Wilcher, Katherine E; Page, Evan R H; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M 2023. The impact of the chromatin binding DEK protein in hematopoiesis and acute myeloid leukemia. Experimental hematology, 123 , 18-27
Greene, Allie N; Nguyen, Elizabeth T; Paranjpe, Aditi; Lane, Adam; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M; Solomon, Matia B 2022. In silico gene expression and pathway analysis of DEK in the human brain across the lifespan. The European journal of neuroscience, 56 6, 4720-4743
Greene, Allie N; Solomon, Matia B; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M 2022. Novel molecular mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease: The potential role of DEK in disease pathogenesis. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 14 , 1018180
Hegde, Shailaja; Gasilina, Anjelika; Wunderlich, Mark; Lin, Yuan; Buchholzer, Marcel; Krumbach, Oliver H F; Akbarzadeh, Mohammad; Ahmadian, Mohammad Reza; Seibel, William; Zheng, Yi; Perentesis, John P; Mizukawa, Benjamin E; Vinnedge, Lisa Privette; Cancelas, José A; Nassar, Nicolas N 2022. Inhibition of the RacGEF VAV3 by the small molecule IODVA1 impedes RAC signaling and overcomes resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibition in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia, 36 3, 637-647
Hegde, Shailaja; Gasilina, Anjelika; Wunderlich, Mark; Lin, Yuan; Buchholzer, Marcel; Krumbach, Oliver H F; Akbarzadeh, Mohammad; Ahmadian, Mohammad Reza; Seibel, William; Zheng, Yi; Perentesis, John P; Mizukawa, Benjamin E; Vinnedge, Lisa Privette; Cancelas, José A; Nassar, Nicolas N 2022. Inhibition of the RacGEF VAV3 by the small molecule IODVA1 impedes RAC signaling and overcomes resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibition in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia, 36 3, 637-647
Muhammad, B; Parks, L G; Komurov, K; Privette Vinnedge, L M 2022. Defective transcription elongation in human cancers imposes targetable proteotoxic vulnerability. Translational oncology, 16 , 101323
Singh, Navneet; Romick-Rosendale, Lindsey; Watanabe-Chailland, Miki; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M; Komurov, Kakajan 2022. Drug resistance mechanisms create targetable proteostatic vulnerabilities in Her2+ breast cancers. PloS one, 17 12, e0256788
Gasilina, Anjelika; Premnauth, Gurdat; Gurjar, Purujit; Biesiada, Jacek; Hegde, Shailaja; Milewski, David; Ma, Gang; Kalin, Tanya V; Merino, Edward; Meller, Jarek; Seibel, William; Cancelas, José A; Vinnedge, Lisa Privette; Nassar, Nicolas N 2020. IODVA1, a guanidinobenzimidazole derivative, targets Rac activity and Ras-driven cancer models. PloS one, 15 3, e0229801
Gasilina, Anjelika; Premnauth, Gurdat; Gurjar, Purujit; Biesiada, Jacek; Hegde, Shailaja; Milewski, David; Ma, Gang; Kalin, Tanya V; Merino, Edward; Meller, Jarek; Seibel, William; Cancelas, José A; Vinnedge, Lisa Privette; Nassar, Nicolas N 2020. IODVA1, a guanidinobenzimidazole derivative, targets Rac activity and Ras-driven cancer models. PloS one, 15 3, e0229801
Greene, Allie N; Parks, Lois G; Solomon, Matia B; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M 2020. Loss of DEK Expression Induces Alzheimer's Disease Phenotypes in Differentiated SH-SY5Y Cells. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience, 13 , 594319
Pease, Nicholas A; Shephard, Miranda S; Sertorio, Mathieu; Waltz, Susan E; Vinnedge, Lisa M Privette 2020. DEK Expression in Breast Cancer Cells Leads to the Alternative Activation of Tumor Associated Macrophages. Cancers, 12 7,
Pease, Nicholas A; Shephard, Miranda S; Sertorio, Mathieu; Waltz, Susan E; Vinnedge, Lisa M Privette 2020. DEK Expression in Breast Cancer Cells Leads to the Alternative Activation of Tumor Associated Macrophages. Cancers, 12 7,
Wen, Yu; Xu, He N; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa; Feng, Min; Li, Lin Z 2019. Optical Redox Imaging Detects the Effects of DEK Oncogene Knockdown on the Redox State of MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells. Molecular imaging and biology, 21 3, 410-416
Ghisays, Valentina; Nguyen, Elizabeth T; Streicher, Joshua; Pease, Nicholas A; Fitzgerald, Maureen; Estrada, Christina M; Franco-Villanueva, Ana; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa; Solomon, Matia B 2018. Neuroanatomical Distribution of DEK Protein in Corticolimbic Circuits Associated with Learning and Memory in Adult Male and Female Mice. Neuroscience, 371 , 254-267
Modur, Vishnu; Singh, Navneet; Mohanty, Vakul; Chung, Eunah; Muhammad, Belal; Choi, Kwangmin; Chen, Xiaoting; Chetal, Kashish; Ratner, Nancy; Salomonis, Nathan; Weirauch, Matthew T; Waltz, Susan; Huang, Gang; Privette-Vinnedge, Lisa; Park, Joo-Seop; Janssen, Edith M; Komurov, Kakajan 2018. Defective transcription elongation in a subset of cancers confers immunotherapy resistance. Nature communications, 9 1, 4410
O'Donovan, Sinead M; Franco-Villanueva, Ana; Ghisays, Valentina; Caldwell, Jody L; Haroutunian, Vahraim; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M; McCullumsmith, Robert E; Solomon, Matia B 2018. Sex differences in DEK expression in the anterior cingulate cortex and its association with dementia severity in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research, 202 , 188-194
Serrano-Lopez, Juana; Nattamai, Kalpana; Pease, Nicholas A; Shephard, Miranda S; Wellendorf, Ashley M; Sertorio, Mathieu; Smith, Eric A; Geiger, Hartmut; Wells, Susanne I; Cancelas, Jose A; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M 2018. Loss of DEK induces radioresistance of murine restricted hematopoietic progenitors. Experimental hematology, 59 , 40-50.e3
Wise-Draper, Trisha; Sendilnathan, Arun; Palackdharry, Sarah; Pease, Nicholas; Qualtieri, Julianne; Butler, Randall; Sadraei, Nooshin Hashemi; Morris, John C; Patil, Yash; Wilson, Keith; Mark, Jonathan; Casper, Keith; Takiar, Vinita; Lane, Adam; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa 2018. Decreased plasma DEK Oncogene Levels Correlate with p16-Negative Disease and Advanced Tumor Stage in a Case-Control Study of Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Translational oncology, 11 1, 168-174
Smith, Eric A; Gole, Boris; Willis, Nicholas A; Soria, Rebeca; Starnes, Linda M; Krumpelbeck, Eric F; Jegga, Anil G; Ali, Abdullah M; Guo, Haihong; Meetei, Amom R; Andreassen, Paul R; Kappes, Ferdinand; Vinnedge, Lisa M Privette; Daniel, Jeremy A; Scully, Ralph; Wiesmüller, Lisa; Wells, Susanne I 2017. DEK is required for homologous recombination repair of DNA breaks. Scientific reports, 7 , 44662
Smith, Eric A; Gole, Boris; Willis, Nicholas A; Soria, Rebeca; Starnes, Linda M; Krumpelbeck, Eric F; Jegga, Anil G; Ali, Abdullah M; Guo, Haihong; Meetei, Amom R; Andreassen, Paul R; Kappes, Ferdinand; Vinnedge, Lisa M Privette; Daniel, Jeremy A; Scully, Ralph; Wiesmüller, Lisa; Wells, Susanne I 2017. DEK is required for homologous recombination repair of DNA breaks. Scientific reports, 7 , 44662
Romick-Rosendale, Lindsey E; Hoskins, Elizabeth E; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M; Foglesong, Grant D; Brusadelli, Marion G; Potter, S Steven; Komurov, Kakajan; Brugmann, Samantha A; Lambert, Paul F; Kimple, Randall J; Virts, Elizabeth L; Hanenberg, Helmut; Gillison, Maura L; Wells, Susanne I 2016. Defects in the Fanconi Anemia Pathway in Head and Neck Cancer Cells Stimulate Tumor Cell Invasion through DNA-PK and Rac1 Signaling. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 22 8, 2062-73
Pease, Nicholas A; Wise-Draper, Trisha; Privette Vinnedge, Lisa 2015. Dissecting the Potential Interplay of DEK Functions in Inflammation and Cancer. Journal of oncology, 2015 , 106517
Privette Vinnedge, L M; Benight, N M; Wagh, P K; Pease, N A; Nashu, M A; Serrano-Lopez, J; Adams, A K; Cancelas, J A; Waltz, S E; Wells, S I 2015. The DEK oncogene promotes cellular proliferation through paracrine Wnt signaling in Ron receptor-positive breast cancers. Oncogene, 34 18, 2325-36
Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M; Kappes, Ferdinand; Nassar, Nicolas; Wells, Susanne I 2013. Stacking the DEK: from chromatin topology to cancer stem cells. Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.), 12 1, 51-66
Privette Vinnedge, Lisa M; Ho, Shuk-Mei; Wikenheiser-Brokamp, Kathryn A; Wells, Susanne I 2012. The DEK oncogene is a target of steroid hormone receptor signaling in breast cancer. PloS one, 7 10, e46985
Privette Vinnedge, L M; McClaine, R; Wagh, P K; Wikenheiser-Brokamp, K A; Waltz, S E; Wells, S I 2011. The human DEK oncogene stimulates β-catenin signaling, invasion and mammosphere formation in breast cancer. Oncogene, 30 24, 2741-52
Gonzalez, Maria E; Makarova, Olga; Peterson, Esther A; Privette, Lisa M; Petty, Elizabeth M 2009. Up-regulation of SEPT9_v1 stabilizes c-Jun-N-terminal kinase and contributes to its pro-proliferative activity in mammary epithelial cells. Cellular signalling, 21 4, 477-87
Privette, Lisa M; Petty, Elizabeth M 2008. CHFR: A Novel Mitotic Checkpoint Protein and Regulator of Tumorigenesis. Translational oncology, 1 2, 57-64
Privette, Lisa M; Weier, Jingly Fung; Nguyen, Ha Nam; Yu, Xiaochun; Petty, Elizabeth M 2008. Loss of CHFR in human mammary epithelial cells causes genomic instability by disrupting the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.), 10 7, 643-52
Gonzalez, Maria E; Peterson, Esther A; Privette, Lisa M; Loffreda-Wren, Janice L; Kalikin, Linda M; Petty, Elizabeth M 2007. High SEPT9_v1 expression in human breast cancer cells is associated with oncogenic phenotypes. Cancer research, 67 18, 8554-64
Privette, Lisa M; González, Maria E; Ding, Lei; Kleer, Celina G; Petty, Elizabeth M 2007. Altered expression of the early mitotic checkpoint protein, CHFR, in breast cancers: implications for tumor suppression. Cancer research, 67 13, 6064-74