26 22, 33

Frank, Lawrence D; Saelens, Brian E; Chapman, James; Sallis, James F; Kerr, Jacqueline; Glanz, Karen; Couch, Sarah C; Learnihan, Vincent; Zhou, Chuan; Colburn, Trina; Cain, Kelli L 2012. Objective assessment of obesogenic environments in youth: geographic information system methods and spatial findings from the Neighborhood Impact on Kids study. American journal of preventive medicine, 42 5, e47-55

Saelens, Brian E; Sallis, James F; Frank, Lawrence D; Couch, Sarah C; Zhou, Chuan; Colburn, Trina; Cain, Kelli L; Chapman, James; Glanz, Karen 2012. Obesogenic neighborhood environments, child and parent obesity: the Neighborhood Impact on Kids study. American journal of preventive medicine, 42 5, e57-64

Martin, Lisa J; Lee, Seung-Yeon; Couch, Sarah C; Morrison, John; Woo, Jessica G 2011. Shared genetic contributions of fruit and vegetable consumption with BMI in families 20 y after sharing a household. The American journal of clinical nutrition, ,

Tandon, Pooja S; Zhou, Chuan; Chan, Nadine L; Lozano, Paula; Couch, Sarah C; Glanz, Karen; Krieger, James; Saelens, Brian E 2011. The impact of menu labeling on fast-food purchases for children and parents. American journal of preventive medicine, 41 4, 434-8

Krikorian, Robert; Shidler, Marcelle D; Dangelo, Krista; Couch, Sarah C; Benoit, Stephen C; Clegg, Deborah J 2010. Dietary ketosis enhances memory in mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of aging, ,

Couch, Sarah C; Saelens, Brian E 2009. Factors associated with pediatric hypertension in Mexico. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109 6, 992-5

Falciglia, Grace A; Horner, Stacie L; Liang, Juan; Couch, Sarah C; Levin, Linda S 2009. Assessing dietary variety in children: development and validation of a predictive equation. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109 4, 641-7

Couch, Sarah C; Saelens, Brian E; Levin, Linda; Dart, Katie; Falciglia, Grace; Daniels, Stephen R 2008. The efficacy of a clinic-based behavioral nutrition intervention emphasizing a DASH-type diet for adolescents with elevated blood pressure. The Journal of pediatrics, 152 4, 494-501

Couch, Sarah C; Falciglia, Grace A 2006. Improving the diets of the young: considerations for intervention design. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 106 1 Suppl 1, S10-1

Couch, Sarah C; Daniels, Stephen R 2005. Diet and blood pressure in children. Current opinion in pediatrics, 17 5, 642-7

Cragun, Deborah L; Couch, Sarah C; Prows, Cynthia A; Warren, Nancy S; Christianson, Carol A 2005. A success of a genetics educational intervention for nursing and dietetic students: A model for incorporating genetics into nursing and allied health curricula. Journal of allied health, 34 2, 90-6

Stanton, Susan G; Ryerson, Elizabeth; Moore, Shana L; Sullivan-Mahoney, Maureen; Couch, Sarah C 2005. Hearing screening outcomes in infants of pregestational diabetic mothers. American journal of audiology, 14 1, 86-93

Couch, Sarah C; Daniels, Stephen R 2004. Diet and blood pressure elevation in children and adolescents. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 158 5, 418-9

Falciglia, Grace A; Troyer, Ann G; Couch, Sarah C 2004. Dietary variety increases as a function of time and influences diet quality in children. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 36 2, 77-83

Gribble, Laura Siem; Falciglia, Grace; Davis, Angela M; Couch, Sarah C 2003. A curriculum based on social learning theory emphasizing fruit exposure and positive parent child-feeding strategies: a pilot study. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 103 1, 100-3

Kaistha, A; Deckelbaum, R J; Starc, T J; Couch, S C 2001. Overrestriction of dietary fat intake before formal nutritional counseling in children with hyperlipidemia. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 155 11, 1225-30

Couch, S C; Cross, A T; Kida, K; Ros, E; Plaza, I; Shea, S; Deckelbaum, R 2000. Rapid westernization of children's blood cholesterol in 3 countries: evidence for nutrient-gene interactions? The American journal of clinical nutrition, 72 5 Suppl, 1266S-1274S

