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33rd Annual MeetingSeptember 28–29, 2018University of Cincinnati
The University of Cincinnati hosted the 33rd annual meeting of the Ohio Physiological Society (OPS), September 28–29, 2018 on the UC medical campus. The OPS meeting is the foremost regional forum for research in physiology, systems biology, and pharmacology, and the translational research stemming from these disciplines. OPS provides an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students, graduate students, and other trainees to present their work at a vibrant regional meeting.
Mark A Sussman, PhD
San Diego State University
The OPS2018 Keynote Speaker was Mark A Sussman, PhD, distinguished professor of biology at San Diego State University. Dr Sussman's presentation “Myocardial regeneration: Uncommon sense for common problems” focused on the biological limitations to myocardial repair in the adult heart, and to the next-generation approaches to overcoming those limitations, ultimately translating into novel clinical treatments achieving desperately needed treatment of heart failure.
Attending OPS2018 were over 190 registrants from 23 institutions around Ohio (including Kenyon College, the Ohio State University, UC, and Wright State University), Kentucky and Indiana.
OPS2018 received a record-breaking 109 abstract submissions, of which 9 were selected for oral presentation and 100 for poster presentation. Topics included cardiovascular physiology and disease, muscle physiology and disease, epithelial physiology and membrane transport, neuroscience, and comparative physiology.
The meeting began Friday afternoon with the keynote address, followed by a reception and dinner. Saturday's full-day program featured selected oral presentations, two poster sessions, and a student data blitz.
The program ended with a brief business meeting and awards ceremony. Andrew Voss, PhD, associate professor of biological sciences at Wright State University, Dayton, OH, was elected OPS President. Dr Voss will host the OPS annual meeting at Wright State in fall 2019. Trainee award-winners are listed below.
Undergraduate and graduate students who submitted an abstract and presented their research at OPS2018 were eligible for one of two competitive awards. The Peter K Lauf Travel Award, named in honor of the founding president of OPS, provides trainees with an award certificate and $750 to help defray the costs of attending and presenting at Experimental Biology 2019 (Orlando, FL, April 6–9, 2019). The OPS Research Excellence Award provided trainees with an award certificate and a cash prize of $50.
Laura Conforti, PhDA Scott Emmert (Undergraduate Student Representative)Bryan Mackenzie, PhDT Alex Ruwe, BS (Graduate Student Representative)Sakthivel Sadayappan, PhD MBAJo El Schultz, PhDRoger T Worrell, PhDYana Zavros, PhD
34th Annual MeetingSeptember 20–21, 2019Wright State University
The 34th Annual Meeting of the Ohio Physiological Society will be held at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio on September 20–21, 2019. OPS President Andrew Voss, PhD (Wright State University) will host the meeting. Robert T Dirksen, PhD (University of Rochester) will deliver the keynote address. More details to follow. Visit the OPS2019 website.
Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neurobiology
College of MedicinePO Box 670576Cincinnati, OH 45267-0576
Ms. Jennifer BedelAssociate To The ChairPhone: 513-558-5636Email: