- Residency: University of Cincinnati (Emergency Medicine)
- Medical Degree: Vanderbilt University Medical School
- Bachelor's Degree: Brown University (Biology)
American Board of Emergency Medicine (Certification Date: 1987-09-28) - (Recertification Date: 2006-12-18)
Emergency Medicine
- Medical Sciences Building 1510
- Office 513-558-8086
- Email giblerwb@ucmail.uc.edu
Clinical Interests
Emergency Medicine
Peer Reviewed Publications
Gibler, W Brian; Racadio, Judy M; Hirsch, Amy L; Roat, Todd W 2019. Management of Severe Bleeding in Patients Treated With Oral Anticoagulants: Proceedings Monograph From the Emergency Medicine Cardiac Research and Education Group-International Multidisciplinary Severe Bleeding Consensus Panel October 20, 2018. Critical pathways in cardiology, 18 3, 143-166
Gibler, W Brian 2018. Advances in the Treatment of Stable Coronary Artery Disease and Peripheral Artery Disease. Critical pathways in cardiology, 17 2, 53-68
Gibler, W Brian; Racadio, Judy M; Hirsch, Amy L; Roat, Todd W 2018. Continuum of Care for Acute Coronary Syndrome: Optimizing Treatment for ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Non-St-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome. Critical pathways in cardiology, 17 3, 114-138
Sun, Benjamin C; Laurie, Amber; Fu, Rongwei; Ferencik, Maros; Shapiro, Michael; Lindsell, Christopher J; Diercks, Deborah; Hoekstra, James W; Hollander, Judd E; Kirk, J Douglas; Peacock, W Frank; Gibler, W Brian; Anantharaman, Venkataraman; Pollack, Charles V 2016. Association of Early Stress Testing with Outcomes for Emergency Department Evaluation of Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome. Critical pathways in cardiology, 15 2, 60-8
McMullan, Jason T; Hinckley, William; Bentley, Jared; Davis, Todd; Fermann, Gregory J; Gunderman, Matthew; Hart, Kimberly Ward; Knight, William A; Lindsell, Christopher J; Miller, Chris; Shackleford, April; Gibler, W Brian 2012. Ground emergency medical services requests for helicopter transfer of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients decrease medical contact to balloon times in rural and suburban settings. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 19 2, 153-60
Subherwal, Sumeet; Bhatt, Deepak L; Li, Shuang; Wang, Tracy Y; Thomas, Laine; Alexander, Karen P; Patel, Manesh R; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2012. Polyvascular disease and long-term cardiovascular outcomes in older patients with non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction. Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, 5 4, 541-9
Wang, Yang; Lindsell, Christopher J; Pollack, Charles V; Hollander, Judd; Diercks, Deborah B; Kirk, J Douglas; Anantharaman, Venkataraman; Gibler, W Brian; Hoekstra, James; Peacock, W Frank 2012. Self-reported cocaine use, emergency physician testing and outcomes in suspected acute coronary syndromes: a nested matched case-control study. BMJ open, 2 3,
Backus, B E; Six, A J; Kelder, J H; Gibler, W B; Moll, F L; Doevendans, P A 2011. Risk scores for patients with chest pain: evaluation in the emergency department. Current cardiology reviews, 7 1, 2-8
Esposito, Emily C; Hollander, Judd E; Ryan, Richard J; Schreiber, Donald; O'Neil, Brian; Jackson, Raymond; Christenson, Robert; Gibler, W Brian; Lindsell, Christopher J 2011. Predictors of 30-day cardiovascular events in patients with prior percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass grafting. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 18 6, 613-8
McMullan, Jason T; Hinckley, William; Bentley, Jared; Davis, Todd; Fermann, Gregory J; Gunderman, Matthew; Hart, Kimberly Ward; Knight, William A; Lindsell, Christopher J; Shackleford, April; Gibler, W Brian 2011. Reperfusion is delayed beyond guideline recommendations in patients requiring interhospital helicopter transfer for treatment of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Annals of emergency medicine, 57 3, 213-220.e1
McMullin, Nolan; Lindsell, Christopher J; Lei, Lei; Mafi, John; Jois-Bilowich, Preeti; Anantharaman, Venkataraman; Pollack, Charles V; Hollander, Judd E; Gibler, W Brian; Hoekestra, James W; Diercks, Deborah; Peacock, W Frank 2011. Outcomes associated with small changes in normal-range cardiac markers. The American journal of emergency medicine, 29 2, 162-7
Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Thomas, Laine; Wang, Tracy Y; Alexander, Karen P; Hammill, Bradley G; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2011. Predicting long-term mortality in older patients after non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: the CRUSADE long-term mortality model and risk score. American heart journal, 162 5, 875-883.e1
Drew, Barbara J; Ackerman, Michael J; Funk, Marjorie; Gibler, W Brian; Kligfield, Paul; Menon, Venu; Philippides, George J; Roden, Dan M; Zareba, Wojciech 2010. Prevention of torsade de pointes in hospital settings: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology Foundation. Circulation, 121 8, 1047-60
Drew, Barbara J; Ackerman, Michael J; Funk, Marjorie; Gibler, W Brian; Kligfield, Paul; Menon, Venu; Philippides, George J; Roden, Dan M; Zareba, Wojciech 2010. Prevention of torsade de pointes in hospital settings: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology Foundation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 55 9, 934-47
Gharacholou, Shahyar Michael; Alexander, Karen P; Chen, Anita Y; Wang, Tracy Y; Melloni, Chiara; Gibler, W Brian; Pollack, Charles V; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2010. Implications and reasons for the lack of use of reperfusion therapy in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: findings from the CRUSADE initiative. American heart journal, 159 5, 757-63
Mehta, Rajendra H; Chen, Anita Y; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2010. Influence of transfer-in rates on quality of care and outcomes at receiving hospitals in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. American heart journal, 160 3, 405-11
Melloni, Chiara; Shah, Bimal R; Ou, Fang-Shu; Roe, Matthew T; Smith, Sidney C; Pollack, Charles V; Ohman, Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D; Alexander, Karen P 2010. Lipid-lowering intensification and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol achievement from hospital admission to 1-year follow-up after an acute coronary syndrome event: results from the Medications ApplIed aNd SusTAINed Over Time (MAINTAIN) registry. American heart journal, 160 6, 1121-9, 1129.e1
Michaels, Andrew D; Spinler, Sarah A; Leeper, Barbara; Ohman, E Magnus; Alexander, Karen P; Newby, L Kristin; Ay, Hakan; Gibler, W Brian 2010. Medication errors in acute cardiovascular and stroke patients: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 121 14, 1664-82
Mudrick, Daniel W; Chen, Anita Y; Roe, Matthew T; Newby, L Kristin; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D; Alexander, Karen P 2010. Changes in glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor excess dosing with site-specific safety feedback in the Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with Early implementation of the ACC/AHA guidelines (CRUSADE) initiative. American heart journal, 160 6, 1072-8
Shah, Bimal R; Peterson, Eric D; Chen, Anita Y; Mahaffey, Kenneth W; DeLong, Elizabeth R; Ohman, E Magnus; Pollack, Charles V; Gibler, W Brian; Roe, Matthew T 2010. Influence of clinical trial participation on subsequent antithrombin use. Clinical cardiology, 33 3, E49-55
Weintraub, Neal L; Collins, Sean P; Pang, Peter S; Levy, Phillip D; Anderson, Allen S; Arslanian-Engoren, Cynthia; Gibler, W Brian; McCord, James K; Parshall, Mark B; Francis, Gary S; Gheorghiade, Mihai 2010. Acute heart failure syndromes: emergency department presentation, treatment, and disposition: current approaches and future aims: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 122 19, 1975-96
Allen LaPointe, Nancy M; Chen, Anita Y; Roe, Matthew T; Cohen, David J; Diercks, Deborah B; Hoekstra, James W; Fesmire, Francis M; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2009. Relation of patient age and mortality to reported contraindications to early beta-blocker use for non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome. The American journal of cardiology, 104 10, 1324-9
Amsterdam, Ezra A; Peterson, Eric D; Ou, Fang-Shu; Newby, L Kristin; Pollack, Charles V; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Roe, Matthew T 2009. Comparative trends in guidelines adherence among patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes treated with invasive versus conservative management strategies: Results from the CRUSADE quality improvement initiative. American heart journal, 158 5, 748-754.e1
Bhatt, Deepak L; Peterson, Eric D; Harrington, Robert A; Ou, Fang-Shu; Cannon, Christopher P; Gibson, C Michael; Kleiman, Neal S; Brindis, Ralph G; Peacock, W Frank; Brener, Sorin J; Menon, Venu; Smith, Sidney C; Pollack, Charles V; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Roe, Matthew T 2009. Prior polyvascular disease: risk factor for adverse ischaemic outcomes in acute coronary syndromes. European heart journal, 30 10, 1195-202
Chandra, Abhinav; Glickman, Seth W; Ou, Fang-Shu; Peacock, W Frank; McCord, James K; Cairns, Charles B; Peterson, Eric D; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Roe, Matthew T 2009. An analysis of the Association of Society of Chest Pain Centers Accreditation to American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction guideline adherence. Annals of emergency medicine, 54 1, 17-25
Chandra, Abhinav; Lindsell, Christopher J; Limkakeng, Alexander; Diercks, Deborah B; Hoekstra, James W; Hollander, Judd E; Kirk, J Douglas; Peacock, W Frank; Gibler, W Brian; Pollack, Charles V 2009. Emergency physician high pretest probability for acute coronary syndrome correlates with adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 16 8, 740-8
