- Childrens Hospital Bldg R 5213
- Office 513-636-2815
- Email yoltonk@ucmail.uc.edu
Peer Reviewed Publications
Beckwith, Travis; Cecil, Kim; Altaye, Mekibib; Severs, Rachel; Wolfe, Christopher; Percy, Zana; Maloney, Thomas; Yolton, Kimberly; LeMasters, Grace; Brunst, Kelly; Ryan, Patrick 2020. Reduced gray matter volume and cortical thickness associated with traffic-related air pollution in a longitudinally studied pediatric cohort. PloS one, 15 1, e0228092
Braun, Joseph M; Buckley, Jessie P; Cecil, Kim M; Chen, Aimin; Kalkwarf, Heidi J; Lanphear, Bruce P; Xu, Yingying; Woeste, Anastasia; Yolton, Kimberly 2020. Adolescent follow-up in the Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment (HOME) Study: cohort profile. BMJ open, 10 5, e034838
Braun, Joseph M; Yolton, Kimberly; Newman, Nicholas; Jacobs, David E; Taylor, Mark; Lanphear, Bruce P 2020. Residential dust lead levels and the risk of childhood lead poisoning in United States children. Pediatric research, ,
Dantzer, Julianna; Ryan, Patrick; Yolton, Kimberly; Parsons, Patrick J; Palmer, Christopher D; Cecil, Kim; Unrine, Jason M 2020. A comparison of blood and toenails as biomarkers of children's exposure to lead and their correlation with cognitive function. The Science of the total environment, 700 , 134519
Doherty, Brett T; Kosarek, Noelle; Hoofnagle, Andy N; Xu, Yingying; Zoeller, R Thomas; Yolton, Kimberly; Chen, Aimin; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M; Romano, Megan E 2020. Maternal, cord, and three-year-old child serum thyroid hormone concentrations in the Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment study. Clinical endocrinology, 92 4, 366-372
Jackson-Browne, Medina S; Papandonatos, George D; Chen, Aimin; Calafat, Antonia M; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2020. Gestational and childhood urinary triclosan concentrations and academic achievement among 8-year-old children. Neurotoxicology, 78 , 170-176
Kalloo, Geetika; Wellenius, Gregory A; McCandless, Lawrence; Calafat, Antonia M; Sjodin, Andreas; Romano, Megan E; Karagas, Margaret R; Chen, Aimin; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2020. Exposures to chemical mixtures during pregnancy and neonatal outcomes: The HOME study. Environment international, 134 , 105219
Lebeaux, Rebecca M; Doherty, Brett T; Gallagher, Lisa G; Zoeller, R Thomas; Hoofnagle, Andrew N; Calafat, Antonia M; Karagas, Margaret R; Yolton, Kimberly; Chen, Aimin; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M; Romano, Megan E 2020. Maternal serum perfluoroalkyl substance mixtures and thyroid hormone concentrations in maternal and cord sera: The HOME Study. Environmental research, 185 , 109395
Oh, Karin; Xu, Yingying; Terrizzi, Brandon F; Lanphear, Bruce; Chen, Aimin; Kalkbrenner, Amy E; Yolton, Kimberly 2020. Associations Between Early Low-Level Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Executive Function at Age 8 Years. The Journal of pediatrics, 221 , 174-180.e1
Percy, Zana; La Guardia, Mark J; Xu, Yingying; Hale, Robert C; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P; Yolton, Kimberly; Vuong, Ann M; Cecil, Kim M; Braun, Joseph M; Xie, Changchun; Chen, Aimin 2020. Concentrations and loadings of organophosphate and replacement brominated flame retardants in house dust from the home study during the PBDE phase-out. Chemosphere, 239 , 124701
Percy, Zana; Vuong, Ann M; Ospina, Maria; Calafat, Antonia M; La Guardia, Mark J; Xu, Yingying; Hale, Robert C; Dietrich, Kim N; Xie, Changchun; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M; Cecil, Kim M; Yolton, Kimberly; Chen, Aimin 2020. Organophosphate esters in a cohort of pregnant women: Variability and predictors of exposure. Environmental research, 184 , 109255
Roy, Melyssa; Haszard, Jillian J; Savage, Jennifer S; Yolton, Kimberly; Beebe, Dean W; Xu, Yingying; Galland, Barbara; Paul, Ian M; Mindell, Jodi A; Mihrshahi, Seema; Wen, Li Ming; Taylor, Barry; Richards, Rosalina; Te Morenga, Lisa; Taylor, Rachael W 2020. Bedtime, body mass index and obesity risk in preschool-aged children. Pediatric obesity, 15 9, e12650
Sears, Clara G; Lanphear, Bruce P; Calafat, Antonia M; Chen, Aimin; Skarha, Julianne; Xu, Yingying; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph M 2020. Lowering Urinary Phthalate Metabolite Concentrations among Children by Reducing Contaminated Dust in Housing Units: A Randomized Controlled Trial and Observational Study. Environmental science & technology, 54 7, 4327-4335
Vecchione, Rachel; Vigna, Chelsea; Whitman, Casey; Kauffman, Elizabeth M; Braun, Joseph M; Chen, Aimin; Xu, Yingying; Hamra, Ghassan B; Lanphear, Bruce P; Yolton, Kimberly; Croen, Lisa A; Fallin, M Daniele; Irva Hertz-Picciotto, ; Newschaffer, Craig J; Lyall, Kristen 2020. The Association Between Maternal Prenatal Fish Intake and Child Autism-Related Traits in the EARLI and HOME Studies. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, ,
