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Photo of  Brian Dawson, PhD

Brian Dawson, PhD

Professor of Clinical-Affiliate

Pediatrics | College of Medicine

  • Post Doctoral Fellowship: Mayo Graduate School of Medicine (Clinical Chemistry)
  • PhD: Wright State University (Biomedical Sciences)
Contact Information

Peer Reviewed Publications

Aisner, Dara L; Berry, Anna; Dawson, D Brian; Hayden, Randall T; Joseph, Loren; Hill, Charles E 2016. A Suggested Molecular Pathology Curriculum for Residents: A Report of the Association for Molecular Pathology. The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD, 18 2, 153-62

Aypar, Umut; Hoppman, Nicole L; Thorland, Erik C; Dawson, D Brian 2016. Patients with mosaic methylation patterns of the Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndrome critical region exhibit AS-like phenotypes with some PWS features. Molecular cytogenetics, 9 , 26

Wang, Wei; Wang, Chen; Dawson, D Brian; Thorland, Erik C; Lundquist, Patrick A; Eckloff, Bruce W; Wu, Yanhong; Baheti, Saurabh; Evans, Jared M; Scherer, Steven S; Dyck, Peter J; Klein, Christopher J 2016. Target-enrichment sequencing and copy number evaluation in inherited polyneuropathy. Neurology, 86 19, 1762-71

Aypar, Umut; Brodersen, Pamela R; Lundquist, Patrick A; Dawson, D Brian; Thorland, Erik C; Hoppman, Nicole 2014. Does parent of origin matter? Methylation studies should be performed on patients with multiple copies of the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome critical region. American journal of medical genetics. Part A, 164A 10, 2514-20

Kent, Michael W; Oliveira, Jennifer L; Hoyer, James D; Swanson, Kenneth C; Kluge, Michelle L; Dawson, D Brian; Liang, Xiayuan; Winkler, Tyler J; Breaux, Charles W; LaCount, Rachel; Silliman, Christopher C 2014. Hb Grand Junction (HBB: c.348_349delinsG; p.His117IlefsX42): a new hyperunstable hemoglobin variant. Hemoglobin, 38 1, 8-12

Lubrano, Lauren; Donnelly, Michael J; Sandler, Gerald; Hoyer, James D; Swanson, Kenneth C; Dawson, D Brian; Oliveira, Jennifer L 2014. Hb Memphis [HBA2: c.70G>C (or HBA1)] in a Turkish child: a case report and comparison to Hb Q-Thailand (HBA1: c.223G>C). Hemoglobin, 38 2, 137-41

Hofherr, Sean E; Wiktor, Anne E; Kipp, Benjamin R; Dawson, D Brian; Van Dyke, Daniel L 2011. Clinical diagnostic testing for the cytogenetic and molecular causes of male infertility: the Mayo Clinic experience. Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics, 28 11, 1091-8

Kipp, Benjamin R; Roellinger, Samantha E; Lundquist, Patrick A; Highsmith, W Edward; Dawson, D Brian 2011. Development and clinical implementation of a combination deletion PCR and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification assay for detecting deletions involving the human ?-globin gene cluster. The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD, 13 5, 549-57

Hoppman-Chaney, Nicole L; Dawson, D Brian; Nguyen, Lai; Sengupta, Sunanda; Reynolds, Kara; McPherson, Elizabeth; Velagaleti, Gopalrao 2010. Partial hexasomy for the Prader-Willi-Angelman syndrome critical region due to a maternally inherited large supernumerary marker chromosome. American journal of medical genetics. Part A, 152A 8, 2034-8

Monico, Carla G; Rossetti, Sandro; Schwanz, Heidi A; Olson, Julie B; Lundquist, Patrick A; Dawson, D Brian; Harris, Peter C; Milliner, Dawn S 2007. Comprehensive mutation screening in 55 probands with type 1 primary hyperoxaluria shows feasibility of a gene-based diagnosis. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 18 6, 1905-14

Schuetzle, Marie N; Uphoff, Timothy S; Hatten, Bonnie A; Dawson, D Brian 2007. Utility of microsatellite analysis in evaluation of pregnancies with placental mesenchymal dysplasia. Prenatal diagnosis, 27 13, 1238-44

Snyder, Melissa R; Katzmann, Jerry A; Butz, Malinda L; Wiley, Carmen; Yang, Ping; Dawson, D Brian; Halling, Kevin C; Highsmith, W Edward; Thibodeau, Stephen N 2006. Diagnosis of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency: An algorithm of quantification, genotyping, and phenotyping. Clinical chemistry, 52 12, 2236-42

Ensenauer, Regina E; Shaughnessy, William J; Jalal, Syed M; Dawson, D Brian; Courteau, Laura K; Ellison, Jay W 2005. Trisomy 20 mosaicism caused by a maternal meiosis II error is associated with normal intellect but multiple congenital anomalies. American journal of medical genetics. Part A, 134A 2, 202-6

Ensenauer, Regina E; Adeyinka, Adewale; Flynn, Heather C; Michels, Virginia V; Lindor, Noralane M; Dawson, D Brian; Thorland, Erik C; Lorentz, Cindy Pham; Goldstein, Jennifer L; McDonald, Marie T; Smith, Wendy E; Simon-Fayard, Elba; Alexander, Alan A; Kulharya, Anita S; Ketterling, Rhett P; Clark, Robin D; Jalal, Syed M 2003. Microduplication 22q11.2, an emerging syndrome: clinical, cytogenetic, and molecular analysis of thirteen patients. American journal of human genetics, 73 5, 1027-40

Jebbink, Jiska; Bai, Xin; Rogers, Beverly Barton; Dawson, D Brian; Scheuermann, Richard H; Domiati-Saad, Rana 2003. Development of real-time PCR assays for the quantitative detection of Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus, comparison of TaqMan probes, and molecular beacons. The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD, 5 1, 15-20

Smith, Douglas M; Agura, Edward; Netto, George; Collins, Robert; Levy, Marlon; Goldstein, Robert; Christensen, Laura; Baker, Judy; Altrabulsi, Basel; Osowski, Lori; McCormack, Jeff; Fichtel, Lisa; Dawson, D Brian; Domiati-Saad, Rana; Stone, Marvin; Klintmalm, Goran 2003. Liver transplant-associated graft-versus-host disease. Transplantation, 75 1, 118-26

Hoyer, James D; McCormick, Daniel J; Snow, Karen; Kubik, Kathleen S; Holmes, Michael W; Dawson, D Brian; Shaber, Ruth; Marner, Mark; Hosmer, Jennifer; Shinno, Nancy; Fairbanks, Virgil F 2002. Four new beta chain hemoglobin variants without clinical or hematological effects: Hb San Bruno [beta39(C5)Gln-->His]; Hb Fort Dodge [beta93(F9)Cys-Tyr]; Hb Rhode Island [beta116(G18)His-->Tyr]; and Hb Inglewood [beta142(H20)Ala-->Thr]. Hemoglobin, 26 3, 299-303

Wilson, Kathleen S; McKenna, Robert W; Kroft, Steven H; Dawson, D Brian; Ansari, Qasim; Schneider, Nancy R 2002. Primary effusion lymphomas exhibit complex and recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities. British journal of haematology, 116 1, 113-21

Breuer-McHam, J; Simpson, E; Dougherty, I; Bonkobara, M; Ariizumi, K; Lewis, D E; Dawson, D B; Duvic, M; Cruz, P D 2001. Activation of HIV in human skin by ultraviolet B radiation and its inhibition by NFkappaB blocking agents. Photochemistry and photobiology, 74 6, 805-10

Jamal, S; Picker, L J; Aquino, D B; McKenna, R W; Dawson, D B; Kroft, S H 2001. Immunophenotypic analysis of peripheral T-cell neoplasms. A multiparameter flow cytometric approach. American journal of clinical pathology, 116 4, 512-26

Kroft, S H; Dawson, D B; McKenna, R W 2001. Large cell lymphoma transformation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma. A flow cytometric analysis of seven cases. American journal of clinical pathology, 115 3, 385-95

Roush, K S; Domiati-Saad, R K; Margraf, L R; Krisher, K; Scheuermann, R H; Rogers, B B; Dawson, D B 2001. Prevalence and cellular reservoir of latent human herpesvirus 6 in tonsillar lymphoid tissue. American journal of clinical pathology, 116 5, 648-54

Bai, X; Rogers, B B; Harkins, P C; Sommerauer, J; Squires, R; Rotondo, K; Quan, A; Dawson, D B; Scheuermann, R H 2000. Predictive value of quantitative PCR-based viral burden analysis for eight human herpesviruses in pediatric solid organ transplant patients. The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD, 2 4, 191-201

Kroft, S H; Domiati-Saad, R; Finn, W G; Dawson, D B; Schnitzer, B; Singleton, T P; Ross, C W 2000. Precursor B-lymphoblastic transformation of grade I follicle center lymphoma. American journal of clinical pathology, 113 3, 411-8

Hoang, M P; Rogers, B B; Dawson, D B; Scheuermann, R H 1999. Quantitation of 8 human herpesviruses in peripheral blood of human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients and healthy blood donors by polymerase chain reaction. American journal of clinical pathology, 111 5, 655-9

Hoang, M P; Ross, K F; Dawson, D B; Scheuermann, R H; Rogers, B B 1999. Human herpesvirus-6 and sudden death in infancy: report of a case and review of the literature. Journal of forensic sciences, 44 2, 432-7