Cohen, Mauricio G; Filby, Steven J; Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Menon, Venu; Stouffer, George A; Gibler, W Brian; Smith, Sidney C; Pollack, Charles V; Peterson, Eric D; Ohman, E Magnus 2009. The paradoxical use of cardiac catheterization in patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: lessons from the Can Rapid Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse Outcomes With Early Implementation of the ACC /AHA Guidelines (CRUSADE) Quality Improvement Initiative. American heart journal, 158 2, 263-70
Diercks, Deborah B; Kontos, Michael C; Chen, Anita Y; Pollack, Charles V; Wiviott, Stephen D; Rumsfeld, John S; Magid, David J; Gibler, W Brian; Cannon, Christopher P; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2009. Utilization and impact of pre-hospital electrocardiograms for patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: data from the NCDR (National Cardiovascular Data Registry) ACTION (Acute Coronary Treatment and Intervention Outcomes Network) Registry. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 53 2, 161-6
Fermann, Gregory J; Lindsell, Christopher J; O'Neil, Brian J; Gibler, W Brian 2009. Performance of a body surface mapping system using emergency physician real-time interpretation. The American journal of emergency medicine, 27 7, 816-22
Fermann, Gregory J; Raja, Ali S; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T; Hoekstra, James W; Milford-Beland, Sarah; Diercks, Deborah B; Pollack, Charles V; Peacock, W Frank; Summers, Richard; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian 2009. Early treatment for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome is associated with appropriate discharge care. Clinical cardiology, 32 9, 519-25
Gehrie, Erika R; Reynolds, Harmony R; Chen, Anita Y; Neelon, Brian H; Roe, Matthew T; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Newby, L Kristin; Peterson, Eric D; Hochman, Judith S 2009. Characterization and outcomes of women and men with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and nonobstructive coronary artery disease: results from the Can Rapid Risk Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse Outcomes with Early Implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines (CRUSADE) quality improvement initiative. American heart journal, 158 4, 688-94
Halim, Sharif A; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Chen, Anita Y; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Newby, L Kristin 2009. Use of guidelines-recommended management and outcomes among women and men with low-level troponin elevation: insights from CRUSADE. Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, 2 3, 199-206
Hernandez, Adrian F; O'Connor, Christopher M; Starling, Randall C; Reist, Craig J; Armstrong, Paul W; Dickstein, Kenneth; Lorenz, Todd J; Gibler, W Brian; Hasselblad, Vic; Komajda, Michel; Massie, Barry; McMurray, John J V; Nieminen, Markku; Rouleau, Jean L; Swedberg, Karl; Califf, Robert M 2009. Rationale and design of the Acute Study of Clinical Effectiveness of Nesiritide in Decompensated Heart Failure Trial (ASCEND-HF). American heart journal, 157 2, 271-7
Patel, Uptal D; Ou, Fang-Shu; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Pollack, Charles V; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2009. Hospital performance and differences by kidney function in the use of recommended therapies after non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes. American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, 53 3, 426-37
Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Cannon, Christopher P; Rao, Sunil; Rumsfeld, John; Magid, David J; Brindis, Ralph; Klein, Lloyd W; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2009. Temporal changes in the use of drug-eluting stents for patients with non-ST-Segment-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention from 2006 to 2008: results from the can rapid risk stratification of unstable angina patients supress ADverse outcomes with early implementation of the ACC/AHA guidelines (CRUSADE) and acute coronary treatment and intervention outcomes network-get with the guidelines (ACTION-GWTG) registries. Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, 2 5, 414-20
Ryan, Richard J; Lindsell, Christopher J; Hollander, Judd E; O'Neil, Brian; Jackson, Raymond; Schreiber, Donald; Christenson, Robert; Gibler, W Brian 2009. A multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing central laboratory and point-of-care cardiac marker testing strategies: the Disposition Impacted by Serial Point of Care Markers in Acute Coronary Syndromes (DISPO-ACS) trial. Annals of emergency medicine, 53 3, 321-8
Spinler, Sarah A; Ou, Fang-Shu; Roe, Matthew T; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Pollack, Charles V; Alexander, Karen P; Peterson, Eric D 2009. Weight-based dosing of enoxaparin in obese patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: results from the CRUSADE initiative. Pharmacotherapy, 29 6, 631-8
Subherwal, Sumeet; Bach, Richard G; Chen, Anita Y; Gage, Brian F; Rao, Sunil V; Newby, L Kristin; Wang, Tracy Y; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Roe, Matthew T; Pollack, Charles V; Peterson, Eric D; Alexander, Karen P 2009. Baseline risk of major bleeding in non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction: the CRUSADE (Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with Early implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines) Bleeding Score. Circulation, 119 14, 1873-82
Takakuwa, Kevin M; Ou, Fang-Shu; Peterson, Eric D; Pollack, Charles V; Peacock, W Frank; Hoekstra, James W; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Blomkalns, Andra L; Roe, Matthew T 2009. The usage patterns of cardiac bedside markers employing point-of-care testing for troponin in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: results from CRUSADE. Clinical cardiology, 32 9, 498-505
Wang, Tracy Y; Newby, L Kristin; Chen, Anita Y; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Roe, Matthew T; Sonel, Ali F; Bhatt, Deepak L; DeLong, Elizabeth R; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D 2009. Hypercholesterolemia paradox in relation to mortality in acute coronary syndrome. Clinical cardiology, 32 9, E22-8
Wang, Tracy Y; Ou, Fang-Shu; Roe, Matthew T; Harrington, Robert A; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D 2009. Incidence and prognostic significance of thrombocytopenia developed during acute coronary syndrome in contemporary clinical practice. Circulation, 119 18, 2454-62
Alexander, Deepu; Mann, Noelle; Ou, Fang-Shu; Peterson, Eric D; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Roe, Matthew T 2008. Patterns of upstream antiplatelet therapy use before primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (from the CRUSADE National Quality Improvement Initiative). The American journal of cardiology, 102 10, 1335-40
Alexander, Deepu; Ou, Fang-Shu; Roe, Matthew T; Pollack, Charles V; Ohman, E Magnus; Cannon, Christopher P; Gibler, W Brian; Fintel, Dan J; Peterson, Eric D; Brown, David L 2008. Use of and inhospital outcomes after early clopidogrel therapy in patients not undergoing an early invasive strategy for treatment of non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: results from Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with Early implementation of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines (CRUSADE). American heart journal, 156 3, 606-12
Donham, Benjamin P; Gibler, W Brian 2008. Images in emergency medicine. Gonococcal conjunctivitis. Annals of emergency medicine, 52 1, 11, 16
Dunlay, Shannon M; Alexander, Karen P; Melloni, Chiara; Kraschnewski, Jennifer L; Liang, Li; Gibler, W Brian; Roe, Matthew T; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2008. Medical records and quality of care in acute coronary syndromes: results from CRUSADE. Archives of internal medicine, 168 15, 1692-8
Madala, Mohan C; Franklin, Barry A; Chen, Anita Y; Berman, Aaron D; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Ohman, E Magnus; Smith, Sidney C; Gibler, W Brian; McCullough, Peter A 2008. Obesity and age of first non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 52 12, 979-85
Majumdar, Sumit R; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Chen, Anita Y; Gibler, W Brian; Armstrong, Paul W 2008. Better outcomes for patients treated at hospitals that participate in clinical trials. Archives of internal medicine, 168 6, 657-62
McCord, James; Jneid, Hani; Hollander, Judd E; de Lemos, James A; Cercek, Bojan; Hsue, Priscilla; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Drew, Barbara; Philippides, George; Newby, L Kristin 2008. Management of cocaine-associated chest pain and myocardial infarction: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Acute Cardiac Care Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology. Circulation, 117 14, 1897-907
Melloni, Chiara; Alexander, Karen P; Chen, Anita Y; Newby, L Kristin; Roe, Matthew T; Allen LaPointe, Nancy M; Pollack, Charles V; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2008. Unfractionated heparin dosing and risk of major bleeding in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. American heart journal, 156 2, 209-15
Melloni, Chiara; Alexander, Karen P; Milford-Beland, Sarah; Newby, L Kristin; Szczech, Lynda A; Pollack, Charles V; Kirk, J Douglas; Christenson, Robert H; Harrington, Robert A; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2008. Prognostic value of troponins in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes and chronic kidney disease. Clinical cardiology, 31 3, 125-9