Vuong, Ann M; Xie, Changchun; Jandarov, Roman; Dietrich, Kim N; Zhang, Hongmei; Sjödin, Andreas; Calafat, Antonia M; Lanphear, Bruce P; McCandless, Lawrence; Braun, Joseph M; Yolton, Kimberly; Chen, Aimin 2020. Prenatal exposure to a mixture of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and child reading skills at school age. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 228 , 113527
Vuong, Ann M; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2020. Chemical mixtures and neurobehavior: a review of epidemiologic findings and future directions. Reviews on environmental health, ,
Vuong, Ann M; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph M; Sjodin, Andreas; Calafat, Antonia M; Xu, Yingying; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2020. Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and poly- and perfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) exposures during pregnancy and maternal depression. Environment international, 139 , 105694
Yang, Weili; Vuong, Ann M; Xie, Changchun; Dietrich, Kim N; Karagas, Margaret R; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M; Yolton, Kimberly; Chen, Aimin 2020. Maternal cadmium exposure and neurobehavior in children: The HOME study. Environmental research, 186 , 109583
Brunst, Kelly J; Ryan, Patrick H; Altaye, Mekibib; Yolton, Kimberly; Maloney, Thomas; Beckwith, Travis; LeMasters, Grace; Cecil, Kim M 2019. Myo-inositol mediates the effects of traffic-related air pollution on generalized anxiety symptoms at age 12?years. Environmental research, 175 , 71-78
Folger, Alonzo T; Ding, Lili; Ji, Hong; Yolton, Kimberly; Ammerman, Robert T; Van Ginkel, Judith B; Bowers, Katherine 2019. Neonatal NR3C1 Methylation and Social-Emotional Development at 6 and 18 Months of Age. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 13 , 14
Goetz, Amy R; Beebe, Dean W; Peugh, James L; Mara, Constance A; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M; Yolton, Kimberly; Stark, Lori J 2019. Longer sleep duration during infancy and toddlerhood predicts weight normalization among high birth weight infants. Sleep, 42 2,
Jackson-Browne, Medina S; Papandonatos, George D; Chen, Aimin; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2019. Early-life triclosan exposure and parent-reported behavior problems in 8-year-old children. Environment international, 128 , 446-456
Lanphear, Bruce P; Hornung, Richard; Khoury, Jane; Yolton, Kimberly; Baghurst, Peter; Bellinger, David C; Canfield, Richard L; Dietrich, Kim N; Bornschein, Robert; Greene, Tom; Rothenberg, Stephen J; Needleman, Herbert L; Schnaas, Lourdes; Wasserman, Gail; Graziano, Joseph; Roberts, Russell 2019. Erratum: "Low-Level Environmental Lead Exposure and Children's Intellectual Function: An International Pooled Analysis". Environmental health perspectives, 127 9, 99001
Li, Nan; Arbuckle, Tye E; Muckle, Gina; Lanphear, Bruce P; Boivin, Michel; Chen, Aimin; Dodds, Linda; Fraser, William D; Ouellet, Emmanuel; Séguin, Jean R; Velez, Maria P; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph M 2019. Associations of cord blood leptin and adiponectin with children's cognitive abilities. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 99 , 257-264
Li, Nan; Papandonatos, George D; Calafat, Antonia M; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin; Braun, Joseph M 2019. Identifying periods of susceptibility to the impact of phthalates on children's cognitive abilities. Environmental research, 172 , 604-614
Liang, Hong; Vuong, Ann M; Xie, Changchun; Webster, Glenys M; Sjödin, Andreas; Yuan, Wei; Miao, Maohua; Braun, Joseph M; Dietrich, Kim N; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2019. Childhood polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) serum concentration and reading ability at ages 5 and 8?years: The HOME Study. Environment international, 122 , 330-339
Madzia, Juliana; Ryan, Patrick; Yolton, Kimberly; Percy, Zana; Newman, Nick; LeMasters, Grace; Brokamp, Cole 2019. Residential Greenspace Association with Childhood Behavioral Outcomes. The Journal of pediatrics, 207 , 233-240
Patel, Nimesh B; Xu, Yingying; McCandless, Lawrence C; Chen, Aimin; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph; Jones, Robert L; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P 2019. Very low-level prenatal mercury exposure and behaviors in children: the HOME Study. Environmental health : a global access science source, 18 1, 4
Vuong, Ann M; Braun, Joseph M; Wang, Zhiyang; Yolton, Kimberly; Xie, Changchun; Sjodin, Andreas; Webster, Glenys M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2019. Exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) during childhood and adiposity measures at age 8?years. Environment international, 123 , 148-155
Vuong, Ann M; Yolton, Kimberly; Xie, Changchun; Dietrich, Kim N; Braun, Joseph M; Webster, Glenys M; Calafat, Antonia M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2019. Prenatal and childhood exposure to poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and cognitive development in children at age 8 years. Environmental research, 172 , 242-248
