Madzia, Jules L; Stryker, Shanna D; Bamford, Leigh M; Pickle, Sarah; McKenna, Victoria S 2024. Gender-Diverse Patients' Awareness and Utilization of Gender-Affirming Laryngological Services. The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology, , 34894241232488
Stryker, Shanna D; Hargraves, Daniel; Velasquez, Veronica; Gottschlich, Melissa; Cafferty, Patrick; Vale, Darla; Schlaudecker, Jeff; Pallerla, Harini; Rich, Megan 2024. The Community Primary Care Champions Fellowship: a mixed methods evaluation of an interprofessional fellowship for physician assistants and physicians. BMC medical education, 24 1, 556
Stryker, Shanna D; Rabin, Julia; Castelin, Stephanie; Jacquez, Farrah; Chinchilla, Karen; Peralta, Jenniffer; Vaughn, Lisa M 2024. Stress management preferences and stress experiences among Latinx immigrants in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: Mixed-methods results from a community-academic research team. Global mental health (Cambridge, England), 11 , e94
Sullivan, Erika Anne; Stryker, Shanna D; Blaszczak, Julie; Spielvogel, Ryan; Ho, Tiffany; Kiraly, Bernadette; MacVane, Lisa; Nixon, Rachel; Sabb, Dylan M; Venkatesan, Anita; Rodríguez, José E 2024. Transgender Care Is Family Medicine: A Call to Action. Family medicine, 56 4, 229-233
Cockroft, Joshua D; Rabin, Julia; Yockey, R Andrew; Toledo, Isabella; Fain, Susan; Jacquez, Farrah; Vaughn, Lisa M; Stryker, Shanna D 2023. Psychometric Properties of Scales Measuring Resilience in U.S. Latinx Populations: A Systematic Review. Health equity, 7 1, 148-160
de la Garza Iga, Francisco Javier; Mejía Alvarez, Marinés; Cockroft, Joshua D; Rabin, Julia; Cordón, Ana; Elias Rodas, Dina Maria; Grazioso, Maria Del Pilar; Espinola, Maria; O'Dea, Christine; Schubert, Charles; Stryker, Shanna D 2023. Using the project ECHO™ model to teach mental health topics in rural Guatemala: An implementation science-guided evaluation. The International journal of social psychiatry, 69 8, 2031-2041
Stantliff, Trevor M; Houshel, Lauren; Goswami, Rinki; Millow, Serenity; Cook, Gabrielle; Knapmeyer, Robin; Easton, Christa; Stryker, Shanna D; Williams, Kelli M; Walter, Martha; Mooney, Jennifer; Huaman, Moises A 2023. The latent tuberculosis infection cascade of care during the COVID-19 pandemic response in a Mid-Sized US city. Journal of clinical tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases, 31 , 100367
Stryker, Shanna D; Conway, Katharine; Kaeppler, Caitlin; Porada, Kelsey; Tam, Reena P; Holmberg, Peter J; Schubert, Charles 2023. Underprepared: influences of U.S. medical students' self-assessed confidence in immigrant and refugee health care. Medical education online, 28 1, 2161117
Vijapura, Charmi; Tobler, Juliana; Wahab, Rifat A; Smith, M Lynne; Brown, Ann L; Pickle, Sarah; Stryker, Shanna D; Spalluto, Lucy B; England, Eric; Kanfi, Alisa 2023. Resident Attitudes and Experiences with a Novel Radiology-based Transgender Curriculum: A Qualitative Study. Academic radiology, ,
Yockey, R Andrew; Cristol, Benjamin A; Stryker, Shanna; Kline, Nolan 2023. Typical Sources and Locations of Marijuana among US Young Adults: Differences by Sexual Minority Status. Substance use & misuse, 58 5, 704-708
Ricks, JaNelle M; Arthur, Elizabeth K; Stryker, Shanna D; Yockey, R Andrew; Anderson, Avery M; Allensworth-Davies, Donald 2022. A Systematic Literature Review of Community-Based Participatory Health Research with Sexual and Gender Minority Communities. Health equity, 6 1, 640-657
Stryker, Shanna D; Pallerla, Harini; Yockey, R Andrew; Bedard-Thomas, Julia; Pickle, Sarah 2022. Training Mental Health Professionals in Gender-Affirming Care: A Survey of Experienced Clinicians. Transgender health, 7 1, 68-77
Kaeppler, Caitlin; Holmberg, Peter; Tam, Reena P; Porada, Kelsey; Stryker, Shanna D; Conway, Kate; Schubert, Charles 2021. The impact of global health opportunities on residency selection. BMC medical education, 21 1, 384
Schlaudecker J, Hargraves D, Stryker SD, Cafferty P, Gottschlich M, Rich M 2021. Transition of a Primary Care Fellowship to A Virtual Format: Lessons Learned Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences, 12 4, 287
Shanna D. Stryker, Harini Pallerla, R. Andrew Yockey, Julia Bedard-Thomas, and Sarah Pickle 2021. Training Mental Health Professionals in Gender-Affirming Care: A Survey of Experienced Clinicians Transgender Health, online ,
Stryker, Shanna D; Andrew Yockey, Robert; Rabin, Julia; Vaughn, Lisa M; Jacquez, Farrah 2021. How Do We Measure Stress in Latinos in the United States? A Systematic Review. Health equity, 5 1, 338-344
Stryker, Shanna D; Kishton, Rachel; Nichols, Beatrice; Hargraves, Daniel; Goodnow, Keesha; Doarn, Charles R; Brown, Jennifer L 2021. 'Depression is not a familiar word': A mixed-methods approach to describe the experience of primary care nurses treating depression in rural Guatemala. The International journal of social psychiatry, , 207640211047882
Yockey, Andrew; Stryker, Shanna 2021. The Epidemiology of Cocaine Use Among Hispanic Individuals: Findings From the 2015-2018 National Survey of Drug Use and Health. Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, 19 2, 105-111
Stryker, Shanna Duffy; Pallerla, Harini; Pickle, Sarah 2020. Considerations on medical training for gender-affirming care: Motivations and perspectives. International journal of transgender health, 21 1, 79-88
Duffy, Shanna O; Squires, Janet; Fromkin, Janet B; Berger, Rachel P 2011. Use of skeletal surveys to evaluate for physical abuse: analysis of 703 consecutive skeletal surveys. Pediatrics, 127 1, e47-52