Melloni, Chiara; Peterson, Eric D; Chen, Anita Y; Szczech, Lynda A; Newby, L Kristin; Harrington, Robert A; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Spinler, Sarah A; Roe, Matthew T; Alexander, Karen P 2008. Cockcroft-Gault versus modification of diet in renal disease: importance of glomerular filtration rate formula for classification of chronic kidney disease in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 51 10, 991-6
Miller, C D; Fermann, G J; Lindsell, C J; Mahaffey, K W; Peacock, W F; Pollack, C V; Hollander, J E; Diercks, D B; Gibler, W B; Hoekstra, J W 2008. Initial risk stratification and presenting characteristics of patients with evolving myocardial infarctions. Emergency medicine journal : EMJ, 25 8, 492-7
Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Delong, Elizabeth R; Boden, William E; Calvin, James E; Cairns, Charles B; Smith, Sidney C; Pollack, Charles V; Brindis, Ralph G; Califf, Robert M; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2008. Patterns of transfer for patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome from community to tertiary care hospitals. American heart journal, 156 1, 185-92
Roe, Matthew T; Ou, Fang-Shu; Alexander, Karen P; Newby, Laura Kristin; Foody, Joanne M; Gibler, W Brian; Boden, William E; Ohman, Erik Magnus; Smith, Sidney C; Peterson, Eric D 2008. Patterns and prognostic implications of low high-density lipoprotein levels in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. European heart journal, 29 20, 2480-8
Ting, Henry H; Krumholz, Harlan M; Bradley, Elizabeth H; Cone, David C; Curtis, Jeptha P; Drew, Barbara J; Field, John M; French, William J; Gibler, W Brian; Goff, David C; Jacobs, Alice K; Nallamothu, Brahmajee K; O'Connor, Robert E; Schuur, Jeremiah D 2008. Implementation and integration of prehospital ECGs into systems of care for acute coronary syndrome: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Interdisciplinary Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research, Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee, Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, and Council on Clinical Cardiology. Circulation, 118 10, 1066-79
Wang, Tracy Y; Chen, Anita Y; Alexander, Karen P; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2008. Excess heparin dosing among fibrinolytic-treated patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. The American journal of medicine, 121 9, 805-10
Wang, Tracy Y; Chen, Anita Y; Peterson, Eric D; Becker, Richard C; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Roe, Matthew T 2008. Impact of home warfarin use on treatment patterns and bleeding complications for patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: observations from the CRUSADE quality improvement initiative. European heart journal, 29 9, 1103-9
Wang, Tracy Y; Robinson, Lee A; Ou, Fang-Shu; Roe, Matthew T; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Smith, Sidney C; Peterson, Eric D; Becker, Richard C 2008. Discharge antithrombotic strategies among patients with acute coronary syndrome previously on warfarin anticoagulation: physician practice in the CRUSADE registry. American heart journal, 155 2, 361-8
Wright, Stewart W; Trott, Alexander; Lindsell, Christopher J; Smith, Carol; Gibler, W Brian 2008. Evidence-based emergency medicine. Creating a system to facilitate translation of evidence into standardized clinical practice: a preliminary report. Annals of emergency medicine, 51 1, 80-6, 86.e1-8
Alexander, Karen P; Newby, L Kristin; Armstrong, Paul W; Cannon, Christopher P; Gibler, W Brian; Rich, Michael W; Van de Werf, Frans; White, Harvey D; Weaver, W Douglas; Naylor, Mary D; Gore, Joel M; Krumholz, Harlan M; Ohman, E Magnus 2007. Acute coronary care in the elderly, part II: ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction: a scientific statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology: in collaboration with the Society of Geriatric Cardiology. Circulation, 115 19, 2570-89
Alexander, Karen P; Newby, L Kristin; Cannon, Christopher P; Armstrong, Paul W; Gibler, W Brian; Rich, Michael W; Van de Werf, Frans; White, Harvey D; Weaver, W Douglas; Naylor, Mary D; Gore, Joel M; Krumholz, Harlan M; Ohman, E Magnus 2007. Acute coronary care in the elderly, part I: Non-ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndromes: a scientific statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology: in collaboration with the Society of Geriatric Cardiology. Circulation, 115 19, 2549-69
Atwater, Brett D; Milford-Beland, Sarah; Newby, L Kristin; Hernandez, Adrian F; Peacock, W Frank; Gibler, W Brian; Christenson, Robert H; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2007. Patterns and implications of B-type natriuretic peptide measurement in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. The American journal of cardiology, 100 12, 1727-33
Bennett, Kyla M; Hernandez, Adrian F; Chen, Anita Y; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Newby, L Kristin; Rumsfeld, John S; Hochman, Judith S; Hoekstra, James W; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D 2007. Heart failure with preserved left ventricular systolic function among patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. The American journal of cardiology, 99 10, 1351-6
Blomkalns, Andra L; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Ohman, E Magnus; Fraulo, Elizabeth S; Gibler, W Brian 2007. Guideline implementation research: exploring the gap between evidence and practice in the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 14 11, 949-54
Diercks, Deborah B; Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Peacock, W Franklin; Kirk, J Douglas; Pollack, Charles V; Gibler, W Brian; Smith, Sidney C; Ohman, Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2007. Prolonged emergency department stays of non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction patients are associated with worse adherence to the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines for management and increased adverse events. Annals of emergency medicine, 50 5, 489-96
Glickman, Seth W; Boulding, William; Staelin, Richard; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Roe, Matthew T; Lytle, Barbara L; Rumsfeld, John S; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Schulman, Kevin A; Peterson, Eric D 2007. A framework for quality improvement: an analysis of factors responsible for improvement at hospitals participating in the Can Rapid Risk Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse Outcomes with Early Implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines (CRUSADE) quality improvement initiative. American heart journal, 154 6, 1206-20
Glickman, Seth W; Ou, Fang-Shu; DeLong, Elizabeth R; Roe, Matthew T; Lytle, Barbara L; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Rumsfeld, John S; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Schulman, Kevin A; Peterson, Eric D 2007. Pay for performance, quality of care, and outcomes in acute myocardial infarction. JAMA, 297 21, 2373-80
Gogo, Prospero B; Dauerman, Harold L; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Ohman, E Magnus; Patel, Manesh R; Cohen, David J; Saucedo, Jorge F; Harrington, Robert A; Gibler, W Brian; Smith, Sidney C; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2007. Changes in patterns of coronary revascularization strategies for patients with acute coronary syndromes (from the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative). The American journal of cardiology, 99 9, 1222-6
Han, Jin H; Lindsell, Christopher J; Hornung, Richard W; Lewis, Timothy; Storrow, Alan B; Hoekstra, James W; Hollander, Judd E; Miller, Chadwick D; Peacock, W Frank; Pollack, Charles V; Gibler, W Brian 2007. The elder patient with suspected acute coronary syndromes in the emergency department. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 14 8, 732-9
Han, Jin H; Lindsell, Christopher J; Storrow, Alan B; Luber, Samuel; Hoekstra, James W; Hollander, Judd E; Peacock, W Franklin; Pollack, Charles V; Gibler, W Brian 2007. The role of cardiac risk factor burden in diagnosing acute coronary syndromes in the emergency department setting. Annals of emergency medicine, 49 2, 145-52, 152.e1
Lytle, Barbara L; Fraulo, Elizabeth S; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Miller, Vincent A; Roe, Matthew T; Smith, Sidney C; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2007. What aspects of hospital culture influence quality? Critical pathways in cardiology, 6 4, 145-9
Mehta, Rajendra H; Milford-Beland, Sarah; Peterson, Eric D; Bhatt, Deepak L; Farkouh, Michael E; Brogan, Gerald X; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Roe, Matthew T 2007. Characterizing young patients with diabetes and non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Diabetes care, 30 3, 731-3
Miller, Chadwick D; Roe, Matthew T; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Hoekstra, James W; Santos, Renato; Pollack, Charles V; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D 2007. Impact of acute beta-blocker therapy for patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. The American journal of medicine, 120 8, 685-92
Moyer, Peter; Ornato, Joseph P; Brady, William J; Davis, Leslie L; Ghaemmaghami, Chris A; Gibler, W Brian; Mears, Greg; Mosesso, Vincent N; Zane, Richard D 2007. Development of systems of care for ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients: the emergency medical services and emergency department perspective. Circulation, 116 2, e43-8
Patel, Manesh R; Chen, Anita Y; Roe, Matthew T; Ohman, E Magnus; Newby, L Kristin; Harrington, Robert A; Smith, Sydney C; Gibler, W Brian; Calvin, James E; Peterson, Eric D 2007. A comparison of acute coronary syndrome care at academic and nonacademic hospitals. The American journal of medicine, 120 1, 40-6
Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Mehta, Rajendra H; Li, Yun; Brindis, Ralph G; Smith, Sidney C; Rumsfeld, John S; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2007. Influence of inpatient service specialty on care processes and outcomes for patients with non ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Circulation, 116 10, 1153-61
Roe, Matthew T; Halabi, Abdul R; Mehta, Rajendra H; Chen, Anita Y; Newby, L Kristin; Harrington, Robert A; Smith, Sidney C; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D 2007. Documented traditional cardiovascular risk factors and mortality in non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. American heart journal, 153 4, 507-14
Schaeffer, Michael W; Brennan, Timothy D; Hughes, Judith A; Gibler, W Brian; Gerson, Myron C 2007. Resting radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging in a chest pain center including an overnight delayed image acquisition protocol. Journal of nuclear medicine technology, 35 4, 242-5
Shah, Bimal R; Glickman, Seth W; Liang, Li; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Pollack, Charles V; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D 2007. The impact of for-profit hospital status on the care and outcomes of patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: results from the CRUSADE Initiative. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 50 15, 1462-8
Skolnick, Adam H; Alexander, Karen P; Chen, Anita Y; Roe, Matthew T; Pollack, Charles V; Ohman, E Magnus; Rumsfeld, John S; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D; Cohen, David J 2007. Characteristics, management, and outcomes of 5,557 patients age > or =90 years with acute coronary syndromes: results from the CRUSADE Initiative. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 49 17, 1790-7
Thygesen, Kristian; Alpert, Joseph S; White, Harvey D ; Jaffe, Allan S; Apple, Fred S; Galvani, Marcello; Katus, Hugo A; Newby, L Kristin; Ravkilde, Jan; Chaitman, Bernard; Clemmensen, Peter M; Dellborg, Mikael; Hod, Hanoch; Porela, Pekka; Underwood, Richard; Bax, Jeroen J; Beller, George A; Bonow, Robert; Van der Wall, Ernst E; Bassand, Jean-Pierre; Wijns, William; Ferguson, T Bruce; Steg, Philippe G; Uretsky, Barry F; Williams, David O; Armstrong, Paul W; Antman, Elliott M; Fox, Keith A; Hamm, Christian W; Ohman, E Magnus; Simoons, Maarten L; Poole-Wilson, Philip A; Gurfinkel, Enrique P; Lopez-Sendon, José-Luis; Pais, Prem; Mendis, Shanti; Zhu, Jun-Ren; Wallentin, Lars C; Fernández-Avilés, Francisco; Fox, Kim M; Parkhomenko, Alexander N; Priori, Silvia G; Tendera, Michal; Voipio-Pulkki, Liisa-Maria; Vahanian, Alec; Camm, A John; De Caterina, Raffaele; Dean, Veronica; Dickstein, Kenneth; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Funck-Brentano, Christian; Hellemans, Irene; Kristensen, Steen Dalby; McGregor, Keith; Sechtem, Udo; Silber, Sigmund; Tendera, Michal; Widimsky, Petr; Zamorano, José Luis; Morais, Joao; Brener, Sorin; Harrington, Robert; Morrow, David; Lim, Michael; Martinez-Rios, Marco A; Steinhubl, Steve; Levine, Glen N; Gibler, W Brian; Goff, David; Tubaro, Marco; Dudek, Darek; Al-Attar, Nawwar 2007. Universal definition of myocardial infarction. Circulation, 116 22, 2634-53
Tickoo, Sumit; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Milford-Beland, Sarah; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Pollack, Charles V; Cannon, Christopher P 2007. Patterns of aspirin dosing in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes in the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative. The American journal of cardiology, 99 11, 1496-9
Tricoci, Pierluigi; Peterson, Eric D; Chen, Anita Y; Newby, L Kristin; Harrington, Robert A; Greenbaum, Adam B; Cannon, Chistopher P; Gibson, C Michael; Hoekstra, James W; Pollack, Charles V; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Roe, Matthew T 2007. Timing of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor use and outcomes among patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (results from CRUSADE). The American journal of cardiology, 99 10, 1389-93
Wang, Tracy Y; Chen, Anita Y; Roe, Matthew T; Alexander, Karen P; Newby, L Kristin; Smith, Sidney C; Bangalore, Sripal; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2007. Comparison of baseline characteristics, treatment patterns, and in-hospital outcomes of Asian versus non-Asian white Americans with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes from the CRUSADE quality improvement initiative. The American journal of cardiology, 100 3, 391-6
Zia, Mohammad I; Goodman, Shaun G; Peterson, Eric D; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Chen, Anita Y; Langer, Anatoly; Tan, Mary; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Pollack, Charles V; Roe, Matthew T 2007. Paradoxical use of invasive cardiac procedures for patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction: an international perspective from the CRUSADE Initiative and the Canadian ACS Registries I and II. The Canadian journal of cardiology, 23 13, 1073-9
Alexander, Karen P; Chen, Anita Y; Newby, L Kristin; Schwartz, Janice B; Redberg, Rita F; Hochman, Judith S; Roe, Matthew T; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2006. Sex differences in major bleeding with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors: results from the CRUSADE (Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with Early implementation of the ACC/AHA guidelines) initiative. Circulation, 114 13, 1380-7
Blomkalns, Andra L; O'Connell, Elise M; Eady, Caroline E; Lindsell, Christopher J; Gibler, W Brian 2006. Evaluation of dyslipidemia in the emergency department: impact of cholesterol testing on subsequent therapy. American heart journal, 152 6, 1182-6
Brogan, Gerard X; Peterson, Eric D; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Bhatt, Deepak L; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Pollack, Charles V; Farkouh, Michael E; Roe, Matthew T 2006. Treatment disparities in the care of patients with and without diabetes presenting with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Diabetes care, 29 1, 9-14
Calvin, James E; Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Mehta, Rajendra H; Brogan, Gerard X; Delong, Elizabeth R; Fintel, Dan J; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Smith, Sidney C; Peterson, Eric D 2006. Insurance coverage and care of patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Annals of internal medicine, 145 10, 739-48
Cohen, Mauricio G; Roe, Matthew T; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Peterson, Eric D; Sonel, Ali F; Menon, Venu; Smith, Sidney C; Saucedo, Jorge F; Lytle, Barbara L; Pollack, Charles V; Garza, Luis; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus 2006. Clinical characteristics, process of care, and outcomes of Hispanic patients presenting with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: results from Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with Early implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines (CRUSADE). American heart journal, 152 1, 110-7
Diercks, Deborah B; Kirk, J Douglas; Lindsell, Christopher J; Pollack, Charles V; Hoekstra, James W; Gibler, W Brian; Hollander, Judd E 2006. Door-to-ECG time in patients with chest pain presenting to the ED. The American journal of emergency medicine, 24 1, 1-7
Diercks, Deborah B; Peacock, W Frank; Hiestand, Brian C; Chen, Anita Y; Pollack, Charles V; Kirk, J Douglas; Smith, Sidney C; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Blomkalns, Andra L; Newby, L Kristin; Hochman, Judith S; Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T 2006. Frequency and consequences of recording an electrocardiogram >10 minutes after arrival in an emergency room in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (from the CRUSADE Initiative). The American journal of cardiology, 97 4, 437-42
Diercks, Deborah B; Roe, Matthew T; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Pollack, Charles V; Kirk, J Douglas; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Smith, Sidney C; Boden, William E; Peterson, Eric D 2006. The obesity paradox in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: results from the Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with Early implementation of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines Quality Improvement Initiative. American heart journal, 152 1, 140-8
Han, Jin H; Chandra, Abhinav; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Szczech, Lynda A; Patel, Uptal; Ohman, E Magnus; Lindsell, Christopher J; Gibler, W Brian 2006. Chronic kidney disease in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. The American journal of medicine, 119 3, 248-54
Lindsell, Christopher J; Anantharaman, Venkataraman; Diercks, Deborah; Han, Jin Ho; Hoekstra, James W; Hollander, Judd E; Kirk, J Douglas; Lim, Swee-Han; Peacock, W Frank; Tiffany, Brian; Wilke, Eric K; Gibler, W Brian; Pollack, Charles V 2006. The Internet Tracking Registry of Acute Coronary Syndromes (i*trACS): a multicenter registry of patients with suspicion of acute coronary syndromes reported using the standardized reporting guidelines for emergency department chest pain studies. Annals of emergency medicine, 48 6, 666-77, 677.e1-9
Mehta, Rajendra H; Chen, Anita Y; Pollack, Charles V; Roe, Matthew T; Zalenski, Robert J; Clements, Elizabeth A; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Harrington, Robert A; Peterson, Eric D 2006. Challenges in predicting the need for coronary artery bypass grafting at presentation in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. The American journal of cardiology, 98 5, 624-7
Mehta, Rajendra H; Newby, L Kristin; Patel, Yogin; Hoekstra, James W; Miller, Chadwick D; Chen, Anita Y; Lytle, Barbara L; Diercks, Deborah B; Summers, Richard L; Brogan, Gerard X; Peacock, W Frank; Pollack, Charles V; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian 2006. The impact of emergency department structure and care processes in delivering care for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. American heart journal, 152 4, 648-60