Couch, S C; Isasi, C R; Karmally, W; Blaner, W S; Starc, T J; Kaluski, D; Deckelbaum, R J; Ginsberg, H N; Shea, S; Berglund, L 2000. Predictors of postprandial triacylglycerol response in children: the Columbia University Biomarkers Study. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 72 5, 1119-27

Falciglia, G A; Couch, S C; Gribble, L S; Pabst, S M; Frank, R 2000. Food neophobia in childhood affects dietary variety. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 100 12, 1474-81

Isasi, C R; Shea, S; Deckelbaum, R J; Couch, S C; Starc, T J; Otvos, J D; Berglund, L 2000. Apolipoprotein epsilon2 allele is associated with an anti-atherogenic lipoprotein profile in children: The Columbia University BioMarkers Study. Pediatrics, 106 3, 568-75

Kudo, Y; Falciglia, G A; Couch, S C 2000. Evolution of meal patterns and food choices of Japanese-American females born in the United States. European journal of clinical nutrition, 54 8, 665-70

Wijendran, V; Bendel, R B; Couch, S C; Philipson, E H; Cheruku, S; Lammi-Keefe, C J 2000. Fetal erythrocyte phospholipid polyunsaturated fatty acids are altered in pregnancy complicated with gestational diabetes mellitus. Lipids, 35 8, 927-31

Couch, S C; Schwarzman, F; Carroll, J; Koenigsberger, D; Nordli, D R; Deckelbaum, R J; DeFelice, A R 1999. Growth and nutritional outcomes of children treated with the ketogenic diet. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 99 12, 1573-5

Shea, S; Isasi, C R; Couch, S; Starc, T J; Tracy, R P; Deckelbaum, R; Talmud, P; Berglund, L; Humphries, S E 1999. Relations of plasma fibrinogen level in children to measures of obesity, the (G-455-->A) mutation in the beta-fibrinogen promoter gene, and family history of ischemic heart disease: the Columbia University BioMarkers Study. American journal of epidemiology, 150 7, 737-46

Wijendran, V; Bendel, R B; Couch, S C; Philipson, E H; Thomsen, K; Zhang, X; Lammi-Keefe, C J 1999. Maternal plasma phospholipid polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnancy with and without gestational diabetes mellitus: relations with maternal factors. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 70 1, 53-61

Couch, S C; Philipson, E H; Bendel, R B; Pujda, L M; Milvae, R A; Lammi-Keefe, C J 1998. Elevated lipoprotein lipids and gestational hormones in women with diet-treated gestational diabetes mellitus compared to healthy pregnant controls. Journal of diabetes and its complications, 12 1, 1-9

Couch, S C; Philipson, E H; Bendel, R B; Wijendran, V; Lammi-Keefe, C J 1998. Maternal and cord plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus. Predictors of birth weight? The Journal of reproductive medicine, 43 9, 816-22

Vogel, S; Contois, J H; Couch, S C; Lammi-Keefe, C J 1996. A rapid method for separation of plasma low and high density lipoproteins for tocopherol and carotenoid analyses. Lipids, 31 4, 421-6

Jensen, R G; Lammi-Keefe, C J; Ferris, A M; Jackson, M B; Couch, S C; Capacchione, C M; Ahn, H S; Murtaugh, M 1995. Human milk total lipid and cholesterol are dependent on interval of sampling during 24 hours. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 20 1, 91-4

Jackson, M B; Lammi-Keefe, C J; Jensen, R G; Couch, S C; Ferris, A M 1994. Total lipid and fatty acid composition of milk from women with and without insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 60 3, 353-61

Stallings, V A; Cortner, J A; Shannon, B M; Greene, G W; Collins, S E; Berman, M K; Wellock, A T 1993. Preliminary report of a home-based education program for dietary treatment of hypercholesterolemia in children. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 8 2, 106-8

Collins, S E; Jackson, M B; Lammi-Keefe, C J; Jensen, R G 1989. The simultaneous separation and quantitation of human milk lipids. Lipids, 24 8, 746-9