Babiker, Haithem Elhadi; Runyan, Christopher M; Bins, Griffin P; Oliver, Jeremie D; Massary, Dominic A; Lor, Lyfong S; Rapp, Scott J; Pan, Brian S; Gordon, Christopher B 2023. Transfacial Two-pin External Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis: A Technique for Neonatal Airway Obstruction from Robin Sequence. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 11 6, e5085
Rapp, Scott J; Dershem, Victoria; Zhang, Xiang; Schutte, Stacey C; Chariker, Mark E 2020. Varying Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Acute Effects on Human Split-Thickness Autografts. Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association, 41 1, 104-112
Thatikunta, Meena; Pearson, Luke; Nguyen, Candice; John, Kevin; Abolfotoh, Mohammad; Mutchnick, Ian; Gump, William; Chariker, Mark; Moriarty, Thomas; Rapp, Scott J 2020. Three-Dimensional Volumetric Changes in Posterior Vault Distraction With Distraction Osteogenesis. The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 31 5, 1301-1306
Pan, Brian S; Vu, Anthony T; Rapp, Scott J; Saenger, Nick J 2017. Reconstruction of the Isolated Columellar Defect: A Novel 2-Stage Technique and Review of the Literature. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 75 4, 822-827
Rapp, Scott J; Schwentker, Ann R; Visscher, Marty O; Van Aalst, John; Pan, Brian S 2017. Effects of Autologous Fat and ASCs on Swine Hypertrophic Burn Scars: A Multimodal Quantitative Analysis. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 5 11, e1547
Rapp, Scott J; Rumberg, Aaron; Visscher, Marty; Billmire, David A; Schwentker, Ann S; Pan, Brian S 2015. Establishing a Reproducible Hypertrophic Scar following Thermal Injury: A Porcine Model. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 3 2, e309
Pan, Brian S; Rapp, Scott J; Vu, Anthony; Uribe-Rivera, Armando; Billmire, David A; Gordon, Christopher B 2014. Evolution in minimal-incision palatoplasty: surgical technique and outcomes in 67 consecutive cases. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 134 1, 102-111
Rapp, Scott J; Pan, Brian S; Yakuboff, Kevin P 2014. Flail extremity resulting from constriction band syndrome: Neurovascular implications and surgical management. Case reports in plastic surgery & hand surgery, 1 1, 29-32
Rapp, Scott J; Jones, Donna C; Billmire, David A; Taylor, Jesse A 2013. Dissection in the subgaleal and subperiosteal plane: implications on scalp wound healing. Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery, 47 3, 163-8
Rapp, Scott J; Jones, Donna C; Gerety, Patrick; Taylor, Jesse A 2012. Repairing critical-sized rat calvarial defects with progenitor cell-seeded acellular periosteum: a novel biomimetic scaffold. Surgery, 152 4, 595-604, 605.e1; dis