Mehta, Rajendra H; Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Lytle, Barbara L; Pollack, Charles V; Brindis, Ralph G; Smith, Sidney C; Harrington, Robert A; Fintel, Dan; Fraulo, Elizabeth S; Califf, Robert M; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2006. Recent trends in the care of patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: insights from the CRUSADE initiative. Archives of internal medicine, 166 18, 2027-34
Mehta, Rajendra H; Roe, Matthew T; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Ohman, E Magnus; Cannon, Christopher P; Gibler, W Brian; Pollack, Charles V; Smith, Sidney C; Ferguson, T Bruce; Peterson, Eric D 2006. Acute clopidogrel use and outcomes in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 48 2, 281-6
Menon, Venu; Rumsfeld, John S; Roe, Matthew T; Cohen, Mauricio G; Peterson, Eric D; Brindis, Ralph G; Chen, Anita Y; Pollack, Charles V; Smith, Sidney C; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus 2006. Regional outcomes after admission for high-risk non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. The American journal of medicine, 119 7, 584-90
Newby, L Kristin; Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Ohman, E Magnus; Christenson, Robert H; Pollack, Charles V; Hoekstra, James W; Peacock, W Frank; Harrington, Robert A; Jesse, Robert L; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D 2006. Frequency and clinical implications of discordant creatine kinase-MB and troponin measurements in acute coronary syndromes. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 47 2, 312-8
Patel, Manesh R; Chen, Anita Y; Peterson, Eric D; Newby, L Kristin; Pollack, Charles V; Brindis, Ralph G; Gibson, C Michael; Kleiman, Neal S; Saucedo, Jorge F; Bhatt, Deepak L; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Harrington, Robert A; Roe, Matthew T 2006. Prevalence, predictors, and outcomes of patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and insignificant coronary artery disease: results from the Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with Early implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines (CRUSADE) initiative. American heart journal, 152 4, 641-7
Peterson, Eric D; Roe, Matthew T; Mulgund, Jyotsna; DeLong, Elizabeth R; Lytle, Barbara L; Brindis, Ralph G; Smith, Sidney C; Pollack, Charles V; Newby, L Kristin; Harrington, Robert A; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus 2006. Association between hospital process performance and outcomes among patients with acute coronary syndromes. JAMA, 295 16, 1912-20
Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Riba, Arthur L; Goswami, Raj Gopal; Peacock, W Frank; Pollack, Charles V; Collins, Sean P; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2006. Impact of congestive heart failure in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. The American journal of cardiology, 97 12, 1707-12
Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Newby, L Kristin; Chen, Anita Y; Pollack, Charles V; Brindis, Ralph G; Harrington, Robert A; Christenson, Robert H; Smith, Sidney C; Califf, Robert M; Braunwald, Eugene; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus 2006. The influence of risk status on guideline adherence for patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. American heart journal, 151 6, 1205-13
Singh, Kanwar P; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Chen, Anita Y; Mahaffey, Kenneth W; Goodman, Shaun G; Harrington, Robert A; Smith, Sidney C; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Pollack, Charles V 2006. Low-molecular-weight heparin compared with unfractionated heparin for patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes treated with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors: results from the CRUSADE initiative. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, 21 3, 211-20
Storrow, Alan B; Lindsell, Christopher J; Han, Jin H; Slovis, Corey M; Miller, Karen F; Gibler, W Brian; Hoekstra, James W; Peacock, W Franklin; Hollander, Judd E; Pollack, Charles V 2006. Discordant cardiac biomarkers: frequency and outcomes in emergency department patients with chest pain. Annals of emergency medicine, 48 6, 660-5
Tricoci, Pierluigi; Peterson, Eric D; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Newby, L Kristin; Saucedo, Jorge F; Kleiman, Neil S; Bhatt, Deepak L; Berger, Peter B; Cannon, Christopher P; Cohen, David J; Hochman, Judith S; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Harrington, Robert A; Smith, Sidney C; Roe, Matthew T 2006. Temporal trends in the use of early cardiac catheterization in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (results from CRUSADE). The American journal of cardiology, 98 9, 1172-6
Tricoci, Pierluigi; Roe, Matthew T; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Newby, L Kristin; Smith, Sidney C; Pollack, Charles V; Fintel, Dan J; Cannon, Christopher P; Bhatt, Deepak L; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D; Harrington, Robert A 2006. Clopidogrel to treat patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes after hospital discharge. Archives of internal medicine, 166 7, 806-11
Alexander, Karen P; Chen, Anita Y; Roe, Matthew T; Newby, L Kristin; Gibson, C Michael; Allen-LaPointe, Nancy M; Pollack, Charles; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2005. Excess dosing of antiplatelet and antithrombin agents in the treatment of non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. JAMA, 294 24, 3108-16
Alexander, Karen P; Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Lytle, Barbara L; Pollack, Charles V; Foody, Joanne M; Boden, William E; Smith, Sidney C; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2005. Evolution in cardiovascular care for elderly patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: results from the CRUSADE National Quality Improvement Initiative. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 46 8, 1479-87
Blomkalns, Andra L; Chen, Anita Y; Hochman, Judith S; Peterson, Eric D; Trynosky, Kelly; Diercks, Deborah B; Brogan, Gerard X; Boden, William E; Roe, Matthew T; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Newby, L Kristin 2005. Gender disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: large-scale observations from the CRUSADE (Can Rapid Risk Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse Outcomes With Early Implementation of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines) National Quality Improvement Initiative. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 45 6, 832-7
Blomkalns, Andra L; Gibler, W Brian 2005. Chest pain unit concept: rationale and diagnostic strategies. Cardiology clinics, 23 4, 411-21, v
Foody, JoAnne M; Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Smith, Sidney C; Brindis, Ralph G; Peterson, Eric D; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus 2005. Lipid management in patients with unstable angina pectoris and non-ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (from CRUSADE). The American journal of cardiology, 95 4, 483-5
Gibler, W Brian; Cannon, Christopher P; Blomkalns, Andra L; Char, Douglas M; Drew, Barbara J; Hollander, Judd E; Jaffe, Allan S; Jesse, Robert L; Newby, L Kristin; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D; Pollack, Charles V 2005. Practical implementation of the guidelines for unstable angina/non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in the emergency department: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Acute Cardiac Care), Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, and Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Working Group, in Collaboration With the Society of Chest Pain Centers. Circulation, 111 20, 2699-710
Gibler, W Brian; Cannon, Christopher P; Blomkalns, Andra L; Char, Douglas M; Drew, Barbara J; Hollander, Judd E; Jaffe, Allan S; Jesse, Robert L; Newby, L Kristin; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D; Pollack, Charles V 2005. Practical implementation of the Guidelines for Unstable Angina/Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction in the emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, 46 2, 185-97
Han, Jin H; Lindsell, Christopher J; Ryan, Richard J; Gibler, W Brian 2005. Changes in cardiac troponin T measurements are associated with adverse cardiac events in patients with chronic kidney disease. The American journal of emergency medicine, 23 4, 468-73
Hoekstra, James W; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Menon, Venu; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Pollack, Charles V; Miller, Chadwick; Palabrica, Theresa; Harrington, Robert A; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian 2005. Early glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor use for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: patient selection and associated treatment patterns. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 12 5, 431-8
Kandzari, David E; Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Lytle, Barbara L; Pollack, Charles V; Harrington, Robert A; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D 2005. Influence of clinical trial enrollment on the quality of care and outcomes for patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. American heart journal, 149 3, 474-81
Kandzari, David E; Roe, Matthew T; Ohman, E Magnus; Milford-Beland, Sarah; Chen, Anita Y; Lytle, Barbara L; Cohen, David J; Smith, Sidney C; Harrington, Robert A; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D 2005. Frequency, predictors, and outcomes of drug-eluting stent utilization in patients with high-risk non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. The American journal of cardiology, 96 6, 750-5