Yeramaneni, Samrat; Yolton, Kimberly; Kannan, Kurunthachalam; Dietrich, Kim N; Haynes, Erin N 2019. Serum Cotinine versus Parent Reported Measures of Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Rural Appalachian Children. Journal of Appalachian health, 1 1, 15-26
Yolton, Kimberly; Khoury, Jane C; Burkle, Jeffrey; LeMasters, Grace; Cecil, Kim M; Ryan, Patrick 2019. Corrigendum to "Lifetime exposure to traffic-related air pollution and symptoms of depression and anxiety at age 12 years'" [Environ. Res. 17 (2019) 199-206]. Environmental research, 176 , 108519
Yolton, Kimberly; Khoury, Jane C; Burkle, Jeffrey; LeMasters, Grace; Cecil, Kim; Ryan, Patrick 2019. lifetime exposure to traffic-related air pollution and symptoms of depression and anxiety at age 12 years. Environmental research, 173 , 199-206
Barnard, Holly; Rao, Roshni; Xu, Yingying; Froehlich, Tanya; Epstein, Jeffery; Lanphear, Bruce P; Yolton, Kimberly 2018. Association of the Conners' Kiddie Continuous Performance Test (K-CPT) Performance and Parent-Report Measures of Behavior and Executive Functioning. Journal of attention disorders, 22 11, 1056-1065
Bowers, Katherine; Ding, Lili; Gregory, Samantha; Yolton, Kimberly; Ji, Hong; Meyer, Jerrold; Ammerman, Robert T; Van Ginkel, Judith; Folger, Alonzo 2018. Maternal distress and hair cortisol in pregnancy among women with elevated adverse childhood experiences. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 95 , 145-148
Braun, Joseph M; Chen, Aimin; Hoofnagle, Andrew; Papandonatos, George D; Jackson-Browne, Medina; Hauser, Russ; Romano, Megan E; Karagas, Margaret R; Yolton, Kimberly; Thomas Zoeller, R; Lanphear, Bruce P 2018. Associations of early life urinary triclosan concentrations with maternal, neonatal, and child thyroid hormone levels. Hormones and behavior, 101 , 77-84
Braun, Joseph M; Hornung, Richard; Chen, Aimin; Dietrich, Kim N; Jacobs, David E; Jones, Robert; Khoury, Jane C; Liddy-Hicks, Stacey; Morgan, Samantha; Vanderbeek, Suzette Baez; Xu, Yingying; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P 2018. Effect of Residential Lead-Hazard Interventions on Childhood Blood Lead Concentrations and Neurobehavioral Outcomes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA pediatrics, 172 10, 934-942
Hintz, Susan R; Vohr, Betty R; Bann, Carla M; Taylor, H Gerry; Das, Abhik; Gustafson, Kathryn E; Yolton, Kimberly; Watson, Victoria E; Lowe, Jean; DeAnda, Maria Elena; Ball, M Bethany; Finer, Neil N; Van Meurs, Krisa P; Shankaran, Seetha; Pappas, Athina; Barnes, Patrick D; Bulas, Dorothy; Newman, Jamie E; Wilson-Costello, Deanne E; Heyne, Roy J; Harmon, Heidi M; Peralta-Carcelen, Myriam; Adams-Chapman, Ira; Duncan, Andrea Freeman; Fuller, Janell; Vaucher, Yvonne E; Colaizy, Tarah T; Winter, Sarah; McGowan, Elisabeth C; Goldstein, Ricki F; Higgins, Rosemary D 2018. Preterm Neuroimaging and School-Age Cognitive Outcomes. Pediatrics, 142 1,
Jackson-Browne, Medina S; Papandonatos, George D; Chen, Aimin; Calafat, Antonia M; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2018. Identifying Vulnerable Periods of Neurotoxicity to Triclosan Exposure in Children. Environmental health perspectives, 126 5, 057001
Kalloo, Geetika; Calafat, Antonia M; Chen, Aimin; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2018. Early life Triclosan exposure and child adiposity at 8 Years of age: a prospective cohort study. Environmental health : a global access science source, 17 1, 24
Kalloo, Geetika; Wellenius, Gregory A; McCandless, Lawrence; Calafat, Antonia M; Sjodin, Andreas; Karagas, Margaret; Chen, Aimin; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2018. Profiles and Predictors of Environmental Chemical Mixture Exposure among Pregnant Women: The Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment Study. Environmental science & technology, 52 17, 10104-10113
Li, Nan; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin; Kalkwarf, Heidi J; Braun, Joseph M 2018. Impact of Early-Life Weight Status on Cognitive Abilities in Children. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 26 6, 1088-1095
Romano, Megan E; Eliot, Melissa N; Zoeller, R Thomas; Hoofnagle, Andrew N; Calafat, Antonia M; Karagas, Margaret R; Yolton, Kimberly; Chen, Aimin; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2018. Maternal urinary phthalate metabolites during pregnancy and thyroid hormone concentrations in maternal and cord sera: The HOME Study. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 221 4, 623-631
Vuong, Ann M; Braun, Joseph M; Webster, Glenys M; Thomas Zoeller, R; Hoofnagle, Andrew N; Sjödin, Andreas; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2018. Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) exposures and thyroid hormones in children at age 3?years. Environment international, 117 , 339-347
Vuong, Ann M; Braun, Joseph M; Yolton, Kimberly; Wang, Zhiyang; Xie, Changchun; Webster, Glenys M; Ye, Xiaoyun; Calafat, Antonia M; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2018. Prenatal and childhood exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and measures of attention, impulse control, and visual spatial abilities. Environment international, 119 , 413-420
Vuong, Ann M; Yolton, Kimberly; Dietrich, Kim N; Braun, Joseph M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2018. Exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and child behavior: Current findings and future directions. Hormones and behavior, 101 , 94-104
Vuong, Ann M; Yolton, Kimberly; Poston, Kendra L; Xie, Changchun; Webster, Glenys M; Sjödin, Andreas; Braun, Joseph M; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2018. Childhood polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) exposure and executive function in children in the HOME Study. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 221 1, 87-94
Vuong, Ann M; Yolton, Kimberly; Wang, Zhiyang; Xie, Changchun; Webster, Glenys M; Ye, Xiaoyun; Calafat, Antonia M; Braun, Joseph M; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2018. Childhood perfluoroalkyl substance exposure and executive function in children at 8?years. Environment international, 119 , 212-219
Zhang, Hongmei; Yolton, Kimberly; Webster, Glenys M; Ye, Xiaoyun; Calafat, Antonia M; Dietrich, Kim N; Xu, Yingying; Xie, Changchun; Braun, Joseph M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2018. Prenatal and childhood perfluoroalkyl substances exposures and children's reading skills at ages 5 and 8years. Environment international, 111 , 224-231
Braun, Joseph M; Bellinger, David C; Hauser, Russ; Wright, Robert O; Chen, Aimin; Calafat, Antonia M; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P 2017. Prenatal phthalate, triclosan, and bisphenol A exposures and child visual-spatial abilities. Neurotoxicology, 58 , 75-83
Braun, Joseph M; Kalloo, Geetika; Chen, Aimin; Dietrich, Kim N; Liddy-Hicks, Stacey; Morgan, Samantha; Xu, Yingying; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P 2017. Cohort Profile: The Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment (HOME) study. International journal of epidemiology, 46 1, 24
Braun, Joseph M; Yolton, Kimberly; Stacy, Shaina L; Erar, Bahar; Papandonatos, George D; Bellinger, David C; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2017. Prenatal environmental chemical exposures and longitudinal patterns of child neurobehavior. Neurotoxicology, 62 , 192-199
Ehrhardt, Jennifer; Xu, Yingying; Khoury, Jane; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce; Phelan, Kieran 2017. Cognitive and motor abilities of young children and risk of injuries in the home. Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention, 23 1, 16-21
Etzel, Taylor M; Calafat, Antonia M; Ye, Xiaoyun; Chen, Aimin; Lanphear, Bruce P; Savitz, David A; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph M 2017. Urinary triclosan concentrations during pregnancy and birth outcomes. Environmental research, 156 , 505-511
Kingsley, Samantha L; Kelsey, Karl T; Butler, Rondi; Chen, Aimin; Eliot, Melissa N; Romano, Megan E; Houseman, Andres; Koestler, Devin C; Lanphear, Bruce P; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph M 2017. Maternal serum PFOA concentration and DNA methylation in cord blood: A pilot study. Environmental research, 158 , 174-178
Millenson, Marisa E; Braun, Joseph M; Calafat, Antonia M; Barr, Dana Boyd; Huang, Yen-Tsung; Chen, Aimin; Lanphear, Bruce P; Yolton, Kimberly 2017. Urinary organophosphate insecticide metabolite concentrations during pregnancy and children's interpersonal, communication, repetitive, and stereotypic behaviors at 8 years of age: The home study. Environmental research, 157 , 9-16
Pell, Tripler; Eliot, Melissa; Chen, Aimin; Lanphear, Bruce P; Yolton, Kimberly; Sathyanarayana, Sheela; Braun, Joseph M 2017. Parental Concern about Environmental Chemical Exposures and Children's Urinary Concentrations of Phthalates and Phenols. The Journal of pediatrics, 186 , 138-144.e3
Shoaff, Jessica; Papandonatos, George D; Calafat, Antonia M; Ye, Xiaoyun; Chen, Aimin; Lanphear, Bruce P; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph M 2017. Early-Life Phthalate Exposure and Adiposity at 8 Years of Age. Environmental health perspectives, 125 9, 097008
Stacy, Shaina L; Eliot, Melissa; Etzel, Taylor; Papandonatos, George; Calafat, Antonia M; Chen, Aimin; Hauser, Russ; Lanphear, Bruce P; Sathyanarayana, Sheela; Ye, Xiaoyun; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph M 2017. Patterns, Variability, and Predictors of Urinary Triclosan Concentrations during Pregnancy and Childhood. Environmental science & technology, 51 11, 6404-6413
Stacy, Shaina L; Papandonatos, George D; Calafat, Antonia M; Chen, Aimin; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2017. Early life bisphenol A exposure and neurobehavior at 8years of age: Identifying windows of heightened vulnerability. Environment international, 107 , 258-265
Vuong, Ann M; Braun, Joseph M; Yolton, Kimberly; Xie, Changchun; Webster, Glenys M; Sjödin, Andreas; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2017. Prenatal and postnatal polybrominated diphenyl ether exposure and visual spatial abilities in children. Environmental research, 153 , 83-92
