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Photo of  Andrew R. Thompson, PhD

Andrew R. Thompson, PhD

Associate Professor Educator

Medical Education | College of Medicine

  • Ph.D.: Indiana University (Biological Anthropology)
  • M.S.: Indiana University (Human Anatomy)
  • M.A.: University of Southern Mississippi (Biological Anthropology)
  • B.A.: Miami University (Anthropology)
Contact Information

Peer Reviewed Publications

Thompson, Andrew R 2024. A comparison of two learning approach inventories and their utility in predicting examination performance and study habits. Advances in physiology education, 48 , 164-170

Figueras, Jorge H; Chan, Dorothy; Maheshwer, Bhargavi; Erwin, Jace; Thomson, Cameron; Dixon, Tonya; Grawe, Brian M; Thompson, Andrew R 2023. Development of an Orthopedic Surgery Anatomy Curricular Model for Fourth Year Medical Students Using a Modified Delphi Method. Journal of surgical education, 80 10, 1403-1411

Thompson, Andrew R; Lake, Logan P O 2023. Relationship between learning approach, Bloom's taxonomy, and student performance in an undergraduate Human Anatomy course. Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice, , 1-16

Thompson, Andrew R; Lowrie, D J; Ubani, Maureen 2023. The Effect of Histology Examination Format on Medical Student Preparation and Performance: Stand-Alone Versus Integrated Examinations. Medical science educator, , 1-8

Thompson, Andrew R; Giffin, Bruce F 2021. Higher-Order Assessment in Gross Anatomy: A Comparison of Performance on Higher- Versus Lower-Order Anatomy Questions between Undergraduate and First-Year Medical Students. Anatomical sciences education, 14 3, 306-316

Thompson, Andrew R; Marshall, Aaron M 2020. Participation in Dissection Affects Student Performance on Gross Anatomy Practical and Written Examinations: Results of a Four-Year Comparative Study. Anatomical sciences education, 13 1, 30-36

Thompson, Andrew R; Marshall, Aaron M 2020. Participation in Dissection Affects Student Performance on Gross Anatomy Practical and Written Examinations: Results of a Four-Year Comparative Study. Anatomical sciences education, 13 1, 30-36

Thompson AR, Lowrie DJ 2017. An evaluation of outcomes following the replacement of tradition histology laboratories with self-study modules Anatomical Sciences Education, 10 , 276-285

Thompson, Andrew R; Lowrie, Donald J 2017. An evaluation of outcomes following the replacement of traditional histology laboratories with self-study modules. Anatomical sciences education, 10 3, 276-285

Thompson, Andrew R; Lowrie, Donald J 2017. An evaluation of outcomes following the replacement of traditional histology laboratories with self-study modules. Anatomical sciences education, 10 3, 276-285

Emerson TE, Hedman KM, Hargrave EA, Cobb DE, Thompson AR 2016. Paradigms lost: Cahokia Mound 72 beaded burial reconfigured as ritual practice. American Antiquity, 81 3, 405-425

Thompson AR, Hanna JB, Kelso R, Ward PW, Wines K 2016. Assessment driven learning: the use of higher-order and clinically integrated questions on gross anatomy practical exams Medical Science Educator, 26 , 587-596

Thompson AR, Hedman KM, Slater PA. 2015. New Dental and Isotope Evidence of Biological Distance and Place of Origin for Mass Burial Groups at Cahokia’s Mound 72 American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 158 2, 341-357

Thompson AR, O’Loughlin VD 2015. The Blooming Anatomy Tool (BAT): A discipline-specific rubric for utilizing Bloom’s taxonomy in the design and evaluation of assessments in the anatomical sciences Anatomical Sciences Education, 8 6, 493-501

Thompson, AR 2014. Differential diagnosis of limb length discrepancy in a nineteenth century burial from southwest International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 24 4, 517-530

Thompson AR, Braun MW, O’Loughlin VD 2013. A comparison of student performance on discipline-specific versus integrated exams in a medical school course Advances in Physiology Education, 37 , 370-376

Thompson, AR 2013. Odontometric determination of sex at Mound 72, Cahokia American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 151 3, 408-419

Danforth ME, Thompson AR 2008. An evaluation of determination of handedness using standard osteological measurements Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53 4, 777-781