Meine, Trip J; Roe, Matthew T; Chen, Anita Y; Patel, Manesh R; Washam, Jeffrey B; Ohman, E Magnus; Peacock, W Frank; Pollack, Charles V; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D 2005. Association of intravenous morphine use and outcomes in acute coronary syndromes: results from the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative. American heart journal, 149 6, 1043-9
Miller, Chadwick D; Lindsell, Christopher J; Anantharaman, V; Lim, Swee-Han; Greenway, Julie; Pollack, Charles V; Tiffany, Brian R; Hollander, Judd E; Gibler, W Brian; Hoekstra, James W 2005. Performance of a population-based cardiac risk stratification tool in Asian patients with chest pain. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 12 5, 423-30
Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Li, Yun; Pollack, Charles V; Christenson, Robert H; Peacock, W Frank; Fesmire, Francis M; Newby, L Kristin; Jesse, Robert L; Hoekstra, James W; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus 2005. Relationship between risk stratification by cardiac troponin level and adherence to guidelines for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Archives of internal medicine, 165 16, 1870-6
Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Pollack, Charles V; Newby, L Kristin; Li, Yun; Christenson, Robert H; Peacock, W Frank; Fesmire, Francis M; Diercks, Deborah; Kirk, J Douglas; Smith, Sidney C; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian 2005. Influence of timing of troponin elevation on clinical outcomes and use of evidence-based therapies for patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Annals of emergency medicine, 45 4, 355-62
Sonel, Ali F; Good, Chester B; Mulgund, Jyotsna; Roe, Matthew T; Gibler, W Brian; Smith, Sidney C; Cohen, Mauricio G; Pollack, Charles V; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2005. Racial variations in treatment and outcomes of black and white patients with high-risk non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: insights from CRUSADE (Can Rapid Risk Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse Outcomes With Early Implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines?). Circulation, 111 10, 1225-32
Yang, Xin; Alexander, Karen P; Chen, Anita Y; Roe, Matthew T; Brindis, Ralph G; Rao, Sunil V; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2005. The implications of blood transfusions for patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: results from the CRUSADE National Quality Improvement Initiative. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 46 8, 1490-5
Bhatt, Deepak L; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Li, Yun; Chen, Anita Y; Harrington, Robert A; Greenbaum, Adam B; Berger, Peter B; Cannon, Christopher P; Cohen, David J; Gibson, C Michael; Saucedo, Jorge F; Kleiman, Neal S; Hochman, Judith S; Boden, William E; Brindis, Ralph G; Peacock, W Frank; Smith, Sidney C; Pollack, Charles V; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus 2004. Utilization of early invasive management strategies for high-risk patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: results from the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative. JAMA, 292 17, 2096-104
Blomkalns, Andra L; Gibler, W Brian 2004. Emergency department crowding: emergency physicians and cardiac risk stratification as part of the solution. Annals of emergency medicine, 43 1, 77-8
Gibler, W Brian; Blomkalns, Andra L 2004. Achieving standardization in clinical research: changing cacophony into harmony. Annals of emergency medicine, 44 3, 213-4
Hiestand, Brian C; Prall, Dawn M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Hoekstra, James W; Pollack, Charles V; Hollander, Judd E; Tiffany, Brian R; Peacock, W Frank; Diercks, Deborah B; Gibler, W Brian 2004. Insurance status and the treatment of myocardial infarction at academic centers. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 11 4, 343-8
Hollander, Judd E; Blomkalns, Andra L; Brogan, Gerard X; Diercks, Deborah B; Field, John M; Garvey, J Lee; Gibler, W Brian; Henry, Timothy D; Hoekstra, James W; Holroyd, Brian R; Hong, Yuling; Kirk, J Douglas; O'Neil, Brian J; Jackson, Raymond E 2004. Standardized reporting guidelines for studies evaluating risk stratification of ED patients with potential acute coronary syndromes. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 11 12, 1331-40
Hollander, Judd E; Blomkalns, Andra L; Brogan, Gerard X; Diercks, Deborah B; Field, John M; Garvey, J Lee; Gibler, W Brian; Henry, Timothy D; Hoekstra, James W; Holroyd, Brian R; Hong, Yuling; Kirk, J Douglas; O'Neil, Brian J; Jackson, Raymond E; Aufderheide, Tom; Blomkalns, Andra L; Brogan, Gerard X; Christenson, James; Collins, Sean; Diercks, Deborah B; Fesmire, Francis M; Garvey, J Lee; Green, Gary B; Lindsell, Christopher J; Peacock, W Frank; Pollack, Charles V; Zalenski, Robert 2004. Standardized reporting guidelines for studies evaluating risk stratification of emergency department patients with potential acute coronary syndromes. Annals of emergency medicine, 44 6, 589-98
Miller, Chadwick D; Lindsell, Christopher J; Khandelwal, Sorabh; Chandra, Abhinav; Pollack, Charles V; Tiffany, Brian R; Hollander, Judd E; Gibler, W Brian; Hoekstra, James W 2004. Is the initial diagnostic impression of "noncardiac chest pain" adequate to exclude cardiac disease? Annals of emergency medicine, 44 6, 565-74
Ohman, E Magnus; Roe, Matthew T; Smith, Sidney C; Brindis, Ralph G; Christenson, Robert H; Harrington, Robert A; Gibler, W Brian; Peterson, Eric D 2004. Care of non-ST-segment elevation patients: insights from the CRUSADE national quality improvement initiative. American heart journal, 148 5 Suppl, S34-9
Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Ohman, E Magnus; Smith, Sidney C; Gibler, W Brian 2004. Overcoming the challenges facing quality-improvement strategies for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. American family physician, 70 10, 1868, 1874, 1876
Williams, Annette L; Blomkalns, Andra L; Gibler, W Brian 2004. Residency training in emergency medicine: the challenges of the 21st century. The Keio journal of medicine, 53 4, 203-9
Blomkalns, Andra L; Lindsell, Christopher J; Chandra, Abhinav; Osterlund, Mary E; Gibler, W Brian; Pollack, Charles V; Tiffany, Brian R; Hollander, Judd E; Hoekstra, James W 2003. Can electrocardiographic criteria predict adverse cardiac events and positive cardiac markers? Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 10 3, 205-10
Capellan, Otilia; Hollander, Judd E; Pollack, Charles; Hoekstra, James W; Wilke, Eric; Tiffany, Brian; Sites, Frank D; Shofer, Frances S; Gibler, W Brian 2003. Prospective evaluation of emergency department patients with potential coronary syndromes using initial absolute CK-MB vs. CK-MB relative index. The Journal of emergency medicine, 24 4, 361-7
Gibler, W Brian; Blomkalns, Andra L; Collins, Sean P 2003. Evaluation of chest pain and heart failure in the emergency department: impact of multimarker strategies and B-type natriuretic peptide. Reviews in cardiovascular medicine, 4 Suppl 4 , S47-55
Lim, Swee Han; Sayre, Michael R; Gibler, W Brian 2003. 2-D echocardiography prediction of adverse events in ED patients with chest pain. The American journal of emergency medicine, 21 2, 106-10
Rao, Sunil V; Ohman, E Magnus; Granger, Christopher B; Armstrong, Paul W; Gibler, W Brian; Christenson, Robert H; Hasselblad, Vic; Stebbins, Amanda; McNulty, Steven; Newby, L Kristin 2003. Prognostic value of isolated troponin elevation across the spectrum of chest pain syndromes. The American journal of cardiology, 91 8, 936-40
Roe, Matthew T; Christenson, Robert H; Ohman, E Magnus; Bahr, Raymond; Fesmire, Francis M; Storrow, Alan; Mollod, Michael; Peacock, W Frank; Rosenblatt, Jeffrey A; Yang, Hongqiu; Fraulo, Elizabeth S; Hoekstra, James W; Gibler, W Brian 2003. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of early eptifibatide for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. American heart journal, 146 6, 993-8
Roe, Matthew T; Ohman, E Magnus; Pollack, Charles V; Peterson, Eric D; Brindis, Ralph G; Harrington, Robert A; Christenson, Robert H; Smith, Sidney C; Califf, Robert M; Gibler, W Brian 2003. Changing the model of care for patients with acute coronary syndromes. American heart journal, 146 4, 605-12
Sánchez, Carlos D; Newby, L Kristin; Hasselblad, Vic; McNulty, Steve E; Storrow, Alan B; Gibler, W Brian; Garvey, J Lee; Schreiber, Donald H; Tucker, John F; Ohman, E Magnus 2003. Comparison of 30-day outcome, resource use, and coronary artery disease severity in patients with suspected coronary artery disease with and without diabetes mellitus assigned to chest pain units. The American journal of cardiology, 91 10, 1228-30
Staman, Karen L; Roe, Matthew T; Fraulo, Elizabeth S; Lytle, Barbara L; Gibler, W Brian; Ohman, E Magnus; Peterson, Eric D 2003. Quality improvement tools designed to improve adherence to the ACC/AHA Guidelines for the care of patients with non-ST-segment acute coronary syndromes: the CRUSADE quality improvement initiative. Critical pathways in cardiology, 2 1, 34-40
Venkat, Arvind; Hoekstra, James; Lindsell, Christopher; Prall, Dawn; Hollander, Judd E; Pollack, Charles V; Diercks, Deborah; Kirk, J Douglas; Tiffany, Brian; Peacock, Frank; Storrow, Alan B; Gibler, W Brian 2003. The impact of race on the acute management of chest pain. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 10 11, 1199-208
Anderson, R David; White, Harvey D; Ohman, E Magnus; Wagner, Galen S; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Armstrong, Paul W; Weaver, W Douglas; Gibler, W Brian; Stebbins, Amanda L; Califf, Robert M; Topol, Eric J 2002. Predicting outcome after thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction according to ST-segment resolution at 90 minutes: a substudy of the GUSTO-III trial. Global Use of Strategies To Open occluded coronary arteries. American heart journal, 144 1, 81-8