Vuong, Ann M; Yolton, Kimberly; Poston, Kendra L; Xie, Changchun; Webster, Glenys M; Sjödin, Andreas; Braun, Joseph M; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2017. Prenatal and postnatal polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) exposure and measures of inattention and impulsivity in children. Neurotoxicology and teratology, 64 , 20-28
Vuong, Ann M; Yolton, Kimberly; Xie, Changchun; Webster, Glenys M; Sjödin, Andreas; Braun, Joseph M; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2017. Childhood polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) exposure and neurobehavior in children at 8 years. Environmental research, 158 , 677-684
Zhang, Hongmei; Yolton, Kimberly; Webster, Glenys M; Sjödin, Andreas; Calafat, Antonia M; Dietrich, Kim N; Xu, Yingying; Xie, Changchun; Braun, Joseph M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2017. Erratum: "Prenatal PBDE and PCB Exposures and Reading, Cognition, and Externalizing Behavior in Children". Environmental health perspectives, 125 6, 069001
Zhang, Hongmei; Yolton, Kimberly; Webster, Glenys M; Sjödin, Andreas; Calafat, Antonia M; Dietrich, Kim N; Xu, Yingying; Xie, Changchun; Braun, Joseph M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2017. Prenatal PBDE and PCB Exposures and Reading, Cognition, and Externalizing Behavior in Children. Environmental health perspectives, 125 4, 746-752
Braun, Joseph M; Chen, Aimin; Romano, Megan E; Calafat, Antonia M; Webster, Glenys M; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P 2016. Prenatal perfluoroalkyl substance exposure and child adiposity at 8 years of age: The HOME study. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 24 1, 231-7
Donauer, Stephanie; Altaye, Mekibib; Xu, Yingying; Sucharew, Heidi; Succop, Paul; Calafat, Antonia M; Khoury, Jane C; Lanphear, Bruce; Yolton, Kimberly 2016. An Observational Study to Evaluate Associations Between Low-Level Gestational Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides and Cognition During Early Childhood. American journal of epidemiology, 184 5, 410-8
Engel, Stephanie M; Bradman, Asa; Wolff, Mary S; Rauh, Virginia A; Harley, Kim G; Yang, Jenny H; Hoepner, Lori A; Barr, Dana Boyd; Yolton, Kimberly; Vedar, Michelle G; Xu, Yingying; Hornung, Richard W; Wetmur, James G; Chen, Jia; Holland, Nina T; Perera, Frederica P; Whyatt, Robin M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Eskenazi, Brenda 2016. Prenatal Organophosphorus Pesticide Exposure and Child Neurodevelopment at 24 Months: An Analysis of Four Birth Cohorts. Environmental health perspectives, 124 6, 822-30
Harley, Kim G; Engel, Stephanie M; Vedar, Michelle G; Eskenazi, Brenda; Whyatt, Robin M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Bradman, Asa; Rauh, Virginia A; Yolton, Kimberly; Hornung, Richard W; Wetmur, James G; Chen, Jia; Holland, Nina T; Barr, Dana Boyd; Perera, Frederica P; Wolff, Mary S 2016. Prenatal Exposure to Organophosphorous Pesticides and Fetal Growth: Pooled Results from Four Longitudinal Birth Cohort Studies. Environmental health perspectives, 124 7, 1084-92
Percy, Zana; Xu, Yingying; Sucharew, Heidi; Khoury, Jane C; Calafat, Antonia M; Braun, Joseph M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin; Yolton, Kimberly 2016. Gestational exposure to phthalates and gender-related play behaviors in 8-year-old children: an observational study. Environmental health : a global access science source, 15 1, 87
Romano, Megan E; Xu, Yingying; Calafat, Antonia M; Yolton, Kimberly; Chen, Aimin; Webster, Glenys M; Eliot, Melissa N; Howard, Cynthia R; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2016. Maternal serum perfluoroalkyl substances during pregnancy and duration of breastfeeding. Environmental research, 149 , 239-246
Shoaff, Jessica R; Romano, Megan E; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Calafat, Antonia M; Braun, Joseph M 2016. Prenatal phthalate exposure and infant size at birth and gestational duration. Environmental research, 150 , 52-58
Stacy, Shaina L; Eliot, Melissa; Calafat, Antonia M; Chen, Aimin; Lanphear, Bruce P; Hauser, Russ; Papandonatos, George D; Sathyanarayana, Sheela; Ye, Xiaoyun; Yolton, Kimberly; Braun, Joseph M 2016. Patterns, Variability, and Predictors of Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations during Childhood. Environmental science & technology, 50 11, 5981-90
Tewar, Shruti; Auinger, Peggy; Braun, Joseph M; Lanphear, Bruce; Yolton, Kimberly; Epstein, Jeffery N; Ehrlich, Shelley; Froehlich, Tanya E 2016. Association of Bisphenol A exposure and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a national sample of U.S. children. Environmental research, 150 , 112-118
Vuong, Ann M; Braun, Joseph M; Sjödin, Andreas; Webster, Glenys M; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2016. Prenatal Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Exposure and Body Mass Index in Children Up To 8 Years of Age. Environmental health perspectives, 124 12, 1891-1897