Hoang, M P; Dawson, D B; Rogers, Z R; Scheuermann, R H; Rogers, B B 1998. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of archival material for Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, human herpesvirus 6, and parvovirus B19 in children with bone marrow hemophagocytosis. Human pathology, 29 10, 1074-7

Bai, X; Hosler, G; Rogers, B B; Dawson, D B; Scheuermann, R H 1997. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction for human herpesvirus diagnosis and measurement of Epstein-Barr virus burden in posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder. Clinical chemistry, 43 10, 1843-9

Moghrabi, N N; Naylor, S L; Van Veldhoven, P P; Baumgart, E; Dawson, D B; Bennett, M J 1997. Assignment of the human peroxisomal branched-chain acyl-CoA oxidase gene to chromosome 3p21.1-p14.2 by rodent/human somatic cell hybridization. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 231 3, 767-9

Siegelman, M; Mohabeer, A; Fahey, T J; Tomlinson, G; Mayambala, C; Jafari, S; Noll, W W; Thibodeau, S N; Dawson, D B 1997. Rapid, nonradioactive screening for mutations in exons 10, 11, and 16 of the RET protooncogene associated with inherited medullary thyroid carcinoma. Clinical chemistry, 43 3, 453-7

Ansari, M Q; Dawson, D B; Nador, R; Rutherford, C; Schneider, N R; Latimer, M J; Picker, L; Knowles, D M; McKenna, R W 1996. Primary body cavity-based AIDS-related lymphomas. American journal of clinical pathology, 105 2, 221-9

Kemp, P M; Little, B B; Bost, R O; Dawson, D B 1996. Whole blood levels of dodecanoic acid, a routinely detectable forensic marker for a genetic disease often misdiagnosed as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS): MCAD deficiency. The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology, 17 1, 79-82

Nador, R G; Cesarman, E; Chadburn, A; Dawson, D B; Ansari, M Q; Sald, J; Knowles, D M 1996. Primary effusion lymphoma: a distinct clinicopathologic entity associated with the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus. Blood, 88 2, 645-56

Zwiener, R J; Fielman, B A; Cochran, C; Rogers, B B; Dawson, D B; Timmons, C F; Buchanan, G R 1996. Interferon-alpha-2b treatment of chronic hepatitis C in children with hemophilia. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 15 10, 906-8

Dawson, D B; Waber, L; Hale, D E; Bennett, M J 1995. Transient organic aciduria and persistent lacticacidemia in a patient with short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency. The Journal of pediatrics, 126 1, 69-71

Moghrabi, N N; Dawson, D B; Bennett, M J 1995. Assignment of the human peroxisomal palmitoyl-CoA oxidase gene to chromosome 17q23-qter by PCR technique. Journal of inherited metabolic disease, 18 6, 705-9

Timmons, C F; Dawson, D B; Richards, C S; Andrews, W S; Katz, J A 1995. Epstein-Barr virus-associated leiomyosarcomas in liver transplantation recipients. Origin from either donor or recipient tissue. Cancer, 76 8, 1481-9

Dawson, D B 1990. Use of nucleic acid probes in genetic tests. Clinical biochemistry, 23 4, 279-85

Dawson, D B; Cummins, L A; Schaid, D J; Michels, V V; Gordon, H; O'Connell, E J; Thibodeau, S N 1989. Carrier identification of cystic fibrosis by recombinant DNA techniques. Mayo Clinic proceedings, 64 3, 325-34

Dawson, D B; Varandani, P T 1987. Characterization and application of monoclonal antibodies directed to separate epitopes of glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 923 3, 389-400

Dawson, D B; Smith, R A; Varandani, P T 1984. Production of a monoclonal antibody directed against rat liver glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 125 2, 668-74

Domiati-Saad, R; Dawson, D B; Margraf, L R; Finegold, M J; Weinberg, A G; Rogers, B B . Cytomegalovirus and human herpesvirus 6, but not human papillomavirus, are present in neonatal giant cell hepatitis and extrahepatic biliary atresia. Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society, 3 4, 367-73

Rogers, B B; Conlin, C; Timmons, C F; Dawson, D B; Krisher, K; Andrews, W S . Epstein-Barr virus PCR correlated with viral histology and serology in pediatric liver transplant patients. Pediatric pathology & laboratory medicine : journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology, affiliated with the International Paediatric Pathology Association, 17 3, 391-400

Rogers, B B; Sommerauer, J; Quan, A; Timmons, C F; Dawson, D B; Scheuermann, R H; Krisher, K; Atkins, C . Epstein-Barr virus polymerase chain reaction and serology in pediatric post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder: three-year experience. Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society, 1 6, 480-6