Bahr, Raymond D; Gurbel, Paul A; Malinin, Alex I; Wentz, Charlyn; Christenson, Robert H; Roe, Matthew T; Gibler, W Brian; Kitt, Michael M; Ohman, E Magnus; Serebruany, Victor L 2002. Relation of platelet activation and myocardial ischemia biomarkers dependent on type of chest pain (abrupt onset versus intermittent) in patients with angina pectoris or non-Q-wave acute myocardial infarction. The American journal of cardiology, 90 3, 310-2
Blomkalns, Andra L; Gibler, W Brian 2002. It's about time: the evolution of acute coronary syndrome evaluation in the emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, 40 6, 595-7
Cannon, Christopher P; Hand, Mary H; Bahr, Raymond; Boden, William E; Christenson, Robert; Gibler, W Brian; Eagle, Kim; Lambrew, Costas T; Lee, Thomas H; MacLeod, Bruce; Ornato, Joseph P; Selker, Harry P; Steele, Pamela; Zalenski, Robert J 2002. Critical pathways for management of patients with acute coronary syndromes: an assessment by the National Heart Attack Alert Program. American heart journal, 143 5, 777-89
Gibler, W Brian; Armstrong, Paul W; Ohman, E Magnus; Weaver, W Douglas; Stebbins, Amanda L; Gore, Joel M; Newby, L Kristin; Califf, Robert M; Topol, Eric J 2002. Persistence of delays in presentation and treatment for patients with acute myocardial infarction: The GUSTO-I and GUSTO-III experience. Annals of emergency medicine, 39 2, 123-30
Gibler, W Brian; Topol, Eric J; Holroyd, Brian; Armstrong, Paul W 2002. Cardiology and emergency medicine: united we stand, divided we fall. Annals of emergency medicine, 39 2, 164-7
Gurbel, Paul A; Galbut, Brian; Bliden, Kevin P; Bahr, Raymond D; Roe, Matthew T; Serebruany, Victor L; Gibler, W Brian; Christenson, Robert H; Ohman, E Magnus 2002. Effect of eptifibatide for acute coronary syndromes: rapid versus late administration--therapeutic yield on platelets (The EARLY Platelet Substudy). Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, 14 3, 213-9
Hoekstra, James W; Pollack, Charles V; Roe, Matthew T; Peterson, Eric D; Brindis, Ralph; Harrington, Robert A; Christenson, Robert H; Smith, Sidney C; Ohman, E Magnus; Gibler, W Brian 2002. Improving the care of patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes in the emergency department: the CRUSADE initiative. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 9 11, 1146-55
Innes, Grant; Christenson, James; Weaver, W Douglas; Liu, Tiepu; Hoekstra, James; Every, Nathan; Jackson, Raymond E; Frederick, Paul; Gibler, W Brian 2002. Diagnostic parameters of CK-MB and myoglobin related to chest pain duration. CJEM, 4 5, 322-30
Lincoff, A Michael; Califf, Robert M; Van de Werf, Frans; Willerson, James T; White, Harvey D; Armstrong, Paul W; Guetta, Victor; Gibler, W Brian; Hochman, Judith S; Bode, Christoph; Vahanian, Alec; Steg, P Gabriel; Ardissino, Diego; Savonitto, Stefano; Bar, Frits; Sadowski, Zygmunt; Betriu, Amadeo; Booth, Joan E; Wolski, Kathy; Waller, Michael; Topol, Eric J 2002. Mortality at 1 year with combination platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition and reduced-dose fibrinolytic therapy vs conventional fibrinolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: GUSTO V randomized trial. JAMA, 288 17, 2130-5
Wong, Brian Y L; Gnarpe, Judy; Teo, Koon K; Ohman, E Magnus; Prosser, Connie; Gibler, W Brian; Langer, Anatoly; Chang, Wei-Ching; Armstrong, Paul W 2002. Does chronic Chlamydia pneumoniae infection increase the risk of myocardial injury? Insights from patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes. American heart journal, 144 6, 987-94
Bassan, R; Gibler, W B 2001. [Chest pain units: state of the art of the management of patients with chest pain in the emergency department]. Revista espanola de cardiologia, 54 9, 1103-9
Blomkalns, A L; Gibler, W B 2001. Markers and the initial triage and treatment of patients with chest pain. Cardiovascular toxicology, 1 2, 111-5
Gibler, W B 2001. Applications of easy score for identifying high risk in acute myocardial infarction. Lancet (London, England), 358 9293, 1566
Limkakeng, A; Gibler, W B; Pollack, C; Hoekstra, J W; Sites, F; Shofer, F S; Tiffany, B; Wilke, E; Hollander, J E 2001. Combination of Goldman risk and initial cardiac troponin I for emergency department chest pain patient risk stratification. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 8 7, 696-702
Newby, L K; Storrow, A B; Gibler, W B; Garvey, J L; Tucker, J F; Kaplan, A L; Schreiber, D H; Tuttle, R H; McNulty, S E; Ohman, E M 2001. Bedside multimarker testing for risk stratification in chest pain units: The chest pain evaluation by creatine kinase-MB, myoglobin, and troponin I (CHECKMATE) study. Circulation, 103 14, 1832-7
Pollack, C V; Gibler, W B 2001. Advances create opportunities: implementing the major tenets of the new unstable angina guidelines in the emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, 38 3, 241-8
Pollack, C V; Gibler, W B 2001. 2000 ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a practical summary for emergency physicians. Annals of emergency medicine, 38 3, 229-40
Braunwald, E; Califf, R M; Cannon, C P; Fox, K A; Fuster, V; Gibler, W B; Harrington, R A; King, S B; Kleiman, N S; Theroux, P; Topol, E J; Van de Werf, F; White, H D; Willerson, J T 2000. Redefining medical treatment in the management of unstable angina. The American journal of medicine, 108 1, 41-53
Diercks, D B; Gibler, W B; Liu, T; Sayre, M R; Storrow, A B 2000. Identification of patients at risk by graded exercise testing in an emergency department chest pain center. The American journal of cardiology, 86 3, 289-92
Gibler, W B; Hoekstra, J W; Weaver, W D; Krucoff, M W; Hallstrom, A P; Jackson, R E; Sayre, M R; Christenson, J; Higgins, G L; Innes, G; Harper, R J; Young, G P; Every, N R 2000. A randomized trial of the effects of early cardiac serum marker availability on reperfusion therapy in patients with acute myocardial infarction: the serial markers, acute myocardial infarction and rapid treatment trial (SMARTT). Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 36 5, 1500-6
Kosowsky, J M; Gibler, W B 2000. Massive hemoperitoneum due to rupture of a retroperitoneal varix. The Journal of emergency medicine, 19 4, 347-9
Kushman, S O; Storrow, A B; Liu, T; Gibler, W B 2000. Cocaine-associated chest pain in a chest pain center. The American journal of cardiology, 85 3, 394-6, A10
Lateef, F; Gibler, W B 2000. Provocative testing for chest pain. The American journal of emergency medicine, 18 7, 793-801
Storrow, A B; Gibler, W B 2000. Chest pain centers: diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes. Annals of emergency medicine, 35 5, 449-61
Zalenski, R J; Selker, H P; Cannon, C P; Farin, H M; Gibler, W B; Goldberg, R J; Lambrew, C T; Ornato, J P; Rydman, R J; Steele, P 2000. National Heart Attack Alert Program position paper: chest pain centers and programs for the evaluation of acute cardiac ischemia. Annals of emergency medicine, 35 5, 462-71
Gibler, 1999. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors. Annals of emergency medicine, 34 3, 408-409
Gibler, W B 1999. Understanding true risk: evaluating troponins in the emergency setting. American heart journal, 137 6, 985-6
Ohman, E M; Armstrong, P W; White, H D; Granger, C B; Wilcox, R G; Weaver, W D; Gibler, W B; Stebbins, A L; Cianciolo, C; Califf, R M; Topol, E J 1999. Risk stratification with a point-of-care cardiac troponin T test in acute myocardial infarction. GUSTOIII Investigators. Global Use of Strategies To Open Occluded Coronary Arteries. The American journal of cardiology, 84 11, 1281-6
Storrow, A B; Gibler, W B 1999. The role of cardiac markers in the emergency department. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 284 2, 187-96
Wu, A H; Apple, F S; Gibler, W B; Jesse, R L; Warshaw, M M; Valdes, R 1999. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Standards of Laboratory Practice: recommendations for the use of cardiac markers in coronary artery diseases. Clinical chemistry, 45 7, 1104-21
Braunwald, E; Maseri, A; Armstrong, P W; Califf, R M; Gibler, W B; Hamm, C W; Simoons, M L; Van de Werf, F 1998. Rationale and clinical evidence for the use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors in acute coronary syndromes. American heart journal, 135 4, S56-66
Braunwald, E; Maseri, A; Armstrong, P W; Califf, R M; Gibler, W B; Hamm, C W; Simoons, M L; Van de Werf, F 1998. Rationale and clinical evidence for the use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors in acute coronary syndromes. European heart journal, 19 Suppl D , D22-30
Gibler, W B; Wilcox, R G; Bode, C; Castaigne, A D; Delooz, H; Elich, D; Fox, K A; Kereiakes, D J; Rupprecht, H; Topol, E J 1998. Prospective use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers in the emergency department setting. Annals of emergency medicine, 32 6, 712-22
Gibler, W B; Wilcox, R G; Bode, C; Castaigne, A D; Delooz, H; Elich, D; Fox, K A; Kereiakes, D J; Rupprecht, H; Topol, E J 1998. Prospective use of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers in the emergency department setting. European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 5 4, 391-402
Sayre, M R; Kaufmann, K H; Chen, I W; Sperling, M; Sidman, R D; Diercks, D B; Liu, T; Gibler, W B 1998. Measurement of cardiac troponin T is an effective method for predicting complications among emergency department patients with chest pain. Annals of emergency medicine, 31 5, 539-49
Selker, H P; Beshansky, J R; Griffith, J L; Aufderheide, T P; Ballin, D S; Bernard, S A; Crespo, S G; Feldman, J A; Fish, S S; Gibler, W B; Kiez, D A; McNutt, R A; Moulton, A W; Ornato, J P; Podrid, P J; Pope, J H; Salem, D N; Sayre, M R; Woolard, R H 1998. Use of the acute cardiac ischemia time-insensitive predictive instrument (ACI-TIPI) to assist with triage of patients with chest pain or other symptoms suggestive of acute cardiac ischemia. A multicenter, controlled clinical trial. Annals of internal medicine, 129 11, 845-55