Vuong, Ann M; Yolton, Kimberly; Webster, Glenys M; Sjödin, Andreas; Calafat, Antonia M; Braun, Joseph M; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2016. Prenatal polybrominated diphenyl ether and perfluoroalkyl substance exposures and executive function in school-age children. Environmental research, 147 , 556-64
Donauer, Stephanie; Chen, Aimin; Xu, Yingying; Calafat, Antonia M; Sjodin, Andreas; Yolton, Kimberly 2015. Prenatal exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals and infant neurobehavior. The Journal of pediatrics, 166 3, 736-42
Duncan, A F; Bann, C; Boatman, C; Hintz, S R; Vaucher, Y E; Vohr, B R; Yolton, K; Heyne, R J 2015. Do currently recommended Bayley-III cutoffs overestimate motor impairment in infants born <27 weeks gestation? Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, 35 7, 516-21
Pappas, Athina; Shankaran, Seetha; McDonald, Scott A; Vohr, Betty R; Hintz, Susan R; Ehrenkranz, Richard A; Tyson, Jon E; Yolton, Kimberly; Das, Abhik; Bara, Rebecca; Hammond, Jane; Higgins, Rosemary D 2015. Cognitive outcomes after neonatal encephalopathy. Pediatrics, 135 3, e624-34
Romano, Megan E; Webster, Glenys M; Vuong, Ann M; Thomas Zoeller, R; Chen, Aimin; Hoofnagle, Andrew N; Calafat, Antonia M; Karagas, Margaret R; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2015. Gestational urinary bisphenol A and maternal and newborn thyroid hormone concentrations: the HOME Study. Environmental research, 138 , 453-60
Vuong, Ann M; Webster, Glenys M; Romano, Megan E; Braun, Joseph M; Zoeller, R Thomas; Hoofnagle, Andrew N; Sjödin, Andreas; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Chen, Aimin 2015. Maternal Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Exposure and Thyroid Hormones in Maternal and Cord Sera: The HOME Study, Cincinnati, USA. Environmental health perspectives, 123 10, 1079-85
Wagner-Schuman, Melissa; Richardson, Jason R; Auinger, Peggy; Braun, Joseph M; Lanphear, Bruce P; Epstein, Jeffery N; Yolton, Kimberly; Froehlich, Tanya E 2015. Association of pyrethroid pesticide exposure with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a nationally representative sample of U.S. children. Environmental health : a global access science source, 14 , 44
Werner, Erika F; Braun, Joseph M; Yolton, Kimberly; Khoury, Jane C; Lanphear, Bruce P 2015. The association between maternal urinary phthalate concentrations and blood pressure in pregnancy: The HOME Study. Environmental health : a global access science source, 14 , 75
Yeramaneni, Samrat; Dietrich, Kim N; Yolton, Kimberly; Parsons, Patrick J; Aldous, Kenneth M; Haynes, Erin N 2015. Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Neuromotor Function in Rural Children. The Journal of pediatrics, 167 2, 253-9.e1
Braun, Joseph M; Froehlich, Tanya; Kalkbrenner, Amy; Pfeiffer, Christine M; Fazili, Zia; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P 2014. Brief report: are autistic-behaviors in children related to prenatal vitamin use and maternal whole blood folate concentrations? Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 44 10, 2602-7
Braun, Joseph M; Kalkbrenner, Amy E; Just, Allan C; Yolton, Kimberly; Calafat, Antonia M; Sjödin, Andreas; Hauser, Russ; Webster, Glenys M; Chen, Aimin; Lanphear, Bruce P 2014. Gestational exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals and reciprocal social, repetitive, and stereotypic behaviors in 4- and 5-year-old children: the HOME study. Environmental health perspectives, 122 5, 513-20
Chen, Aimin; Yolton, Kimberly; Rauch, Stephen A; Webster, Glenys M; Hornung, Richard; Sjödin, Andreas; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P 2014. Prenatal polybrominated diphenyl ether exposures and neurodevelopment in U.S. children through 5 years of age: the HOME study. Environmental health perspectives, 122 8, 856-62
Evans, Sarah F; Kobrosly, Roni W; Barrett, Emily S; Thurston, Sally W; Calafat, Antonia M; Weiss, Bernard; Stahlhut, Richard; Yolton, Kimberly; Swan, Shanna H 2014. Prenatal bisphenol A exposure and maternally reported behavior in boys and girls. Neurotoxicology, 45 , 91-9
Prasodjo, Adila; Pfeiffer, Christine M; Fazili, Zia; Xu, Yingying; Liddy, Stacey; Yolton, Kimberly; Savitz, David A; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2014. Serum cotinine and whole blood folate concentrations in pregnancy. Annals of epidemiology, 24 7, 498-503.e1
Stevens, Timothy P; Finer, Neil N; Carlo, Waldemar A; Szilagyi, Peter G; Phelps, Dale L; Walsh, Michele C; Gantz, Marie G; Laptook, Abbot R; Yoder, Bradley A; Faix, Roger G; Newman, Jamie E; Das, Abhik; Do, Barbara T; Schibler, Kurt; Rich, Wade; Newman, Nancy S; Ehrenkranz, Richard A; Peralta-Carcelen, Myriam; Vohr, Betty R; Wilson-Costello, Deanne E; Yolton, Kimberly; Heyne, Roy J; Evans, Patricia W; Vaucher, Yvonne E; Adams-Chapman, Ira; McGowan, Elisabeth C; Bodnar, Anna; Pappas, Athina; Hintz, Susan R; Acarregui, Michael J; Fuller, Janell; Goldstein, Ricki F; Bauer, Charles R; O'Shea, T Michael; Myers, Gary J; Higgins, Rosemary D 2014. Respiratory outcomes of the surfactant positive pressure and oximetry randomized trial (SUPPORT). The Journal of pediatrics, 165 2, 240-249.e4
Watkins, Deborah J; Eliot, Melissa; Sathyanarayana, Sheela; Calafat, Antonia M; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P; Braun, Joseph M 2014. Variability and predictors of urinary concentrations of phthalate metabolites during early childhood. Environmental science & technology, 48 15, 8881-90
Kalkwarf, Heidi J; Zemel, Babette S; Yolton, Kimberly; Heubi, James E 2013. Bone mineral content and density of the lumbar spine of infants and toddlers: influence of age, sex, race, growth, and human milk feeding. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 28 1, 206-12
Yolton, Kimberly; Xu, Yingying; Sucharew, Heidi; Succop, Paul; Altaye, Mekibib; Popelar, Ann; Montesano, M Angela; Calafat, Antonia M; Khoury, Jane C 2013. Impact of low-level gestational exposure to organophosphate pesticides on neurobehavior in early infancy: a prospective study. Environmental health : a global access science source, 12 1, 79
Beebe, Dean W; Rausch, Joseph; Byars, Kelly C; Lanphear, Bruce; Yolton, Kimberly 2012. Persistent snoring in preschool children: predictors and behavioral and developmental correlates. Pediatrics, 130 3, 382-9
Byars, Kelly C; Yolton, Kimberly; Rausch, Joseph; Lanphear, Bruce; Beebe, Dean W 2012. Prevalence, patterns, and persistence of sleep problems in the first 3 years of life. Pediatrics, 129 2, e276-84
Kuppala, V S; Tabangin, M; Haberman, B; Steichen, J; Yolton, K 2012. Current state of high-risk infant follow-up care in the United States: results of a national survey of academic follow-up programs. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, 32 4, 293-8
Rauch, Stephen A; Braun, Joe M; Barr, Dana Boyd; Calafat, Antonia M; Khoury, Jane; Montesano, Angela M; Yolton, Kimberly; Lanphear, Bruce P 2012. Associations of prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticide metabolites with gestational age and birth weight. Environmental health perspectives, 120 7, 1055-60
Shah, T A; Meinzen-Derr, J; Gratton, T; Steichen, J; Donovan, E F; Yolton, K; Alexander, B; Narendran, V; Schibler, K R 2012. Hospital and neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely low-birth-weight infants with necrotizing enterocolitis and spontaneous intestinal perforation. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, 32 7, 552-8
Shankaran, Seetha; Pappas, Athina; McDonald, Scott A; Vohr, Betty R; Hintz, Susan R; Yolton, Kimberly; Gustafson, Kathryn E; Leach, Theresa M; Green, Charles; Bara, Rebecca; Petrie Huitema, Carolyn M; Ehrenkranz, Richard A; Tyson, Jon E; Das, Abhik; Hammond, Jane; Peralta-Carcelen, Myriam; Evans, Patricia W; Heyne, Roy J; Wilson-Costello, Deanne E; Vaucher, Yvonne E; Bauer, Charles R; Dusick, Anna M; Adams-Chapman, Ira; Goldstein, Ricki F; Guillet, Ronnie; Papile, Lu-Ann; Higgins, Rosemary D 2012. Childhood outcomes after hypothermia for neonatal encephalopathy. The New England journal of medicine, 366 22, 2085-92
Stephens, Bonnie E; Bann, Carla M; Watson, Victoria E; Sheinkopf, Stephen J; Peralta-Carcelen, Myriam; Bodnar, Anna; Yolton, Kimberly; Goldstein, Ricki F; Dusick, Anna M; Wilson-Costello, Deanne E; Acarregui, Michael J; Pappas, Athina; Adams-Chapman, Ira; McGowan, Elisabeth C; Heyne, Roy J; Hintz, Susan R; Ehrenkranz, Richard A; Fuller, Janell; Das, Abhik; Higgins, Rosemary D; Vohr, Betty R 2012. Screening for autism spectrum disorders in extremely preterm infants. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP, 33 7, 535-41
Sucharew, Heidi; Khoury, Jane C; Xu, Yingying; Succop, Paul; Yolton, Kimberly 2012. NICU Network Neurobehavioral Scale profiles predict developmental outcomes in a low-risk sample. Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 26 4, 344-52
Vaucher, Yvonne E; Peralta-Carcelen, Myriam; Finer, Neil N; Carlo, Waldemar A; Gantz, Marie G; Walsh, Michele C; Laptook, Abbot R; Yoder, Bradley A; Faix, Roger G; Das, Abhik; Schibler, Kurt; Rich, Wade; Newman, Nancy S; Vohr, Betty R; Yolton, Kimberly; Heyne, Roy J; Wilson-Costello, Deanne E; Evans, Patricia W; Goldstein, Ricki F; Acarregui, Michael J; Adams-Chapman, Ira; Pappas, Athina; Hintz, Susan R; Poindexter, Brenda; Dusick, Anna M; McGowan, Elisabeth C; Ehrenkranz, Richard A; Bodnar, Anna; Bauer, Charles R; Fuller, Janell; O'Shea, T Michael; Myers, Gary J; Higgins, Rosemary D 2012. Neurodevelopmental outcomes in the early CPAP and pulse oximetry trial. The New England journal of medicine, 367 26, 2495-504
Vohr, Betty R; Stephens, Bonnie E; Higgins, Rosemary D; Bann, Carla M; Hintz, Susan R; Das, Abhik; Newman, Jamie E; Peralta-Carcelen, Myriam; Yolton, Kimberly; Dusick, Anna M; Evans, Patricia W; Goldstein, Ricki F; Ehrenkranz, Richard A; Pappas, Athina; Adams-Chapman, Ira; Wilson-Costello, Deanne E; Bauer, Charles R; Bodnar, Anna; Heyne, Roy J; Vaucher, Yvonne E; Dillard, Robert G; Acarregui, Michael J; McGowan, Elisabeth C; Myers, Gary J; Fuller, Janell 2012. Are outcomes of extremely preterm infants improving? Impact of Bayley assessment on outcomes. The Journal of pediatrics, 161 2, 222-8.e3