Gibler, W B 1997. Chest pain units: do they make sense now? Annals of emergency medicine, 29 1, 168-71
Hoekstra, J W; Gibler, W B 1997. Chest pain evaluation units: an idea whose time has come. JAMA, 278 20, 1701-2
Selker, H P; Zalenski, R J; Antman, E M; Aufderheide, T P; Bernard, S A; Bonow, R O; Gibler, W B; Hagen, M D; Johnson, P; Lau, J; McNutt, R A; Ornato, J; Schwartz, J S; Scott, J D; Tunick, P A; Weaver, W D 1997. An evaluation of technologies for identifying acute cardiac ischemia in the emergency department: a report from a National Heart Attack Alert Program Working Group. Annals of emergency medicine, 29 1, 13-87
Selker, H P; Zalenski, R J; Antman, E M; Aufderheide, T P; Bernard, S A; Bonow, R O; Gibler, W B; Hagen, M D; Johnson, P; Lau, J; McNutt, R A; Ornato, J; Schwartz, J S; Scott, J D; Tunick, P A; Weaver, W D 1997. An evaluation of technologies for identifying acute cardiac ischemia in the emergency department: executive summary of a National Heart Attack Alert Program Working Group Report. Annals of emergency medicine, 29 1, 1-12
Young, G P; Gibler, W B; Hedges, J R; Hoekstra, J W; Slovis, C; Aghababian, R; Smith, M; Rubison, M; Ellis, J 1997. Serial creatine kinase-MB results are a sensitive indicator of acute myocardial infarction in chest pain patients with nondiagnostic electrocardiograms: the second Emergency Medicine Cardiac Research Group Study. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 4 9, 869-77
Hedges, J R; Gibler, W B; Young, G P; Hoekstra, J W; Slovis, C; Aghababian, R; Smith, M; Rubison, M 1996. Multicenter study of creatine kinase-MB use: effect on chest pain clinical decision making. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 3 1, 7-15
Sayre, M R; Gibler, W B 1996. New approaches to ruling out acute ischemic coronary syndrome in the emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, 27 1, 75-8
Gibler, W B 1995. Evaluation of chest pain in the emergency department. Annals of internal medicine, 123 4, 315; author reply 31
Gibler, W B; Runyon, J P; Levy, R C; Sayre, M R; Kacich, R; Hattemer, C R; Hamilton, C; Gerlach, J W; Walsh, R A 1995. A rapid diagnostic and treatment center for patients with chest pain in the emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, 25 1, 1-8
Newby, L K; Gibler, W B; Ohman, E M; Christenson, R H 1995. Biochemical markers in suspected acute myocardial infarction: the need for early assessment. Clinical chemistry, 41 9, 1263-5
Gibler, W B 1994. Evaluating patients with chest pain in the ED: improving speed, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, or teaching an old dog new tricks. Annals of emergency medicine, 23 2, 381-2
Gibler, W B 1994. Chest pain evaluation in the ED: beyond triage. The American journal of emergency medicine, 12 1, 121-2
Gibler, W B; Sayre, M R; Levy, R C; Runyon, J P; Kacich, R; Hamilton, C; Walsh, R A 1993. Serial 12-lead electrocardiographic monitoring in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain. Journal of electrocardiology, 26 Suppl , 238-43
Gibler, W B; Young, G P; Hedges, J R; Lewis, L M; Smith, M S; Carleton, S C; Aghababian, R V; Jorden, R O; Allison, E J; Otten, E J 1992. Acute myocardial infarction in chest pain patients with nondiagnostic ECGs: serial CK-MB sampling in the emergency department. The Emergency Medicine Cardiac Research Group. Annals of emergency medicine, 21 5, 504-12
Graff, L G; Dunbar, L; Gibler, W B; Goldfrank, L; Leikin, J; Schultz, C; Severance, H; Watkins, R; Yealy, D M; Zun, L S 1992. Observation medicine curriculum. Observation Medicine Committee, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. Annals of emergency medicine, 21 8, 963-6
Graff, L; Dunbar, L; Gibler, W B; Goldfrank, L; Leikin, J; Severance, H; Schultz, C; Yealy, D; Watkins, R; Zun, L 1992. Observation medicine: an annotated bibliography. The American journal of emergency medicine, 10 1, 84-93
Hedges, J R; Young, G P; Henkel, G F; Gibler, W B; Green, T R; Swanson, J R 1992. Serial ECGs are less accurate than serial CK-MB results for emergency department diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Annals of emergency medicine, 21 12, 1445-50
Kereiakes, D J; Gibler, W B; Martin, L H; Pieper, K S; Anderson, L C 1992. Relative importance of emergency medical system transport and the prehospital electrocardiogram on reducing hospital time delay to therapy for acute myocardial infarction: a preliminary report from the Cincinnati Heart Project. American heart journal, 123 4 Pt 1, 835-40
Kowalenko, T; Kereiakes, D J; Gibler, W B 1992. Prehospital diagnosis and treatment of acute myocardial infarction: a critical review. American heart journal, 123 1, 181-90
Gibler, W B; Kereiakes, D J; Dean, E N; Martin, L; Anderson, L; Abbottsmith, C W; Blanton, J; Blanton, D; Morris, J A; Gibler, C D 1991. Prehospital diagnosis and treatment of acute myocardial infarction: a north-south perspective. The Cincinnati Heart Project and the Nashville Prehospital TPA Trial. American heart journal, 121 1 Pt 1, 1-11
Scott, P A; Gibler, W B; Dronen, S C 1991. Acute myocardial infarction presenting as flank pain and tenderness: report of a case. The American journal of emergency medicine, 9 6, 547-50
Young, G P; Hedges, J R; Gibler, W B; Green, T R; Swanson, R 1991. Do CK-MB results affect chest pain decision making in the emergency department? Annals of emergency medicine, 20 11, 1220-8
Bresler, M J; Gibler, W B 1990. Acute myocardial infarction: subtleties of diagnosis in the emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, Suppl , 1-15
Gibler, W B; Lewis, L M; Erb, R E; Makens, P K; Kaplan, B C; Vaughn, R H; Biagini, A V; Blanton, J D; Campbell, W B 1990. Early detection of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with chest pain and nondiagnostic ECGs: serial CK-MB sampling in the emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, 19 12, 1359-66
Erb, R E; Gibler, W B 1989. Massive hemoperitoneum following rupture of hepatic metastases from unsuspected choriocarcinoma. The American journal of emergency medicine, 7 2, 196-8
Raymond, P L; Gibler, W B 1989. Detection of colovesical fistula in the emergency department: report of a case. The American journal of emergency medicine, 7 2, 191-5
Gibler, W B; Blanton, J 1988. Early identification of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Comprehensive therapy, 14 8, 41-4
Gibler, W B; Gibler, C D; Weinshenker, E; Abbottsmith, C; Hedges, J R; Barsan, W G; Sperling, M; Chen, I W; Embry, S; Kereiakes, D 1987. Myoglobin as an early indicator of acute myocardial infarction. Annals of emergency medicine, 16 8, 851-6
Wason, S; Gibler, W B; Hassan, M 1986. Ventricular tachycardia associated with non-freon aerosol propellants. JAMA, 256 1, 78-80
Hillman, G R; Senft, A W; Gibler, W B 1978. The mode of action of hycanthone revisited. The Journal of parasitology, 64 4, 754-6
Senft, A W; Gibler, W B; Knopf, P M 1978. Scanning electron microscope observations on tegument maturation in Schistosoma mansoni grown in permissive and non-permissive hosts. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 27 2 Pt 1, 258-66
Hillman, G R; Gibler, W B; Anderson, J B 1977. Comparative effects of hycanthone in Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 26 2, 238-42
Senft, A W; Gibler, W B 1977. Schistosoma mansoni tegumental appendages: scanning microscopy following thiocarbohydrazide-osmium preparation. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 26 6 Pt 1, 1169-77
Hillman, G R; Gibler, W B; Chu, S H 1976. Fluorescent probes of acetylcholine binding sites--indicators of drug action in Schistosoma mansoni. Biochemical pharmacology, 25 22, 2529-35
Hillman, G R; Gibler, W B 1975. Acetylcholine receptors in Schistosoma Mansoni: visualization and blockade by hycanthone. Biochemical pharmacology, 24 20, 1911-4
Aufderheide, T P; Kereiakes, D J; Weaver, W D; Gibler, W B; Simoons, M L . Planning, implementation, and process monitoring for prehospital 12-lead ECG diagnostic programs. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 11 3, 162-71
Blomkalns, Andra L; Gibler, W Brian . Development of the chest pain center: rationale, implementation, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 46 5, 393-403
Hedges, J R; Young, G P; Henkel, G F; Gibler, W B; Green, T R; Swanson, J R . Early CK-MB elevations predict ischemic events in stable chest pain patients. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 1 1, 9-16
Hoekstra, J W; Gibler, W B; Levy, R C; Sayre, M; Naber, W; Chandra, A; Kacich, R; Magorien, R; Walsh, R . Emergency-department diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction and ischemia: a cost analysis of two diagnostic protocols. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 1 2, 103-10
Hoekstra, J W; Hedges, J R; Gibler, W B; Rubison, R M; Christensen, R A . Emergency department CK-MB: a predictor of ischemic complications. National cooperative CK-MB project group. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 1 1, 17-27
Silver, Marc A; Maisel, Alan; Yancy, Clyde W; McCullough, Peter A; Burnett, John C; Francis, Gary S; Mehra, Mandeep R; Peacock, William Franklin; Fonarow, Gregg; Gibler, W Brian; Morrow, David A; Hollander, Judd . BNP Consensus Panel 2004: A clinical approach for the diagnostic, prognostic, screening, treatment monitoring, and therapeutic roles of natriuretic peptides in cardiovascular diseases. Congestive heart failure (Greenwich, Conn.), 10 5 Suppl 3, 1-30
Storrow, Alan B; Collins, Sean P; Lyons, Michael S; Wagoner, Lynne E; Gibler, W Brian; Lindsell, Christopher J . Emergency department observation of heart failure: preliminary analysis of safety and cost. Congestive heart failure (Greenwich, Conn.), 11 2, 68-72