Braun, Joe M; Kalkbrenner, Amy E; Calafat, Antonia M; Yolton, Kimberly; Ye, Xiaoyun; Dietrich, Kim N; Lanphear, Bruce P 2011. Impact of early-life bisphenol A exposure on behavior and executive function in children. Pediatrics, 128 5, 873-82
Lanphear, Bruce P; Hornung, Richard W; Khoury, Jane; Yolton, Kimberly; Lierl, Michelle; Kalkbrenner, Amy 2011. Effects of HEPA air cleaners on unscheduled asthma visits and asthma symptoms for children exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke. Pediatrics, 127 1, 93-101
Sathyanarayana, Sheela; Braun, Joe M; Yolton, Kimberly; Liddy, Stacey; Lanphear, Bruce P 2011. Case report: high prenatal bisphenol a exposure and infant neonatal neurobehavior. Environmental health perspectives, 119 8, 1170-5
Xu, Yingying; Yolton, Kimberly; Khoury, Jane 2011. Earliest appropriate time for administering neurobehavioral assessment in newborn infants. Pediatrics, 127 1, e69-75
Yolton, Kimberly; Xu, Yingying; Khoury, Jane; Succop, Paul; Lanphear, Bruce; Beebe, Dean W; Owens, Judith 2010. Associations between secondhand smoke exposure and sleep patterns in children. Pediatrics, 125 2, e261-8
Braun, Joe M; Yolton, Kimberly; Dietrich, Kim N; Hornung, Richard; Ye, Xiaoyun; Calafat, Antonia M; Lanphear, Bruce P 2009. Prenatal bisphenol A exposure and early childhood behavior. Environmental health perspectives, 117 12, 1945-52
Yolton, Kimberly; Khoury, Jane; Hornung, Richard; Dietrich, Kim; Succop, Paul; Lanphear, Bruce 2008. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and child behaviors. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP, 29 6, 450-7
Dietrich, Kim N; Eskenazi, Brenda; Schantz, Susan; Yolton, Kimberly; Rauh, Virginia A; Johnson, Caroline B; Alkon, Abbey; Canfield, Richard L; Pessah, Isaac N; Berman, Robert F 2005. Principles and practices of neurodevelopmental assessment in children: lessons learned from the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research. Environmental health perspectives, 113 10, 1437-46
Eskenazi, Brenda; Gladstone, Eleanor A; Berkowitz, Gertrud S; Drew, Christina H; Faustman, Elaine M; Holland, Nina T; Lanphear, Bruce; Meisel, Stefanie J; Perera, Frederica P; Rauh, Virginia A; Sweeney, Anne; Whyatt, Robin M; Yolton, Kimberly 2005. Methodologic and logistic issues in conducting longitudinal birth cohort studies: lessons learned from the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research. Environmental health perspectives, 113 10, 1419-29
Lanphear, Bruce P; Hornung, Richard; Khoury, Jane; Yolton, Kimberly; Baghurst, Peter; Bellinger, David C; Canfield, Richard L; Dietrich, Kim N; Bornschein, Robert; Greene, Tom; Rothenberg, Stephen J; Needleman, Herbert L; Schnaas, Lourdes; Wasserman, Gail; Graziano, Joseph; Roberts, Russell 2005. Low-level environmental lead exposure and children's intellectual function: an international pooled analysis. Environmental health perspectives, 113 7, 894-9
Talati, Ajay J; Yang, Wenjian; Yolton, Kimberly; Korones, Sheldon B; Bada, Henrietta S 2005. Combination of early perinatal factors to identify near-term and term neonates for neuroprotection. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, 25 4, 245-50
Yolton, Kimberly; Dietrich, Kim; Auinger, Peggy; Lanphear, Bruce P; Hornung, Richard 2005. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and cognitive abilities among U.S. children and adolescents. Environmental health perspectives, 113 1, 98-103
Castro, Lisa; Yolton, Kimberly; Haberman, Beth; Roberto, Nancy; Hansen, Nellie I; Ambalavanan, Namasivayam; Vohr, Betty R; Donovan, Edward F 2004. Bias in reported neurodevelopmental outcomes among extremely low birth weight survivors. Pediatrics, 114 2, 404-10
Ohls, Robin K; Ehrenkranz, Richard A; Das, Abhik; Dusick, Anna M; Yolton, Kimberly; Romano, Elaine; Delaney-Black, Virginia; Papile, Lu-Ann; Simon, Neal P; Steichen, Jean J; Lee, Kimberly G 2004. Neurodevelopmental outcome and growth at 18 to 22 months' corrected age in extremely low birth weight infants treated with early erythropoietin and iron. Pediatrics, 114 5, 1287-91
Xu, Yingying; Khoury, Jane C; Sucharew, Heidi; Dietrich, Kim; Yolton, Kimberly . Low-level gestational exposure to mercury and maternal fish consumption: Associations with neurobehavior in early infancy. Neurotoxicology and teratology, 54 , 61-7
Yolton, Kimberly; Cornelius, Marie; Ornoy, Asher; McGough, James; Makris, Susan; Schantz, Susan . Exposure to neurotoxicants and the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its related behaviors in childhood. Neurotoxicology and teratology, 44 , 30-45
Yolton, Kimberly; Khoury, Jane; Xu, Yingying; Succop, Paul; Lanphear, Bruce; Bernert, John T; Lester, Barry . Low-level prenatal exposure to nicotine and infant neurobehavior. Neurotoxicology and teratology, 31 6, 356-63
Yolton, Kimberly; Xu, Yingying; Strauss, Donna; Altaye, Mekibib; Calafat, Antonia M; Khoury, Jane . Prenatal exposure to bisphenol A and phthalates and infant neurobehavior. Neurotoxicology and teratology, 33 5, 558-66